Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 310 Internet Explosion

After Song Nian'an was invited to the stage by the host, before the host could speak, he took the initiative and ran to Song Yuening, smiling and extending his hand to her.

"Mom, please help me design clothes! Nian An will be the most beautiful child today!"

Normally Song Nian'an would not show such a desire to win, but it was different today.

There was a blazing fire burning in her eyes at the moment, a competitive spirit that no one could ignore.

Because she wanted Song Yuening to take first place.

Because it was a live broadcast, not only the audience in the audience, but also other online viewers in the live broadcast room heard Song Nian'an's name to Song Yuening, and the barrage immediately began.

"Mom? My God, Designer Song looks so young. He actually had a child so early? And the child should be four or five years old, right?"

"This little girl looks so well-behaved and sensible. No wonder Designer Song brought her to the scene. This child will definitely not make a fuss."

The barrages were all surprised by Song Yuening's behavior of bringing her daughter to the recording session. Only a few unfriendly barrages flew by among the barrage.

"Isn't it? Song Yuening is too scheming, isn't she? Did she already get the script and knew that there would be such a part today, so she asked her daughter to come?"

"Isn't this a bit unfair to the other guest designers? Isn't the program team so open and above board when it comes to opening the back door? This is too much!"

After a simple communication session, the host directly let the countdown start on the big screen backstage.

He held the microphone, cleared his throat, looked at the children on the stage who were either happy and excited or nervous and scared, and raised his lips with a smile.

"Okay, let's get started!"

"The time is set to twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, we will ask our judges to comment on the design drafts of the major designers and select the highest and lowest scores to rank."

Song Yuening got into the mood almost immediately after the host finished speaking. She looked at Song Nian'an in front of her and asked in a low voice.

"So, what kind of beautiful clothes does Nian An want to wear today?"

Although Song Yuening often buys beautiful clothes for Song Nianan, because she is a designer herself, she occasionally designs a few princess dresses for Song Nianan when she has nothing to do.

Song Nian'an also likes those exquisite and beautiful princess dresses very much. Every time she gets a new dress designed by Song Yuening for her, she will always put it on immediately and spin it around beautifully in front of the mirror.

Later, she would hold Song Yuening's hand and beg her to take her out to play so that more people could see her beautiful little skirt.

But today's time is limited, and the follow-up program team will ask them to make the costumes on the drawn design drafts by hand, so they will definitely not be able to draw those exquisite but cumbersome princess dresses.

As a senior surfer, Song Nianan obviously understands these routines.

She held her cheek with one hand and thought about it carefully before speaking.

"Mom, I want to be a little painter today."

Song Nian'an likes to draw, and Song Yuening knows that.

She very much supports Song Nian'an in having her own little hobby, so she usually prepares some painting tools and paints for her. When I suddenly heard her say this, I was stunned for a while, and then quickly realized what I was saying.

"what do you mean……"

Song Nian'an blinked at Song Yuening, then suddenly hugged her and whispered in her ear.

"Mom, the host uncle just said that the designed clothes should be in line with our temperament. Don't you think I am like a little painter? And you have always accompanied me to paint together before, so you should be able to get a lot of inspiration. Bar?"

Song Yuening's mind immediately pictured Song Nian'an dipping a paintbrush into the rich colors on the paint tray in the small studio, leaving traces on the white paper. Children of Song Nian'an's age are the most imaginative and creative, so the paintings written by Song Nian'an are always very spiritual and natural.

She has never studied with a professional teacher, so there are no traces of craftsmanship or human interference in her paintings.

Every time Song Yuening watches her paint, she feels particularly at ease and calm.

And when she feels comfortable, it is the moment when she is bursting with inspiration.

Song Yuening was stunned for a short time and then quickly came to her senses and blinked at Song Nian'an.

"Mom knows."

Although Ji Xia next to her couldn't understand what the riddle was between the mother and daughter, she could see the confidence on Song Yuening's face and started laughing.

"It seems you already have an idea?"

Song Yuening blinked slightly and assured her.

"Just wait and see, this time, we will definitely be the first." The tone was full of determination.


In the design draft stage, the judges only gave a fair score because of Song Yuening's unique drawing format.

The barrages all mocked.

"Didn't you say that you are a great designer who is emerging in the industry? You don't look very good at it. The program team has opened a back door for you, and you still can't get high scores. I think you should get out of here as soon as possible!"

"It's all in vain. I've lost all my time. I still had so many expectations for you. Bah! It's turned black!"

There were also people at the scene who kept booing Song Yuening, but Song Yuening had a very good attitude and looked calm from the beginning to the end. It was clear at first glance that he was not affected by the outside world.

In the next stage of clothing design, Song Yuening took the tools and fabrics and cut and sewed the fabrics smoothly and quickly without any pause. Her basic skills were so solid that other designers were impressed.

And when her costume was completely finished and Song Nian'an went backstage to change into it and then appeared again, there were even more exclamations from the audience.

Song Nian'an wears a very childlike skirt without looking childish.

This skirt is more Lolita style. Because it was designed for Song Nianan, a "little painter", there is an apron design on the front to facilitate her painting without getting the paint on her original skin. On the skirt.

The skirt is sky blue with suspenders printed on it. It looks a bit like a suspender skirt design, but it is easier to put on and take off.

The neckline of the skirt is designed with a rabbit ear bow, which is cute and playful. There are a few traces of red, yellow and blue on the skirt. It looks like paint was accidentally thrown on it, but it makes the overall artistic atmosphere of the skirt stronger. .

Song Nian'an didn't show any stage fright. Under the guidance of the host, he stood on the display stand and took out a small drawing board from somewhere. He held a brush that did not occupy the paint in one hand and pretended to trace on it. What.

That innocent and cute look made the audience laugh continuously.

There is no doubt that Song Yuening's score was voted first.

The smiles she and Song Nianan showed when they heard the rankings were announced were also captured in screenshots by netizens.

That night, one hot search was pushed to the top of the list by netizens.

"How do you have a child as sensible as An An like Song Yuening?"

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