Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 319 He flinched

Song Yuening was guessing about these things in her mind, and for a moment she didn't notice how obvious her little movements were.

Song Nian'an felt increasingly worried as he watched her grip the pillow tightly, then loosen it, and bite her lower lip unconsciously.

"Mom, who did you meet today?"

Who on earth made Song Yuening look so anxious?

Song Yuening answered subconsciously because she was thinking.

"I met Xie Mingyuan today... Nian An, why do you ask?"

Uncle Xie?

After Song Nian'an silently wrote down this matter, he shook his head obediently.

"No, I just want to know who made mom angry."

"But mom, since you met Uncle Xie, he shouldn't have made you angry, right?"

As Song Nian'an spoke, he carefully looked at Song Yuening's face, trying to see something from her face.

But Song Yuening is an adult after all, how could he not see Song Nian'an's little thoughts?

So Song Yuening curled her fingers and flicked Song Nian'an's forehead.

"Okay, these are not questions you should ask. It's getting late now. Go to bed quickly. Do you hear me?"

Song Yuening's strength was not heavy, but Song Nian'an still raised his hand to cover his forehead in an exaggerated manner, whimpering in aggrieved manner.

"Mom, that's too much!"

After saying that, he trotted back to his room.

Song Yuening looked at his back and couldn't help but shake her head. Knowing that Song Nian'an was not really sad, she didn't care about it and continued to be lost in thought.

On the other side, after Song Nian'an returned to the room, she took out her electronic watch. Just when she was about to call Xie Mingyuan, she hesitated.

"Adults love to lie. Mom was unwilling to tell the truth just now. What if Uncle Xie is unwilling to tell me what happened? Then I asked in vain..."

Song Nian'an was lying on the bed, muttering softly. A person's name suddenly appeared in his mind, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yes, since you can't ask adults, why not ask children!"

She found Xie Zitao's contact information without hesitation and dialed it directly.

Xie Zitao, who had no idea that he had been assigned to the "child" camp by Song Nian'an, immediately answered the call after seeing the caller ID.

Before he could ask Song Nianan why this little ancestor had called him so well, he heard her angry voice coming from the other side of the phone.

"Brother Zitao, is Uncle Xie at home? What is he doing now?"

Xie Zitao didn't know, so he answered Song Nian'an's question honestly.

"He just came back not long ago, but he seems to have to go to the company later. I heard that there is something wrong with the company. What's wrong?"

Something happened to the company?

Song Nianan wrinkled her nose and muttered in a low voice: "Is mom unhappy because of this?"

Although the voice of these words was small, Xie Zitao's keen ears captured it. When it came to Song Yuening, he was extremely nervous.

"What's wrong with Teacher Song? Is she unhappy? Why? Did you have a fight with"

Because he hadn't called him this title for a long time, Xie Zitao felt a little dazed for a while after he said this title again.

Song Nian'an casually put the electronic watch aside, held his chin in his hands, shook his short legs, and said sadly.

"I don't know how my mother is. Anyway, she has been sitting on the sofa depressed since she came back. I don't know what she is thinking. I asked her, but she didn't tell me." "Brother Zitao, am I okay? It’s easy to find out from her that she met Uncle Xie today! I just don’t know what happened between the two of them.”

After this sentence, the two children, one large and one small, were silent for a while. Finally, Song Nianan broke the silence first.

"Brother Zitao, look, I already know from my mother that she may be unhappy because of Uncle Xie, so shouldn't you be responsible for finding out what happened between her and her mother?"

After Song Nian'an encouraged Xie Zitao to find Xie Mingyuan to inquire about the news, he hung up the phone.

She vaguely heard the sound of conversation in the living room. Out of curiosity and concern for Song Yuening, she tiptoed to the door secretly, opened the bedroom door a small crack, and then lay down on the crack of the door. Carefully eavesdropped on the sounds outside.

living room.

Song Yuening listened to Xie Mingyuan's shallow breathing on the phone, and when she thought of the question she had just mustered up the courage to ask, her heart suddenly became filled with mixed emotions, and she didn't know what to do.

After Song Nian'an returned to her room, she hesitated again and again, and finally couldn't help but call Xie Mingyuan.

She made the excuse that she was concerned about how Xie Mingyuan's emergency was handled, but in fact she also wanted to know what kind of answer he would give to the question she asked in the car.

"Xie Mingyuan, did you hear what I said?"

The long silence made Song Yuening's already uneasy heart even heavier.

Xie Mingyuan snorted in a nasal tone as a response.

"I don't think now is the time to talk about this."

Such an indirect statement made Song Yuening immediately understand what Xie Mingyuan meant.

He is rejecting himself.

This realization made Song Yuening's heart sink. She squeezed her hands hard, trying to suppress the sour emotions in her heart so that she could maintain a normal tone when speaking.

She pretended to be calm and said: "Now is not the time to talk about this, so when will it be?"

"Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

But what Song Yuening was waiting for was only a "sorry".

Song Yuening knew what this apology meant, and she also knew the meaning of Xie Mingyuan's words to her.

Song Yuening didn't say anything more, just hung up the phone in a hurry and threw the phone aside.

She was sitting on the sofa, staring blankly at the hug she had just accidentally thrown on the carpet. She suddenly moved her lips and laughed with a bit of self-deprecation.

"Song Yuening, you are really a fool."

Just because people cared too much about her, she was so anxious and rushed to "propose."

Maybe Xie Mingyuan never thought about marrying her from the beginning to the end?

So now she is rejected, and it is natural.

Song Yuening slowly closed her eyes, leaned back on the sofa, and covered her eyes with her arms. For a moment, there seemed to be a tear falling from the corner of her eye, but it was blocked because of her movements.

"It's so ridiculously stupid." There was a hint of bitterness and sadness in his voice.

Song Nian'an in the bedroom felt a little uneasy after she couldn't hear Song Yuening's voice.

When she pushed the door open and came out, what she saw happened to be her sitting on the sofa in a state of despair, and she suddenly became anxious.

"Mom, what's wrong? Are you crying? Did Uncle Xie bully you?"

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