Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 353: Efforts in vain

Song Yuening was still holding the bag strap in her hand. After not seeing her clothing design draft, her mind suddenly went blank.

Her lips were slightly opened, and she felt a constant buzzing in her ears, which made her eyes go dark.

Although she knew that her design draft was no longer there, she still subconsciously moved her hands and looked through the entire bag inside and out.

"How is that possible? I clearly remembered to put it here, but why did it suddenly disappear..."

Song Yuening couldn't accept that she just left her hard work for a while and then disappeared.

She even deceived herself to comfort herself. Maybe she had put the design draft in another compartment of the bag, but she had forgotten it. She would definitely find it if she rummaged carefully.

But three minutes later, she put it down dejectedly, the hand holding the bag hanging down, biting her lower lip lightly, disappointment and panic almost covering her whole body.

Now how to do?

She was so stupid just now that she would believe that woman who didn't look right and leave her bag here alone.

She didn't know where the design draft went, but the only thing she was sure of was that the person who took it must be one of the participating designers.

Because in the last preliminary round, the judges had high enough expectations for her, and even gave her a high score in the final review session. Although they also pointed out some of her shortcomings, this also made her She became the biggest thorn in the side of other players.

Because the judges will never bother with some people they don’t like, let alone comment on their works.

She suddenly turned around and walked towards the control room.

No matter who took her design draft, there was still time.

As long as she goes to the monitoring room to find someone to adjust the monitoring, find that person quickly, and get the design draft back, there will be a chance for everything.

Song Yuening's plan was perfect, but when she arrived at the surveillance room and asked to view the surveillance footage, she was rejected.

"I'm sorry, this player, our surveillance can only be shown to you after getting permission from the organizer."

The staff in the monitoring room rejected Song Yuening's request with a smile, and even gave her a reason to shut up when she wanted to try again.

"I'm just an ordinary person who works for others. If I show you the surveillance footage casually, I will be the one punished. I'm really sorry."

"If you are really in a hurry, you'd better go find the manager now. Continuing to waste time with me here is just a waste of time and there will be no results."

Song Yuening bit her lip, knowing that she had no way to persuade the staff member in front of her, so she had no choice but to thank him briefly and then turned around and left the monitoring room.

Just when she felt that she had fallen into a helpless situation, she suddenly saw a familiar thing in the trash can at the corner.

The dim light in Song Yuening's eyes suddenly brightened up. She quickly walked to the trash can, looked at the paper thrown inside, and stretched out her hand tremblingly, trying to take it out.

She will not admit it wrong, this is her missing design!

She endured the nausea and the unpleasant smell of the trash can and took it out again, but the hope in her heart was suddenly shattered after she saw the front of the design draft clearly.

I saw that the originally white paper was stained with brown liquid from something in the trash can, and it also exuded a disgusting smell.

If the clothing style was not stained, Song Yuening could still try to save it.

but now……

Song Yuening pinched the edge of the design draft paper tightly, her fingertips turned white with force, but this still failed to relieve the pain and sadness in her heart at this moment.

This is the hard work she painted over several days and nights, forgetting sleep and food. Now it is thrown into the trash can, and anyone will be angry about it. But Song Yuening's anger only lasted for a while and was quickly suppressed by her.

Because she knew that now was not the time to be angry. The top priority now was to quickly think of a way for her to successfully participate in the rematch later.


"So, contestant Song Yuening, where is your entry?"

On the competition stage, Song Yuening stood at the edge, listening to the stern voice of the judge teacher. She took a deep breath, picked up the microphone and put it to her lips. Just as she was about to open her mouth to explain, she heard the other contestants around her say An unmistakable scoff.

"Could it be that you were too arrogant after being praised by the judge teacher last time, so you didn't prepare any work at all?"

"He is so arrogant and doesn't look like a designer at all. I really don't know how this kind of person got into the semi-finals."

Song Yuening listened to the sarcastic voice coming from her ears, and remembered the works she had thrown into the trash can, and the coldness in her eyes became even stronger.

But this was on the competition stage. She didn't say anything. She just took a deep breath and organized the words in her heart before she slowly spoke.

"I'm sorry, teachers, judges. Due to some reasons, I can't present my design work now. I hope the judges and teachers can give me a chance and give me a... No, just half an hour. I will design it on the spot... …”

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the player next to him.

"You said I would give you a chance if I gave you a chance? We are all participating in the competition at the same time and competing fairly. Why do you have one more chance than us?"

"Even if you want to use the back door, it shouldn't be so obvious, right?"

Beside Song Yuening, a punk-style designer picked up the microphone and spoke back Song Yuening's words crisply.

Song Yuening frowned. After being blocked by the other party, and because she was not in a good mood today, she subconsciously opened her mouth to fight back.

But at this moment, the judge teacher who had been silent finally spoke.

"Song Yuening is also a player. What do you mean, let us give you a chance to design on-site?"

"This is unprecedented before. Where do you get the confidence that we will agree to your request?"

Song Yuening looked at the judge teacher with cold eyes and spoke sincerely.

"Judge teacher, it's not a request, it's a request."

"I ask the judges and teachers to give me a chance to continue to stand on this competition stage. I really want to enter the semi-finals."

After Song Yuening finished speaking, hesitation appeared on the faces of all the judges.

They looked at each other, turned off the microphone, and then communicated in low voices.

Five minutes later, the judge teacher who first talked to Song Yuening spoke up.

"Contestant Song Yuening, we have discussed it just now. We can agree to your request, but we can only give you one hour."

One hour?

Song Yuening looked at her in surprise and couldn't believe it for a moment.

She herself only dared to speak for half an hour, because that was the limit of her ability, but now the judges gave her an hour, which made her feel unreal.

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