Chapter 36
When Tang Wanran appeared at the door of the emergency room, this was what he saw.

Xie Mingyuan was wearing a suit and gently held Song Yuening's white, tender and swollen feet. His usually cold face was full of gentleness.The woman lowered her head and stared at the movements of his hands. The relationship between the two seemed to be a beautiful picture of husband and wife's love.

Looking at Xie Mingyuan in front of him, Tang Wanran even felt that he had never known him.

Where is the unattainable President Xie who is admired by thousands of people?

He seems to be an ordinary and ordinary husband.

She wore sunglasses on her face, but she couldn't stop the coldness that shot out.

How did Song Yuening win his favor?

Clenching her fingers suddenly, Tang Wanran suppressed the jealousy in her heart. She walked in slowly, with concern in her tone: "Ming Yuan, so you are here? Fortunately you are okay, otherwise I would have been worried to death. .”

She spoke and explained a few more words.

He said that the reason why he rushed over was just because he saw that Xie Mingyuan did not go back according to the time, and mistakenly thought that something had happened to him.

Tang Wanran narrated the whole process gently, but Xie Mingyuan was unmoved. He just frowned because he thought she was too noisy.

"Nobody's asking anyone to come over."

The man returned to his usual indifference.

The same dead water in those eyes was Xie Mingyuan, the leader of the Xie family who would always reject her thousands of miles away.

Tang Wanran was filled with anger. He took off his sunglasses and looked at Song Yuening with hatred, "So it's Miss Song? If I remember correctly, you should have taken almost half a month's leave, right?" Don’t let other colleagues know, otherwise you should say that you can enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree.”

Tang Wanran's words contained a gun and a stick, and they had a certain meaning. How could Song Yuening not hear it?

"I'm really sorry. I'll work overtime to make up for it after I finish taking care of things at home."

Song Yuening explained that if the incident hadn't suddenly occurred, why would she have returned to the countryside.

"Take up? What do you want to make up for?" Tang Wanran continued to be aggressive.

In her eyes, Song Yuening has long been an out-and-out bitch!The child in her belly must be the result of her efforts to seduce him.

Sooner or later, she will reveal Song Yuening's ugly true face in front of Xie Mingyuan.

Song Yuening buried her head in silence while Xie Mingyuan evenly applied the last bit of medicated oil on her ankles, then stood up and looked at Tang Wanran indifferently.

"Secretary Tang, you talk too much."

His eyes were so cold that Tang Wanran's heart trembled.

After years of love, even if you lower your status to be his secretary, isn't it worse than a bitch?
Tang Wanran felt extremely uncomfortable and lowered his eyes, "Yes, I said too much."

After that, he glanced at Song Yuening coldly and walked out on high heels.

The wind outside the hospital was very cold, but it was not as chilling as Tang Wanran's.

She had been waiting at home for so long, not waiting for Xie Mingyuan to return, but he was here accompanying Song Yuening like an ordinary person.

Looking up at the moon, Tang Wanran's eyes became sharp, and then he walked to the dark and took out his mobile phone: the next action must be taken as soon as possible.

Song Yuening's existence has become the biggest obstacle.


In the emergency room, Song Yuening stood up gratefully, "Thank you, Mr. Xie." Thanks to Xie Mingyuan's massage just now, the swelling in the ankle has been reduced a lot.

She stood up, her feet firmly on the ground.

"You're welcome."

There was no unnecessary expression on the man's face, but he still looked at Song Yuening's ankles worriedly.

It was as if Tang Wanran's appearance just now had never happened before.

Just when he was about to say that he was fine, Xie Mingyuan could leave with peace of mind.

She will also go back and arrange Zitao's schoolwork as scheduled.

"Ding ding——" A simple phone ring rang, and the moment Xie Mingyuan picked up the phone, "Uncle, why haven't you brought Teacher Song back yet? I'm almost bored at home alone."

Xie Zitao's milky voice came, and Song Yuening felt as if her heart was being warmed by something.

Seeing Song Yuening's smile, Xie Mingyuan naturally handed over the phone.

Song Yuening was a little hesitant, but after noticing the determination in his eyes, she picked up the phone and said, "Zitao, this is Teacher Song."

"Teacher Song! I miss you!"

Xie Zitao shouted excitedly.

Xie Mingyuan frowned. It seemed that he would have to tell the boy to pay attention to the decibels when he went back.

A sudden shock affected Song Yuening's pregnancy.

"Teacher misses you too, but I have to criticize Zitao. It's already bedtime, why didn't you go to bed obediently?" Song Yuening's voice was very gentle, and Zitao muttered guiltily, "It's not because my uncle is not here, Teacher Song also Not here, I’m alone...scared.”

No matter how lively Xie Zitao is, he is just a kid in kindergarten.

"Zitao, don't be afraid. Teacher Song won't teach you anymore. Just put your shoes on and slowly climb onto the bed. Close your round eyes, touch your belly with your little hands, and go to sleep..."

Song Yuening always looks gentle, generous and steady.

Now listening to her coaxing the children with the same tone she used in kindergarten, she felt inexplicably more playful, which also made her whole person richer, unlike her usual mature and forbearing tone.

Xie Mingyuan was watching quietly from behind Song Yuening.

"Zitao, be good and sleep well."

Song Yuening hummed a nursery rhyme, and she was relieved until the sound of gentle breathing came from the phone.

Fortunately, Zitao was put to sleep.

She turned around and met Xie Mingyuan's profound eyes. The man's eyes were as bright as the stars.

Through those ink-like eyes, Song Yuening actually saw her own reflection inside.

Was he just looking at me like this?

The earphones were reddish, and Song Yuening handed over the phone unnaturally, "I'm sorry, Mr. Xie, I've been coaxing Zitao for a long time, didn't I delay you?"

Xie Mingyuan shook his head, "It's okay."

"I should be happy that you can take care of Zitao so wholeheartedly."

Over the years, Song Yuening was undoubtedly the person that Zitao could attach himself to without any scruples after his parents passed away.

With her around, Xie Mingyuan felt inexplicably at ease.

His eyes gradually moved downwards along with his thoughts, and landed on Song Yuening's belly.

Wait a few more months, and a new life will be born.

Like Zitao, he will grow from a baby of more than [-] centimeters to a smart and naughty child.

But when the time comes, how should we tell Song Yuening the truth?
Xie Mingyuan's eyes were so hot that Song Yuening covered her stomach with her hands at a loss, "Mr. Xie?"

"Then I'll say thank you to Teacher Song for Zitao, and I'll leave tonight."

He talked about the upcoming itinerary in an unhurried tone.

The usually cold facial features gained a little warmth at this moment. While Song Yuening was relieved, she was inevitably worried, "Mr. Xie, pay attention to safety. I will take good care of grandma and will go back as soon as possible."

"Please say sorry to Zitao. As for the missed lessons, I will make up for them."

After Song Yuening finished speaking, when Xie Mingyuan nodded, she saw the unspoken words in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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