Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 39 Unexpected accident

Chapter 39 Unexpected accident

After coming out of the hospital, Song Yuening was still frowning.

Although she gave her eldest and second uncle part of the care fee to take care of her grandma, she still had a strange feeling in her heart.

Especially the way the second aunt looked at her belly.

Song Yuening took a deep breath to clear away her irritable thoughts. When she lowered her head, she looked at the small red envelope in her palm and smiled.

Grandma knew about Xie Zitao's existence and gave her two jade gourds that she had kept for many years.

It is said that I went to the temple to get it after all the hard work, specifically to ensure safety.

After getting into the taxi, Song Yuening saw the message sent by Xie Zitao. She replied with a smile: Zitao, Teacher Song will be home in the afternoon.I can give you lessons tomorrow.

After sending the message, Song Yuening leaned against the car window and took a nap.


Staring at the photo sent by the gangster leader.

Song Yuening got on the bus?

A terrifying smile appeared on Tang Wanran's face.

I was worried that I had no place to start, but I didn't expect Song Yuening to be very good at choosing a place.

Traffic accidents at stations are all too common.

She dialed the phone coldly, and the moment the call was connected, she issued a fatal order: "I would rather bump into a few passers-by than let Song Yuening go!"

Although the person on the other end of the phone was a gangster who often did such shady things, he shuddered for the first time when facing an extremely vicious person like Tang Wanran.


This aunt can be regarded as a master whose life is worthless.

After entering the station and buying a ticket, Song Yuening watched the short video sent by Sister Li of the uncles taking care of her grandma in the ward.

Her heavy heart felt a little relieved. Even if they didn't get along, they were still family members.

Song Yuening gently rubbed her brows and got on the return bus.

After Xie Mingyuan finished his morning meeting, he thought he would take the little one out today.

He had just returned home when Xie Zitao heard the noise. He leaned his little head to look at the window, his eyes drooped, and he leaned on the table and shouted, "Uncle."

Seeing Xie Zitao pouting, Xie Mingyuan walked over and touched his head.

"what's wrong?"

The man's palm was gentle and comforting.

Xie Zitao muttered: "I haven't seen Teacher Song for a long time. Uncle, can you accompany me to find her? Teacher Song will be back today. I want to go to her house and give her a surprise!"

His little mind is full of wild ideas.

Xie Mingyuan shook his head and said, "Teacher Song has been working very hard during this period. Don't disturb her rest."

Seeing that Xie Mingyuan refused directly, Xie Zitao burst into tears.

"Uncle, I'm very good. I really miss Teacher Song. Just go with me."

Xie Zitao cried sadly, rubbing the tears on his fleshy face with his little hands, and his nose was red.

Xie Mingyuan couldn't help but feel a little more distressed.

Song Yuening came back from the countryside. She probably didn't have much preparation at home, so why not arrange some dishes yourself to replenish her body.

She is now almost in her second trimester, and her nutrition needs to keep up.

Thinking of this, Xie Mingyuan sighed and flicked Xie Zitao's forehead, "I'll just follow your thoughts today. Let's go find Teacher Song, but don't pester Teacher Song or scare her by messing around."

He gave several deliberate instructions.

Xie Zitao only heard one sentence to go see Song Yuening, "Okay, really? Yeah, I can play with Teacher Song."

There were still tears in the corners of the little guy's eyes.

The corners of Xie Mingyuan's mouth kept rising, amused by Xie Zitao's change of expression.

She was crying just now, but now she is smiling so happily.

Xie Mingyuan gently wiped away the tears from the corners of Zitao's eyes, led him into the car, and told the Filipino servant to remember to bring Song Yuening's favorite dishes when it was time for dinner.

As soon as he arrived downstairs in the community where Song Yuening lived, Xie Zitao excitedly sent her a message.

"Teacher Song, when will you arrive? I'll wait for you to come back."

"Uncle has prepared something delicious for you!" Because he was too excited, Xie Zitao shouted several words that were a little off track, but he succeeded in making Song Yuening laugh.

"Teacher's car will arrive in another hour. I miss Zitao too, and I have prepared a gift for you."

Song Yuening's gentle voice reached the ears of the uncle and nephew through the receiver.

While Xie Zitao was happy, Xie Mingyuan ordered the driver to change direction. They were going to the station now and should be able to pick up Song Yuening when she got off the bus.

After hanging up the phone, Song Yuening glanced at the time.

The car started moving slowly, and the people arranged by Tang Wanran followed eagerly.They were paying attention to the bus Song Yuening was riding in, planning to find the right moment for someone to hit it!
The vehicle in front entered a corner, and the driver and co-driver of the car behind looked at each other.

This is undoubtedly a good opportunity.

"It's now!"

A car is rushing in!

The driver saw through the rearview mirror that something was wrong, and when he wanted to turn to avoid the situation, the car behind him suddenly stepped on the accelerator.

The middle part of the bus was hit and deformed, and several people on the bus were knocked unconscious in their seats one after another!

"There was a car accident!"

Suddenly there was a scream in the car.

The unconscious people tried to escape from all directions, and the front half of the bus was hit by a car that suddenly came and was terrible.


There was a panic in the car, and some of the passengers in front were bleeding profusely.

Song Yuening was not seriously injured in the back, but her lower abdomen hit the handle of the seat, causing some pain.

"Girl, you... are bleeding."

A middle-aged woman immediately supported Song Yuening and dialed 120 anxiously!

Song Yuening held her stomach and held on to the seat next to her.

At this moment, the gangster leader outside saw Song Yuening behind the bus who looked fine, but his face was a little pale.

"Damn, you're not dead yet? Get your equipment and get ready to get in the car!"

The gangster leader was carrying his bag and was preparing to get into the car pretending to be a rescuer. When they got closer to Song Yuening, they suddenly discovered that Xie Mingyuan was running this way!

Why is he here?

"No, hurry up!"

The gangster leader shouted hurriedly.

If Xie Mingyuan gets hold of anything, he will never be able to finish his prison sentence in his life.

Then he called Tang Wanran: "Song Yuening is not dead yet, Mr. Xie came suddenly."

Tang Wanran had a gloomy look on his face: "Trash, Song Yuening didn't die like this!"

"Remember to send someone to clean up the traces. If you are found here! Don't blame me for being rude!"

She yelled into the receiver with a venomous tone.

The driver in the cab voluntarily sacrificed his life. Anyway, he was already in the advanced stage of cancer, and he deliberately gave him alcohol.

However, if they were to investigate, the most the police could do was determine that the person was driving under the influence.

The broken bus door made it impossible to get in and take Song Yuening out.

Xie Mingyuan's face was full of worry, and he led others to smash the windows of the bus!
He originally wanted the driver to take a shortcut so that he could get to the station early.

Unexpectedly, Xie Zitao saw at a glance that Song Yuening was sitting on the bus coming back from the countryside.

When he looked up, he happened to see the woman sitting upright by the car window.

Before he could take out his phone to send a message, he saw the scene of the car accident.

Xie Mingyuan moved quickly, and with the sound of crackling glass, he immediately rushed in and hugged Song Yuening.

"How are you? I'll take you to the hospital!"

Song Yuening grabbed Xie Mingyuan's clothes, and her weak voice made people feel distressed.

"Save the child, save the child..."

(End of this chapter)

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