Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 407 Her method

When Song Yuening listened to Xie Mingyuan's words, the dissatisfaction that had accumulated during this period finally broke out at this moment.

She looked at Xie Mingyuan and spoke every word, with a firm light shining in her eyes.

"Xie Mingyuan, please listen to me. I will only say these words this once. If you are still like this in the future, then I think we may not be suitable for being together."

Song Yuening's tone was solemn and serious.

Even though she had to raise her head to look at Xie Mingyuan because of her height, her aura was even more powerful than that of Xie Mingyuan, a person who had always been in a high position.

She didn't speak fast, but it gave people an unspeakable feeling.

"For me, two people who love each other should stand side by side to withstand all difficulties. Your current behavior is to exclude me and think of facing these difficulties alone."

"If you do this, not only will it not make me feel protected, but it will make me feel that you don't trust me. You don't trust that I have the ability to stand by your side, and you don't trust that I have the ability to stay by your side and let's go on together." Determination."

After Song Yuening finished speaking, he slowly shook his head, with a hint of disappointment and loss in his tone.

"Xie Mingyuan, can you think about me before you do something? Put yourself in my shoes and think about it. If I was the one who got into trouble today, but I hid it from you and didn't tell you anything, would you be happy? Would you feel betrayed by me? Protected?"

Song Yuening's words made Xie Mingyuan speechless.

Because the answer is definitely no.

Xie Mingyuan's eyes moved slightly, and at Song Yuening's insistence, he finally told Song Yuening something.

"Perhaps you don't know, but there is a new company in City A recently."

A new company?
Song Yuening tilted her head and looked at Xie Mingyuan in confusion, wondering what this had to do with Xie.

"Aren't there several new companies emerging every year in City A? What's the problem with this?"

Xie Mingyuan knew that Song Yuening would not understand the twists and turns, so he explained it to her carefully.

"Since its emergence, this company has not received any business, nor is it open to the outside world. It does not even have the intention to carve out a place in the market."

Song Yuening was really a little surprised now.

"Real or fake? How could there be such a weird company? If it's not to make money, then what's the purpose of opening a company?"

But that wasn't the only thing that surprised Song Yuening. What Xie Mingyuan said next made her feel a chill in her back.

"Their target is Mr. Xie."

Song Yuening's eyes widened slightly after hearing this, and she looked at Xie Mingyuan in disbelief.

But Xie Mingyuan did not stop, but continued.

When this company first appeared, it did not attract Xie Mingyuan's attention. The reason why he noticed the weirdness of this company was because his secretary suddenly told him one day that someone had been secretly investigating Xie recently.

The Xie family and the Xie family have been able to survive in City A for so many years, and of course they have their own connections and connections.

Someone is investigating Xie.

On the third day after Xie was investigated, the company began to have frequent problems.

Xie Mingyuan specially asked people to check this company, and found out that this company was a foreign-funded enterprise, and the legal person was a stranger he had never heard of.

"I have investigated and found that this legal person is currently abroad. Apart from these things, we know nothing about this company."

"Furthermore, according to my guess, Xie's recent troubles are most likely caused by this company."

After listening to Xie Mingyuan's words, Song Yuening couldn't help biting her lower lip.

She immediately understood why Xie Mingyuan was unwilling to tell her these things before, because the situation was obvious now.

The enemy is in the dark, they are in the light.

Xie's troubles come one after another. In this situation, having an insider know what happened will not bring much change to the situation. On the contrary, it will make this insider involved in this muddy water, adding to the confusion. A lot of trouble. but……

Song Yuening is not the kind of person who does nothing just because he is afraid of trouble.

Not to mention the relationship between Xie Mingyuan and her.

She thought for a moment, then spoke.

"You are indeed right to be worried, but I still think you should have told me about this earlier."

Xie Mingyuan didn't know why, and looked at Song Yuening with a slightly raised eyebrow.

The latter smiled confidently, raised his chin slightly, and looked at Xie Mingyuan with eyes full of pride.

"Is there something you, Xie Mingyuan, didn't expect?"

"If you think about it carefully, since this foreign-funded company is secretly investigating Xie behind the scenes, what does that mean? It means that Xie's every move is under their watch."

Xie Mingyuan said nothing, just stared at Song Yuening, waiting for her next words.

"Under this situation, no matter what you do, it will be very conspicuous in their eyes, so even if you want to investigate, you won't be able to find any useful information. But I am different, Xie Mingyuan, I am different."

Song Yuening has already thought about what she should do next.

The so-called knowing oneself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles.

Now that Xie is in the light, they are in the dark. What if she has a way to investigate the company's information and expose them to the light? Then will Xie Mingyuan have more ways to deal with them?
Xie Mingyuan had already guessed what Song Yuening wanted to do, and he flatly refused before she could finish her words.

"No, I don't agree."

"Who doesn't know that you are mine? Song Yuening, aren't you afraid..."

This time the person who intercepted Xie Mingyuan's words became Song Yuening.

She looked into Xie Mingyuan's deep black eyes, with a strange light shining in them.

"I'm not afraid."


Song Yuening stood in front of the towering building, looked at the name on it, and read it slowly.

"Wensheng International..."

No matter how you look at the name, it doesn't look like a company with foreign investment.

Song Yuening stood at the door of the building, but she was not in a hurry to go in. Instead, she stood calmly observing everything inside.

She didn't know if it was because she was the original owner first, but she always felt that no matter how she looked at this company, it didn't look like a business that was in business.

Their lobby on the first floor is not like Xie's. There are many receptionists waiting in the lobby. It seems particularly deserted in comparison. There are only two or three security personnel sitting in the lobby and resting leisurely.

The receptionist at the front desk was like a robot, sitting there steadily with her eyes blank, wondering what she was thinking.

This feeling made Song Yuening feel particularly strange.

But thinking about her purpose of coming here this time, she took a deep breath and stepped inside.

Song Yuening walked to the front desk and tapped it twice with her fingers.

"Hello, I'm here to apply for a job. Where can I go for an interview?"

Song Yuening's sudden appearance made the front desk lady suddenly come back to her senses. She looked at Song Yuening, looked up and down, and then frowned impatiently.

"What's the interview? Where did you see the recruitment advertisement? Our company never said it was recruiting employees. Did you go to the wrong place? Leave quickly. Our company does not welcome strangers here." (End of Chapter)

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