Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 410 Destruction of the plan

Chapter 410 Destruction of the plan
But Song Yuening was the only one who suddenly felt bored after hearing these words.

Song Yuening remembered how hard she had worked to find Lin Shubei during this period, and the anger in Song Yuening's heart suddenly surged.

"Lin Shubei, what does this have to do with you? This is a matter between the two of us. It is not your turn as an outsider to intervene. I would like to ask you, where have you been during this time? Do you know I know, because of you, I..."

Song Yuening originally wanted to tell Lin Shubei that the police had looked for her, but the latter suddenly interrupted her.

"Do you know that you can't be exposed to too much alcohol? Have you ever looked in the mirror? Do you know how red your face is now?"

Of course Song Yuening knew how red her face was now.

When she just washed her face with cold water and forced herself to wake up, she had already touched her cheek and knew that not only was her face flushed, but her body temperature was much higher than usual.

But what can be done? Because as long as she drinks, she will be like this.

But fortunately, she has a pretty good drinking capacity, so she can survive a few rounds of this entertainment.

Song Yuening raised her hand to confirm again how hot she was with the back of her hand, and then looked at Lin Shubei with an indifferent voice.

"I have just said that this is my own business and has nothing to do with you. Moreover, this has nothing to do with Mingyuan. I am here to have this drinking party today."

"More than my affairs, what I want to know now is why you disappeared during this period? Lin Shubei, I don't believe you didn't see me calling you, but you never contacted me. Now he appears in front of me out of nowhere and says these words."

Song Yuening slightly raised the corners of her lips in a mocking arc.

"Don't you think you are contradicting yourself a little too much?"

Listening to Song Yuening's questioning voice, Lin Shubei pursed his lips and remained silent.

His dark eyes stared at Song Yuening unblinkingly, as if he had a thousand words to tell her but could not say them out.

The look that seemed to hold something unspeakable made Song Yuening feel ridiculous.

She raised her hand and pinched her swollen eyebrows, and then slowly spoke.

"If you are unwilling to answer my question, then our conversation can only end here. Please step aside, I have my own things to do."

She had been out of the private room for too long, and she had to rush back immediately, otherwise she would not only miss their conversation, but also make the people inside suspicious, and...

Liang Ze's face appeared in Song Yuening's mind, and her heart beat loudly like a drum.

For some reason, she always felt that the so-called General Manager Liang was not as simple as he appeared on the surface, nor was he easy to talk to.

Every word he said and every action seemed to have a profound meaning.

Every time Song Yuening faced him, she felt like she was facing an old fox. She had to be very alert so that she would not be tricked by the opponent.

Song Yuening saw that Lin Shubei still had no intention of getting out of the way after hearing what she said, so she simply did not waste any more words with him, but walked directly around him, just passing by him. In an instant, her wrist was suddenly grasped tightly.

"Ning Ning, do you think I don't understand you?"

Lin Shubei's voice sounded in Song Yuening's ears again, and his forbearing tone revealed a hint of heartache.

"You are not a person who likes drinking, but you are here today, and you are still drinking like this. You must have come for other purposes, right? If I guessed correctly, it should be for Xie Mingyuan."

Song Yuening was stunned for a moment, with mixed feelings in her heart.

She wanted to ask Lin Shubei how he knew, but then she thought about it. After all, they were the people who had shared the bed with her for so many years. They were very familiar with each other, so how could Lin Shubei not guess it? Arrive? Song Yuening pursed her lips and moved her wrist, trying to free it from Lin Shubei's hands, but failed.

She said anxiously.

"Lin Shubei, are you still finished? Why didn't I realize that you are such a person who likes to grind before you finish?"

"I've made it very clear. No matter what, this is a matter between the two of us. It has nothing to do with you, an outsider, and I have nothing to say to you. If you really want to talk, you can talk to me tomorrow. Let’s meet at the coffee shop sometime.”

After Song Yuening finished speaking, a voice sounded immediately.

Liang Ze's eyes slowly swept over Song Yuening and Lin Shubei's bodies, and there was a bit of excitement in his slow tone.

"Assistant Song, it seems that you are very busy. In that case, you should go back first. After all, you drank a lot just now. It will be too reluctant to stay any longer."

Song Yuening did not expect that Liang Ze would suddenly appear, so when Liang Ze said this, he almost blurted out "No need."

What a joke.

Didn't she work hard for so long and drink so much just to hear from them the plan to deal with Xie?

Even if it's just a little bit, it's better than not knowing anything at all.

But now Liang Ze actually wants her to go back!
Liang Ze did not give Song Yuening any room to refuse, but gave a direct order.

"Our company is not some Zhoubapi company that abuses its employees. If you continue to stay, the bosses will make fun of me."

"Okay, you go back."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

In desperation, Song Yuening struggled to break away from Lin Shubei's hand and chased after Liang Ze's back.

Just after running two steps, she heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. She subconsciously looked back and saw that her cell phone had fallen onto the carpet in the corridor.

Lin Shubei had already bent down and picked up the phone.

Song Yuening thought of the content on her phone, and her heart tightened. She no longer cared about chasing people, and strode back quickly, trying to snatch her phone back from Lin Shubei's hand.

It's a pity that she was still a step late, because the phone had been opened by Lin Shubei, and she could clearly see what was written on it.

"Lin Shubei, has anyone ever said that you are really rude? This is my mobile phone, my personal belongings. You have no right to look at it!"

There was a little anger in Song Yuening's tone.

Although Lin Shubei's appearance made her feel a little different, it was only for that moment.

Because Lin Shubei not only ruined all her plans, but even looked at her mobile phone without her consent.

No matter which point, he successfully stepped on Song Yuening's bottom line.

Under the influence of alcohol, Song Yuening could not keep calm, but Lin Shubei was even more excited than her.

"Ning Ning, you still said that your presence here has nothing to do with Xie Mingyuan? I have just read the contents of your memo. Don't you know Xie's current situation? Do you have to accompany him to the end of the road!"

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