Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 422 Take the opportunity to leave

Song Yuening's voice was very soft, and if you listened carefully, you could still hear a bit of uncertainty in her tone.

While she fumbled with the light switch in the living room, she focused her attention on the man who didn't know what the situation was.

There was only a floor lamp burning next to the sofa in the living room. Although the dim light could prevent people from seeing everything, from Song Yuening's position, everything was blurry.

In addition, this was not an environment he was familiar with, so he could only tentatively touch where the switch was. At the same time, he kept calling his name because he was worried about Lin Shubei.

But she never waited for Lin Shubei's reply.

Song Yuening moved her nose while looking for the light switch, sniffing the obvious smell of alcohol in the air in the living room, and already had some guesses in her mind.


The moment the lights came on, Song Yuening subconsciously closed her eyes and waited for a few seconds. After her eyes completely adapted to the bright light, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at the man on the floor.

The first thing her eyes caught were the wine glasses and bottles on the table in the living room. The empty whiskey bottle confirmed her suspicion.

Song Yuening's eyes slowly moved to the man on the floor. Because the living room was carpeted, even if Lin Shubei fell facing the floor, he was not injured, only a little bump at most.

Song Yuening walked to Lin Shubei's side and turned him over with some effort. Looking at his blushing cheeks due to excessive drinking, her mood was particularly complicated for a moment.

She remembered that although Lin Shubei drank alcohol in the past, he did not drink to this extent.

Even if there were social events on business, they would only find reasons to refuse after one or two drinks, so Song Yuening had never seen Lin Shubei drink too much.

But today, he drank too much, and he still appeared in front of her in such an embarrassed posture.

Song Yuening looked at him blankly, feeling confused for a moment.

"Lin Shubei, what happened to you in the past few years..."

Song Yuening did not expect to get a reply to this sentence. After saying this, she stood up and tried hard to help the man up.

Although Lin Shubei is not fat, he is a man after all, and due to his years of fitness, Song Yuening, a woman who often sits in the studio drawing design drafts, cannot bear the weight.

It took some effort for her to finally drag Lin Shubei's upper body up from the floor, but she was already so out of breath that she had no energy to get up.

"...You, can't you drink less? When did you become so senseless?"

Song Yuening thought of a more labor-saving way. She directly passed Lin Shubei's arm over her head, and then put it on her neck. Then she put one hand on Lin Shubei's waist and used both legs to force herself. Lifting the man completely off the floor.

But Song Yuening was still swaying when she walked, as if she was about to fall down in the next second. If anyone were here, they would definitely feel frightened after seeing this scene.

Just when Song Yuening was about to help him back to the room to rest, he suddenly caught a glimpse of the locked door from the corner of his eye.

Her steps suddenly froze, and then the heartbeat in her chest suddenly accelerated.

She was just thinking about how to send people back to their rooms, but she ignored one thing. Lin Shubei was drunk and fell asleep. He couldn't wake up in a short time. Isn't this the best chance to escape?
But Lin Shubei drank so much, what if something happened to him if he was left alone at home?

Thinking of this, Song Yuening felt an inexplicable feeling of guilt in her heart, but she soon suppressed it.

In any case, she was kidnapped here by Lin Shubei. After all, she was half a victim. Why should a victim worry about the kidnapper?

Song Yuening thought of Xie Mingyuan who was still lying in the ward, her heart trembled, and she made a decision almost immediately.

She wants to leave, and she needs to leave now.

Xie Mingyuan needs her.

Song Yuening struggled to carry Lin Shubei to the door, and successfully unlocked the door with his fingerprint. After opening the door, looking at the scenery outside, a joy slowly emerged from his heart. Her heart could not stop rising and falling, but she did not leave Lin Shubei alone at the entrance, but tried her best to send him back to the sofa in the living room.

Song Yuening spent some effort to settle him down, found a blanket from the room and covered him, then got up and walked out the door.

Because she was a kidnapped victim, if she could do this, she had done her best. What happens next depends on Lin Shubei himself.

Song Yuening had just reached the door. As soon as she put her hand on the door handle and was about to push the door open, she heard a murmur in her sleep from behind her.

"Ning Ning, don't leave..."

Even though he was sleeping, Lin Shubei seemed to be able to sense something and spoke in time the moment Song Yuening was about to walk out of the house.

This made Song Yuening Meng startled, and then she subconsciously stopped and wanted to look back.

But she thought about Xie Mingyuan who was still lying in the hospital, waiting for her to go back, and she still felt cruel.

"Lin Shubei, goodbye."


The door opened and closed. In the dimly lit living room, Lin Shubei's fingers moved slightly, and then became calm again.


Song Yuening originally thought that the place where Lin Shubei placed him under house arrest should be a property in City A.

But when she walked out, she realized that this place was not indoors at all, but the countryside.

Apart from the neighboring houses, there was nothing else for a hundred miles, and it was eerily quiet.

Song Yuening walked on the roadside for a long time and didn't even see a car.

Because it was late at night, she could only hear a few small animal sounds coming from the woods.

The meowing of a cat, which in normal times would only make people feel warm and melting, was particularly scary at night like this.

Song Yuening could even feel a little cold sweat oozing out from her forehead.

She didn't have a mobile phone, so she had no way to determine where she was now. She could only move forward based on her feelings.

It wasn't like she hadn't thought about going back to the house where she was just now to find Lin Shubei's cell phone and contact other people to come and rescue her.

But the door had been closed by her. Without Lin Shubei's fingerprint or password, there was no way she could go in again.

And after thinking about it seriously, she gave up the idea.

She couldn't go back. If Lin Shubei was awakened, her self-rescue operation today would be a complete failure.

She walked aimlessly along the road, thinking happily as she walked, this could be regarded as a "trip" on foot, right?
I just don't know if she can persist until dawn, and I don't know if anyone will find her before dawn.

If she insisted on staying on the side of the road and fainted, would there be any kind-hearted people in this deserted suburb to call an ambulance or something for her?

The sky was dimming, and the rising sun illuminated the road ahead of Song Yuening.

Song Yuening breathed lightly, raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her head, squinted her eyes and focused on looking into the distance.

She didn't know how long she had been walking, nor how far she had gone. She only knew that as long as she kept walking, she would be able to return to Xie Mingyuan. (End of chapter)

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