Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 436 The truth back then

Cousin Gu looked at Song Yuening, her eyes flashing with some unknown meaning, which made Song Yuening instinctively unhappy.

"Ah, no, it was probably about you being abducted. But I guess you were still young at the time, so you probably don't remember. Am I right? But your parents didn't say anything to you. ?"

Song Yuening didn't know why cousin Gu suddenly mentioned what happened back then, but her intuition was that something was not right.

She frowned slightly, looking at Cousin Gu with a bit more vigilance and keenness.

"This is a private matter of our family. It shouldn't have anything to do with you, cousin, right?"

"I don't know what you want to say, but it's getting late now. If you continue to stand here and continue talking, you will wake up after the encore."

Song Yuening used the reason she just cared about her cousin to drive him away.

"We are all mothers. Cousin Gu, you should also be considerate of other mothers, right? I don't want my children to be woken up by some inexplicable noises."

Song Yuening laughed lightly. Unexpectedly, cousin Gu was not angry at Song Yuening's words. Instead, she imitated Song Yuening and smiled lightly.

"It doesn't matter if you wake me up or not. What's important is whether you want to know the truth of the matter or not."

"Besides, Ning Ning, didn't you just say that? The two of us didn't make too much noise, so we couldn't even talk about waking up the two children."

For this reason, Song Yuening had no idea of ​​refuting what Cousin Gu said, and at the same time she became even more curious.

What exactly is Cousin Gu trying to say? Why is Cousin Gu still rushing to talk to her when she can hardly hear her words?
Cousin Gu seemed to see the melancholy in Song Yuening's expression, and suddenly showed a smile.

"Actually, your disappearance was not an accident, but... it was planned by someone. Do you believe it?"

Was it planned? What does it mean?
Could it be that someone deliberately planned this "disappearance"?
Song Yuening immediately froze on the spot, looking at Cousin Gu in front of her in confusion, unable to regain her consciousness for a long time.

Cousin Gu, as if she was afraid that what she just said was not strong enough or straightforward enough, she "opened her mouth" very thoughtfully and added a sentence.

"Do you know why this is the case? Of course it's because your existence is too redundant. Song Yuening, since the redundant people have been taken away, why do you want to come back? Can't you have a little self-knowledge?"

When Cousin Gu said this, she looked at Song Yuening without blinking, as if she was hinting to Song Yuening that she was the "extra person".

Song Yuening did not feel sad because of her words, or became angry directly, but chuckled lightly.

"Cousin Gu, it's interesting what you say. What does it mean to be redundant?"

"Superfluousness is not defined by a person. If you think a person is annoying and shouldn't be there, that's just an eyesore. You are such an old man, you shouldn't ask me to teach you this simple knowledge of Chinese language, right?"

Song Yuening originally thought that cousin Gu came to her now to provoke her, and the purpose was to make herself angry.

But she had already seen the vicious heart hidden under Cousin Gu's delicate appearance, so how could she take the bait?
So she acted neither cold nor indifferent, just to make Cousin Gu angry.

Facts have proved that she did succeed, because Cousin Gu was indeed a little unhappy because of her calm face.

But what she did next was different from Song Yuening's expectation of turning around and leaving. Instead, she suddenly stepped closer to her, and then before she could react, she lowered her voice and said maliciously in her ear.

"Who doesn't understand such simple Chinese knowledge? Song Yuening, do you think I said you are redundant because of my own personal feelings? No, Song Yuening, in the big family of the Gu family, except for your parents and brother, But there are others.”

"The reason they don't think you're an eyesore or redundant is because they are your closest blood relatives, but others don't think so."

Cousin Gu took advantage of Song Yuening being stunned by her words and quickly stepped away, raising the corners of her lips towards her with a provocative smile.

"Song Yuening, don't you think that you are the most popular person in this family?"

"It's a pity that you guessed wrong, because the most popular person in this family is still me, otherwise you wouldn't have been abducted back then." You know, before Song Yuening, she was the most lovable person in the entire Gu family. He is also the most popular among his cousins.

Song Yuening heard the deep meaning in cousin Gu's words, and she couldn't believe it for a moment.

"What are you talking about? Do you know that people have to pay the price for what they say?"

Cousin Gu heard the threat in Song Yuening's tone, but shrugged her shoulders indifferently.

"It's up to you whether you believe it or not. Anyway, this is the truth of the matter. If you don't believe it, won't you know if you try it?"

As for what to try, Cousin Gu didn't say it directly.

Song Yuening looked at her leaving figure and frowned slightly. She felt an uncomfortable feeling in her heart, but she couldn't put it into words.


How could she try?
She wouldn't doubt the elders in her family just because of cousin Gu's few words, would she?
But... what if what Cousin Gu said is true?
After all, the determination and confidence on her face just now made it difficult for people not to believe what she said.

Song Yuening shook her head and was speechless for a moment.

She still doesn’t know what kind of character Cousin Gu is?

Maybe she just had a grudge against her because of what happened during the day, so she specifically chose this time to talk to her about it.

If she really believed it, she would be really stupid.

However, Song Yuening had to admit it.

What Cousin Gu just said was like a seed that was deeply rooted in her heart.

When she was lying in bed at night, she was thinking about what cousin Gu said.

Deep in her heart, there was a faint voice asking her.

Do you really believe what Cousin Gu said?

Do you really think that the Gu family, like Father Gu, Mother Gu, Gu Xun and Grandma Gu, have no problems at all and are looking forward to your return?

Song Yuening didn't know why, but suddenly remembered what Gu's mother said to her at that time.

At that time, Gu's father made countless enemies outside, and he knew it in his heart, so he was always on guard after his wife became pregnant.

In this case, how did those people figure out Gu's mother's travel patterns, and how did they take her away under the noses of so many people?


"Unless someone from the Gu family helped them and helped them know something they shouldn't know in advance."

Song Yuening spoke subconsciously, and as soon as she realized what she had said, she immediately shook her head.

No, this is not possible.

How could she doubt her own family? (End of chapter)

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