Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 450 To check or not to check

Chapter 450 To check or not to check
Song Yuening's movements of massaging her arms stopped following the assistant's voice.

Her eyes flashed slightly, and she turned to look at the assistant behind her.

The latter looked serious, and under Song Yuening's instructions, he slowly told Song Yuening everything he had investigated.

"Boss, it's like this. Back then..."

Back then, Gu's father was very arrogant because he was young and energetic, and rarely cared about the consequences his actions would have on other companies.

Under his methods, countless companies went bankrupt, not to mention those who were his enemies in the market.

Under such influence, countless people who knew that they could not compete with Gu's father in the mall focused on the Gu family.

Although Gu Xun was still young at that time, his talents were already very impressive.

In addition, Gu Xun was always accompanied by strong bodyguards when he traveled, so they could not find a breakthrough for a while.

At this time, Gu's mother became pregnant.

When Song Yuening heard this, she couldn't help but want to speak.

She had heard this past incident from Gu's mother, so she subconsciously thought that what the assistant investigated was what she had learned, so she thought about asking the assistant to skip this paragraph and continue.

But Song Yuening did not expect that what she heard next from her assistant was indeed a completely different version.

The assistant took the voice recorder out of his pocket and placed it in front of Song Yuening.

"Boss, all the following content is in this recording pen. I think what happened back then was really strange. If we continue to investigate, I'm afraid it will take a lot of energy."

After a pause, the assistant continued.

"If you feel that it is necessary to investigate further after listening to the contents, then I will continue to investigate."

After finishing speaking, the assistant pushed the recorder in the direction of Song Yuening, and then silently exited the office.

Song Yuening looked at the recorder placed in front of her, pondered for a moment, and finally picked it up.

She didn't know what exactly happened that year, but she could tell by looking at the assistant's attitude and the tone of her conversation.

What happened back then must not be as simple as she imagined. Perhaps the things she learned from Gu's father and Gu's mother were just a drop in the bucket.

Song Yuening stared at the recorder. After a moment, she made up her mind to turn it on and play it.

"You're talking about the Gu family, it's really hard to explain what happened back then..."

As the strange male voice sounded from the recorder, Song Yuening slowly closed her eyes and began to listen carefully to what happened that year.

Back then, after Gu's mother became pregnant, Gu's father thought of many ways and hired many bodyguards.

Not only was the entire Gu family surrounded, no outsider could successfully sneak in. Even when Gu's mother went out, many people followed her.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a copper wall or an iron wall.

Song Yuening frowned slightly when she heard this.

She remembered that Gu's mother told her that she had been in a car accident because of revenge from Gu's father's rivals in the mall.

But according to what the person in the recorder said, Gu's mother was always accompanied by no less than five bodyguards every time she traveled.

If you are traveling by car, there will be two cars following one behind the other.

In this case, how did Gu's mother get into the car accident?
Song Yuening didn't understand or understand. She just felt like she was shrouded in fog for a moment.

She couldn't see the road ahead clearly, and she didn't know whether the things Gu's mother told her about the past were true or false.

With a desire to explore the truth, Song Yuening continued to listen. "After the car accident, although Mrs. Gu was not injured, her vitality was severely damaged. I remember that the doctor's advice at the time was that she should have a good rest at home, but I don't know why, she..."

Song Yuening suddenly frowned as she listened.

After the car accident, did Gu's mother ever leave the Gu family alone?
Why is this again?
Why had she never heard Mother Gu mention it?

Did she forget, or... was she hiding it on purpose?
Song Yuening became more and more puzzled. She urgently wanted to know Gu's mother's intention of leaving the Gu family alone.

After all, under the circumstances at that time, it was safest to stay at Gu's house.

Song Yuening originally thought that she could find the answer from the subsequent contents of the recorder, but to her surprise, the conversation stopped abruptly here.

Song Yuening was stunned for a moment, and pressed the play button twice in disbelief. After finding that the recording started from the beginning again, she realized that it was already over.

But her questions haven't been answered yet, and it's really uncomfortable to be stuck here, as if there's a fish bone stuck in her throat.

Song Yuening thought for a while and directly called the assistant outside the door to come in again.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

Looking at the respectful assistant standing in front of him, Song Yuening thought for a while before speaking.

"Where did you find this person? Why didn't he follow up in the middle of what he said? What's the rest of it?"

The assistant understood Song Yuening's question.

"He is such a boss. I spent a lot of effort to find this insider through others. Although he knows some things about that year, he is not comprehensive, so..."

So the content in the recorder is all this person knows?

Song Yuening was obviously dissatisfied with this answer, but the fact was that no matter how dissatisfied she was, there was nothing she could do.

After pondering for a moment, she suddenly raised her eyes and looked at the assistant in front of her.

"You just said that it was very troublesome to investigate what happened back then. Is that because of this?"

The assistant nodded and smiled bitterly.

"Yes, boss, I spent a lot of effort to find such an insider."

"Unfortunately, what he knows is not the full truth of what happened back then. If we continue to investigate further, we will definitely not be able to predict the time and energy it will take."

After the assistant finished speaking, he looked at Song Yuening's dark eyes, hesitated, and finally asked.

"Boss, since Mrs. Gu is your mother and you are so curious about what happened back then, why don't you just ask her face to face?"

Song Yuening did not speak, but slowly waved her hand to signal the assistant to go out.

After people exited the office, Song Yuening released all her strength, walked to the edge of the sofa, and sat down.

She raised her arms and put them over her eyes, blocking the light and covering up the fatigue in her eyes.

If only things were as simple as he said.

But now, Gu's mother is obviously hiding something from her.

Even if she asked, Gu's mother would most likely deny it.

But it would take a lot of effort for her to check it herself.

To check or not to check?

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