Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 454 Deliberate teasing

Tang Mianran didn't expect that Song Nian'an would suddenly agree.

She was stunned for a moment, then suddenly raised her voice and asked in disbelief.

"What did you just say? You, you agree?"

Song Nianan didn't know when he took his hand out of Xie Mingyuan's palm.

She put her hands behind her back and nodded with a smile. She looked like a well-behaved and obedient child.

At this moment, she called Tang Yanran with a milky voice.

"Of course I agree. Auntie, didn't you just say that you would buy me delicious snacks? You are so kind to me, you just want to go to the aquarium with me and Uncle Xie. For such a small request, how can Nian An Maybe you don’t agree?”

After Song Nian'an finished speaking, he turned to look at Xie Mingyuan beside him, and called "Uncle Xie" sweetly.

"Uncle Xie, let's take Aunt Chen to visit the aquarium, okay?"

Xie Mingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly and couldn't believe that Song Nian'an would actually agree to Tang Wanran's request in the end.

However, the main reason why he brought Song Nian'an out today was to help her adjust her mood and stop him from getting into trouble and stop thinking about the Gu family.

Therefore, since Song Nian'an agreed to be with Tang Wanran, Xie Mingyuan naturally had no objections and nodded slightly, indicating that he agreed with her words.

This was originally a fun trip for Xie Mingyuan and Song Nian'an. Because of Tang Wanran's sudden participation, the originally warm atmosphere became a little more subtle.

Originally, Song Nianan followed Xie Mingyuan at the beginning and was held by his hand.

And because of Tang Wanran's careful thinking, after the three of them walked for a while, Song Nian'an was pushed aside from Xie Mingyuan at some point. The position next to Xie Mingyuan became Tang Wanran, and next to Tang Wanran It's her.

The lights in the aquarium are not too bright, because too bright light will scare these small animals in the ocean.

Under the dim blue light, Tang Wanran looked at the man beside him infatuatedly, with ripples in his heart.

The reason why she had only fallen in love with this man for so many years was not only because of his handsome face, but also because of his excellent abilities and the background that made people willingly bow to him.

Once upon a time, Tang Yanran had imagined that as long as he stayed by Xie Mingyuan's side, one day this unfeminine man would see himself next to him.

After all, as the eldest daughter of the Tang family, she, Tang Yanran, could even abandon the Tang family's property and come to the Xie family to work as a secretary for him.

Moreover, this secretary position has been held for so many years.

Over the years, she has worked hard for Mr. Xie without any credit.

She originally thought that as long as she kept waiting, one day, Mrs. Xie's position next to Xie Mingyuan, which had been vacant for many years, would belong to her.

But who would have thought that Song Yuening and Cheng Yaojin would come out in the middle?
Song Yuening not only wiped out all her years of hard work, but even took her place next to Xie Mingyuan.

Tang Wanran couldn't help but clenched his fists when he thought of this.

The long manicure was embedded in the tender flesh of the palm due to the force.

But Tang Yanran seemed to feel no pain and was still exerting force, but she maintained a smile on her face and was still trying her best to talk to Xie Mingyuan.

"By the way, Xie Mingyuan, isn't there anything the company is busy with today? Why are you taking such a young child out to play? Doesn't the company's affairs matter?"

"Actually, there's something I've always wanted to tell you, but I just haven't had the time. If you need help, you can always come to me. After all, the Tang family still has a certain influence in the industry, and can do it when necessary. Let me help you." After Tang Wanran finished speaking, as if he had remembered something, he raised his hand to push the hair on his cheek behind his ear, and then smiled awkwardly.

"I know what I say now must sound like an afterthought to you, but my intention to help you is true, and I hope you can believe me. Although I have done some things that I shouldn't have done before, But that’s all because I care about you too much.”

After Tang Yanran finished speaking, he looked at Xie Mingyuan with his affectionate eyes. Although he seemed not to ask for anything in return, his heart became uneasy because of Xie Mingyuan's silence.

She didn't know if what she said could cause Xie Mingyuan's heart to fluctuate.

If possible, it is of course the best. If not, it is best to use these words to change Xie Mingyuan's impression of himself, so as to facilitate his subsequent actions.

Song Nian'an became uncharacteristically quiet since Tang Wanran spoke.

Although her eyes kept falling on the small fish swimming behind the glass, as if her attention was attracted by these cute little animals, her ears kept listening to Tang Yanran's words.

After Tang Wanran finished speaking, Song Nianan also understood the purpose of this bad aunt.

It turns out that this bad aunt named Tang Yanran came here for Uncle Xie.

Although she is currently having a tantrum with her mother and is determined to have a cold war with her, this does not mean that she can tolerate other bad aunts trying to take advantage of Uncle Xie.

In Song Nian'an's mind, Uncle Xie and her mother were a couple, and everyone else was a nuisance who wanted to destroy their relationship and break up their "family".

Just like Chen Qianmo who bullied him in the Gu family.

Song Nian'an couldn't help biting her lower lip when she thought of Chen Qianmo.

She didn't like Chen Qianmo. When she was in the Gu family, she wanted to resist, but she had to obey because of her mother.

Now, since her mother is no longer around, can she "fight back"?

Xie Mingyuan looked at the jellyfish swimming quietly behind the glass, and suddenly turned his gaze back to Tang Wanran, who was full of expectancy.

His thin lips moved slightly, and he was about to say something, when he heard Song Nian'an suddenly say "Ouch".

Xie Mingyuan was about to say something when he was interrupted by Song Nian'an, but he did not show any displeasure and immediately looked in Song Nian'an's direction.

"Nian'an, what's wrong?"

Xie Mingyuan thought something had happened to Song Nian'an, or that he had tripped due to poor lighting, but after he looked over, he realized that Song Nian'an was marveling at a swimming beluga whale.

"Uncle Xie, Aunt Tang, look at this beluga, isn't it so cute? I really want to take a photo with it!"

Song Nian'an put his hands on the glass and turned his head to look at Xie Mingyuan and Tang Wanran as he spoke.

She blinked, and her long eyelashes fluttered like butterflies about to fly.

Xie Mingyuan certainly had no intention of rejecting Song Nian'an's request.

He was about to take photos for Song Nian'an, but he saw her suddenly looking at Tang Wanran.

"But before taking a photo with the beluga whale, I want to take a photo with it and Aunt Tang, is that okay? Aunt Tang?" (End of Chapter)

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