Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 480 Holding a grudge

Chapter 480 Holding a grudge

Lin Xiaomo never planned to cooperate with Cousin Gu alone from the beginning to the end. She was able to reach this point because of her own abilities and Song Yuening's help.

That is, she is extremely good at making ends meet and being a smooth person.

He never puts his eggs in the same basket, not to mention that Cousin Gu doesn't seem to be too smart except for having some money.

Therefore, her idea from the beginning was to please both sides and develop at the same time. No matter who loses, she will be able to get some advantages.

But she thought wrong, because the drama she caused today was not a help to Song Yuening, but a bigger trouble.

"Do you know what you did today?"

When Lin Xiaomo heard Song Yuening's words, he was stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled and said in an indifferent tone.

"Of course I know what I did, Sister Song. In fact, you don't need to take this matter to heart. After all, for me, this is just what I should do."

After Lin Xiaomo finished speaking, she seemed a little embarrassed and raised her hand to hook the hair behind her ears.

She originally thought that what she heard next would be Song Yuening's praise or a promotion notice.

But she didn't expect that Song Yuening suddenly turned around the next second and stared at her fiercely with his angry eyes.

"Lin Xiaomo, do you know that your words just now ruined all my plans for the past month? You messed up the cooperation between our company and Mr. Smith!"

"And now, you actually dare to come in front of me and ask for credit? Do you think I'm as frustrated and crazy as you?!"

This was the first time that Song Yuening got so angry in the company. All the employees in the hall were immediately frightened to the point where they didn't even dare to vent their anger. They all stood there with their heads lowered and waited for Song Yuening to finish her anger.

Lin Xiaomo was startled by Song Yuening's blunt words. After standing there for a long time with her mouth open, she muttered an explanation.

"I'm trying to help you out of kindness. Didn't you just see how arrogant his attitude was? The tone of his words clearly didn't take you seriously. I even stood up to help you reply to her. Why are you doing this?" Blame me? I’m doing this for your own good!”

The more Lin Xiaomo talked, the more she felt that she was being reasonable, so her tone changed from guilty at the beginning to becoming more confident in the end.

"If you hadn't helped me before and let me get out of that small mountain village, I wouldn't be thinking about repaying your kindness all the time!"

Song Yuening did not expect that such a moment would come, but Lin Xiaomo still did not regret it and still believed that what she had done was right. She laughed angrily and her chest heaved violently.

"Lin Xiaomo, do you know what I regret most right now?"

Lin Xiaomo didn't know why Song Yuening changed the topic to this, and she shook her head in confusion.

"What I regret most is that I helped you in the first place. Now you are not repaying a favor at all. You are repaying a favor with an enemy. Do you understand?"

After Song Yuening finished speaking, she turned to look at the head of the human resources department standing not far away, and raised her hand to call the person over.

"You recruited this person, and you are responsible for taking him to go through the resignation procedures. From today on, I don't want to see her in this company again."

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Lin Xiaomo and spoke every word carefully.

"From now on, you are fired, do you understand?"

... Cousin Gu looked at Lin Xiaomo sitting opposite her, working hard on the cake. After hearing the reason for her expulsion, she couldn't help laughing sarcastically.

"If you ask me, Song Yuening is just a white-eyed wolf. You really thought about her, but in the end you got this result. If you ask me, you might as well have said those few words for her without opening your mouth."

Cousin Gu said words of comfort, but in her heart she was extremely disdainful of what Lin Xiaomo had done.

Although she is usually a bit arrogant and domineering, she can still clearly distinguish between right and wrong.

What's more, being born in a family like theirs, one is naturally very sensitive to company matters.

Lin Xiaomo, an idiot, ruined the cooperation plan that Song Yuening had worked hard on for more than a month with just one word.

If she were Song Yuening, she would never simply fire Lin Xiaomo. She would keep Lin Xiaomo in the company and make her pay a hundred or a thousand times the price.

But she and Lin Xiaomo are now in a cooperative relationship, so there is no need for him to tell Lin Xiaomo these words. What's more, Lin Xiaomo has brought such bad luck to Song Yuening. It's too late for her to be happy. Why should she wake up Lin Xiaomo?

Lin Xiaomo swallowed the last bite of tiramisu, threw the fork on the table angrily, and pulled out some tissue paper to wipe the corners of her mouth.

"It's true that a dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't recognize a good heart."

"I just saw how pitiful she was and wanted to speak and help her, but I didn't expect that he didn't appreciate it at all. It was really a waste of all my efforts!"

Cousin Gu casually placed the coffee cup in her hand on the table. There was a slight "click" sound when the bottom of the coffee cup came into contact with the table.

Cousin Gu crossed her arms over her chest, the corners of her lips slightly hooked.

"Okay, stop nagging. Anyway, you helped her this time today, which can be regarded as repaying the previous kindness. Next, you just need to help me take care of Song Yuening."

"After my goal is achieved, your benefits will definitely be indispensable. Well, I just brought this bag back from the counter. Didn't you say you were short of a bag last time? This is for you."

Lin Xiaomo looked at the Chanel bag that cousin Gu pushed in front of her. There was a glimmer of greed in his eyes.

"Why is this so embarrassing? However, since it is what you want, I can't refuse it, so I will accept it first. Don't worry, although I have resigned from the company now, I still have other ways to obtain Song Yuening's information. "

"I will help you well next."

With Lin Xiaomo helping her behind the scenes, Cousin Gu was relieved.

What she was most worried about was that when she wanted to deal with Song Yuening, there was no help around her. Now that she has solved this problem, she feels much more relaxed.

When she returned home, she looked at Chen Qianmo who was slumped on the sofa, and put the hamburger bag in her hand on the table in a good mood.

"Shitou, didn't you say you wanted to eat a burger? Mom stopped by when she came back and bought some for you. Let's see if it tastes like you like?"

When cousin Gu said these words, Gu's mother happened to come down from upstairs. When she heard these words, she subconsciously stopped her.

"Xiaonan, why don't you give it a try? After all, hamburgers are just fast food and not very healthy. Eating too much is not good for your health, and it's easy to gain weight."

"During the last physical examination, the doctor said that Shitou's body needs to control his weight, otherwise he will easily suffer from other diseases. As a mother, you should eat more snacks."

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