Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 56 Comfortable Ice Cube

Chapter 56 Comfortable Ice Cube

"I thought we were the closest people, but I didn't expect you to hide it from me..." Song Yuening shook the wine glass with her green-white fingers, and the bright red wine overflowed from the glass.

Xie Mingyuan looked at her with his deep eyes, a cold light gleaming in his eyes. How much had he drank?
He leaned down, stretched out his long arms to lift her up, and walked out with stiff steps.

Song Yuening raised her eyes, and a familiar breath poured into her nose. She murmured: "Lu Sheng, is it you? Are you coming back?"

Xie Mingyuan frowned, and there was a hint of coldness on his picturesque face. Damn it, he thought he was another man!
He hid his worry and carried her out of the hotel and got into the parked car outside the door.

He thoughtfully fastened her seat belt, walked around the front of the car and got into the driver's seat, started the vehicle, and did not forget to turn on the air conditioner.

"Lu Sheng, you bastard, why are you hiding so many things from me..." Song Yuening's cheeks were slightly red and her fair arms were waving wildly.

She turned her head to look at Xie Mingyuan beside her, raised her hand and waved at him: "Asshole!"

Xie Mingyuan, who was concentrating on driving, suddenly groaned, lowered his head and glanced at his lower abdomen, took out a hand from the steering wheel to hold her hand, and said in a low voice: "Don't touch it!"

"You lied to me so hard, why did you lie to me like this?" Song Yuening was immersed in her own world, and she was so drunk that she didn't know what Xie Mingyuan was talking about.

Knowing that Song Yuening thought he was someone else, he couldn't help but frown, but thinking of Song Yuening's experiences, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

The black Maybach drove quickly on the city roads and arrived at Xie's house 15 minutes later.

Xie Mingyuan walked to the passenger side, opened the door, stretched out his hand to help her: "Get out of the car."

"I won't leave, Lu Sheng, tell me clearly why you lied to me?" Song Yuening raised her chin slightly, her cheeks like pink marshmallows.

Xie Mingyuan's eyes were deep and he bent down and picked her up by the waist and walked towards the door of Xie's house.

When I walked to the living room, a childish voice came to me: "Teacher Song!"

"Little uncle, what's wrong with Teacher Song?" Xie Zitao's small body stood up straight, his head slightly raised and he leaned towards Xie Mingyuan.

Seeing Song Yuening being drowsy, Xie Zitao immediately changed his expression and asked, "Did you bully Teacher Song?"

"No one bullies Teacher Song. She is drunk." Xie Mingyuan glanced at the drunk man in his arms and said impatiently: "It's so late, go to bed quickly."

After saying this, Xie Mingyuan ignored Xie Zitao behind him with a cold face, and walked straight towards the room with her in his arms.

Song Yuening was lying on the soft bed, her cheeks even redder than before, and her body was very hot.

He raised his hand, gently brushed the broken hair on his forehead, and murmured softly: "It's so hot."

Upon hearing her words, Xie Mingyuan immediately turned on the air conditioner.

"It's so hot, why is it so hot..." Song Yuening squinted her eyes slightly and reached out to take off her cardigan.

Taking off the cardigan, underneath is a light yellow tube top skirt.

His chest was white as snow, rising and falling evenly with his breathing. Xie Mingyuan's Adam's apple twitched, and the scene of that night suddenly appeared in his mind.

That night, she lay on the bed like this and said it was so hot.

"It's so hot, water, water..." Song Yuening got up from the bed with difficulty.

Her body felt weak and weak, and her head felt dizzy. She couldn't stand still after taking only two steps after standing up, and her body fell straight back.

"Be careful!" Xie Mingyuan quickly stepped forward to grab her with nervous eyes, but because of his unstable center of gravity, they fell on the bed together.

Song Yuening suddenly felt a chill and reached out to hold Xie Mingyuan's face: "Ice cubes, so comfortable."

Song Yuening's hot body touched Xie Mingyuan, as if she had encountered a piece of ice and was unwilling to let go. She hugged him tightly: "It's so cool with you. It doesn't seem so hot anymore. Let's get some more ice cubes."

Xie Mingyuan was held tightly by her and couldn't break free. Looking at the passionate and charming woman beneath him, an inexplicable feeling of heat arose in his body, and his handsome face became a little strange.

He knew that she acted like this because she was drugged in the wine.She was so drunk that she was in a state of torment when she was sober. She even didn't know how attractive she was at this moment.

There are countless women around Xie Mingyuan, but she is the only one who seems to be able to get close to his body.

He let her pull him, suppressing the heat in his body.

This night, he endured very hard.

early morning.

The sunlight outside the window poured into the room. Song Yuening felt dazzled by the sunlight and slowly opened her eyes.

She sat up and looked around, and a tall figure came into view.

Xie Mingyuan, why is he here?
No!It should be why is she here?
"Wake up." Xie Mingyuan stood up.

Song Yuening avoided his gaze and tried to recall what happened last night, but she only remembered what happened when she was in the bar. Other than that, she couldn't remember anything else.

Xie Mingyuan opened the door and said toward the door: "Bring in the sobering soup."

Opening the door, a little head rushed in: "Teacher Song!"

"Teacher Song, you're awake!" Xie Zitao's voice was filled with excitement.

"Drink the hangover soup. Don't drink so much wine alone next time." Xie Mingyuan handed the hangover soup to Song Yuening.

Song Yuening took the hangover soup sheepishly: "Thank you."

"Yes, Teacher Song, my little uncle is worried about you. He personally brought you back last night and was still taking care of you in the room!" Xie Zitao raised his eyebrows mischievously.

Song Yuening's eyes flashed and she lowered her eyes.

Xie Mingyuan patted Xie Zitao on the head: "Stop talking nonsense and go out for breakfast."

After breakfast, Xie Mingyuan went to the company.

"Zitao, Teacher Song has something to do today, so I can't accompany you." After breakfast, Song Yuening had to leave.

She wanted to investigate clearly what happened during Lu Sheng's lifetime.

"Where are you going, Teacher Song? I want to be with you." Xie Zitao put down the milk glass.

"Zitao, Teacher Song is busy..."

Before Song Yuening could say anything, Xie Zitao got off the chair and ran to Song Yuening's side, holding her arm and acting coquettishly: "Teacher Song, you haven't been with me for a long time. Take me with you today. I promise to be a good boy and won't disturb you!"

Looking at his innocent little face, she couldn't say a word of rejection, so she pinched his face and said, "Okay, I'll take you with me."

Xie Zitao cheered happily. After breakfast, Song Yuening took him to the company where Lu Sheng lived.

If you want to investigate his affairs, you have to start from his company. She doesn't know what Lu Sheng has hidden from her.

She had never thought that the person she trusted and loved the most would hide so many things from him. Thinking of Lu Sheng, she couldn't help but feel a little achy in her heart.

"Teacher Song." Song Yuening led Xie Zitao out of the car, and a gentle voice came from behind.

Song Yuening turned around and saw a man with a clear face wearing a blue shirt standing not far away.

The man raised his lips slightly and walked towards Song Yuening with a smile.

The man opened his mouth and was about to speak when Xie Zitao jumped out and put his hand in front of Song Yuening: "Stop! Don't come near me, Teacher Song!"

(End of this chapter)

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