Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 67 Deep Meaning

Chapter 67
Song Yuening rubbed the edge of the menu with her fingertips, and the faded memories in her mind gradually became clearer.

When she was in school, she and Lu Sheng would always come here to eat.

She was greedy at the time, so no matter what Lu Sheng ordered, she would try her best to taste it.

She still remembers the smile on Lu Sheng's face when he smiled and fed her dumplings, as if it happened yesterday, but...

Song Yuening unconsciously suppressed the smile on her face.

She pursed her lips, narrowed her eyes slightly to hide the emotions in her eyes, and when she raised her head to look at Xie Zitao, a gentle smile appeared on her face.

"Because the teacher liked this restaurant the most, I wanted to bring Zi Tao to try it. Come and see, what do you like to eat?"

After saying that, he pushed the menu to Xie Zitao.

After hearing her explanation, the latter's eyes immediately lit up.

He opened his mouth, smiled, showing his white and neat teeth, and looked at the menu carefully.

After dinner, Song Yuening took him to play in the surrounding playground for a while. It was not until it was getting late and the sun was setting that she took Xie Zitao to send him home.

"No, teacher, I just sent a message to my uncle. He asked me to stand there and wait for him to pick me up. Don't bother you to make another trip."

Xie Zitao held Song Yuening's hand and stood on the roadside, raised his wrist, and obediently showed her the information on his electronic watch.

Song Yuening just glanced at it and then looked away.

"Okay, then the teacher is here to accompany you."

Almost as soon as Song Yuening finished speaking, a car stopped in front of them.

The door of the black Maybach opened.

A very familiar face appeared in front of Song Yuening.

It had been a long time since she had seen Xie Mingyuan. Song Yuening was in a daze for a moment when she saw him.

The tall man only wore a thin black shirt, with the left sleeve rolled up, revealing his lean arms and superior muscle lines.

The lights on the roadside suddenly turned on as the sun went down. Xie Mingyuan walked slowly in front of her with his back to the light and his inherent dignity and superiority.

"Teacher Song, long time no see. Did Zitao cause you any trouble today?"

The man's voice was deep and magnetic, as sweet as a cello.

After hearing this, Song Yuening immediately came back to her senses, chuckled and shook her head.

She lowered her head and glanced at Xie Zitao, who was looking up at her eagerly, with gentle ripples in his eyes.

"No, Zitao was very good today."

When Xie Mingyuan heard this, his eyes fell from Song Yuening's body to Xie Zitao's face, and he saw her holding Song Yuening's arm reluctantly and coughing lightly.

"Zitao, it's time to go back."

Knowing that Xie Mingyuan always told the truth, Xie Zitao pouted and reluctantly offered Song Yuening's hand.

But before getting in the car, he suddenly turned around and shouted "Teacher Song" in a hurry.

"Teacher Song, it's the weekend in a few days and I don't have to go to class. Can you come home and play with me?"

Afraid that Song Yuening would not agree, he blinked his watery eyes and clasped his palms imploringly: "It's been a long time since you've been here, I really miss you..."

Song Yuening wanted to agree directly, but when the words came to her lips, she became hesitant.

She is no longer Zitao's tutor. If she frequents Xie's house again, will it have a bad influence?
This thought had just turned around in his mind when Xie Mingyuan beside him suddenly spoke.

"Teacher Song, Zitao has really missed you recently, so if you have free time, could you please come to your house to spend more time with him?"

"I'll ask the driver to pick you up."

Xie Mingyuan spoke, and Song Yuening finally nodded in agreement.

After all, she still owed Xie Mingyuan a huge favor, and if he refused to agree to it for this reason, it would seem that she was a little "ignorant".

"Okay, I will go. But I won't bother Mr. Xie's driver. I can go by myself then."

Xie Mingyuan looked at the woman in front of him, raising her hand to tuck the long hair behind her ears, showing a gentle smile to herself, her eyes dimming slightly. "Well, goodbye, Teacher Song."

After saying goodbye to Xie Mingyuan, Song Yuening turned around and walked towards home.

It was getting late, and night fell.

Just when Song Yuening stepped out of the elevator, took out her keys and couldn't wait to open the door and go in to have a good rest, the door next to her suddenly opened with a "click".

"Teacher Song? Did you just go home?"

Lin Shubei, who was dressed in home clothes, put the garbage to be discarded at the door. When he looked up and saw Song Yuening, he asked in surprise.

Song Yuening nodded, said hello politely, and then wanted to go in.

But Lin Shubei suddenly called her out.

"I'm sorry, Teacher Song, can I disturb you for a moment?"

Lin Shubei had a helpless smile on his face, as if he had encountered some difficult problem.

"I recently had to help pick up my friend's children, but he seemed to hate me. I remembered that Teacher Song seemed to be very good at dealing with all the children, so I wanted to ask Teacher Song a few questions."

Lin Shubei's attitude was serious and sincere, which made it difficult for Song Yuening to refuse her.

She sighed softly, opened the door and stepped aside to make room.

"Of course, Teacher Lin, please come in first and let's sit down and chat."

Song Yuening found him a pair of disposable slippers, took him to the living room to sit down, and then turned to the kitchen to get him a glass of hot water.

During this gap, Lin Shubei's eyes quickly looked around. When he saw the photos of men and women placed on the TV cabinet, the dark color in his eyes fleetingly disappeared.

"Ms. Lin, please drink some water."

Song Yuening walked out of the kitchen with a cup of warm water, placed it in front of Lin Shubei, and then sat directly opposite him.

She tied the long hair that was scattered around her shoulders into a fluffy and casual bun with a hair rope, making her whole person feel a little more peaceful.

"Teacher Lin, what do you want to ask?"

Lin Shubei nodded and asked several questions in succession.

Song Yuening patiently explained to her while listening. The two of them asked and answered questions, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Half an hour later, Lin Shubei looked at Song Yuening who was holding a glass of water to moisten his throat, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Thank you, Teacher Song. You are so gentle and careful. It's no wonder those children like you."

Having said that, he seemed to mention it casually,

"I heard from others that Lu Sheng was always worried that you were so good-tempered, what if you were bullied if he wasn't by your side."

These words made Song Yuening, who was drinking water, move.

What does this mean?
She and Lu Sheng settled in City A and had never been separated for a long time.

And Lu Sheng is not the kind of person who worries about things. There is no reason for him to say such things to others.

Could it be that he already knew...

This idea just appeared in Song Yuening's mind, and Lin Shubei had already stood up to say goodbye and leave.

He walked so fast that Song Yuening had no chance to stop him.

Naturally, he didn't see the flash of light in his eyes.


The door to the room was closed. Lin Shubei changed his gentle and elegant attitude in front of Song Yuening. The smile on his face was replaced by calmness and indifference.

He held the phone in one hand, pressed send, and sent the message he had just edited to an unsigned phone number.

【everything is normal. 】

(End of this chapter)

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