Mr. Xie, he loves me every day

Chapter 86 Take to Court

Chapter 86 Take to Court
Lu Qiang sat on the chair with his legs crossed, looking at Cui Fenglan who was pacing back and forth in the living room, cursing constantly, and kicked the coffee table irritably.

"Okay, is it over yet? Now that the child has run away, we have nothing to do with Song Yuening. We can't just watch Song Yuening take away the money!"

When it comes to money, Cui Fenglan roars like a dog whose tail has been stepped on.

"Impossible, that money belongs to our Lu family! How does she, a bitch who cheated during marriage, have the right to take that money?!"

After saying this, Cui Fenglan was stunned for a moment, and then a golden light suddenly burst out from her pair of inverted triangle eyes.

"Yes, how could I forget such an important thing!"

Cui Fenglan hurriedly took a coat, picked up Lu Qiang and walked out.

Lu Qiang didn't know why. After walking a few steps, he suddenly became unhappy. He threw his hand away and looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Mom, what do you want to do? You don't want to drag me to Song Yuening to ask for money directly, do you? Have you forgotten the last time we were beaten?"

Cui Fenglan simply rolled her eyes.

"Who said I'm going to find that bitch? I'm going to the court! If we can't cure her, can't the law cure her? When we take her to court, we can then find the bad things her neighbors did to her. After all the publicity, I don’t believe she can survive!”

There was a look of pride on Cui Fenglan's brows that could not be concealed, as if she had seen Song Yuening crying and begging for mercy.

Lu Qiang touched his chin and looked at her doubtfully.

"Can this work?"

The latter glared at her, his tone full of confidence.

"Why not? That bitch's boss told me that even though she doesn't care about anything on the surface, in fact, she just wants the money. We just need to force her into a dead end, and she will keep it and admit defeat and beg for mercy!"

Otherwise, why would Song Yuening choose to leave her job because others spread rumors about her?

The mobile phone placed on the table vibrated with a buzzing sound.

Song Yuening picked up her phone and clicked on the text message. Looking at the text above, she frowned in surprise.

"Notice of court hearing...?"

Before she could react, her phone suddenly rang, and the interface jumped directly to the caller ID.

Looking at the familiar phone number, Song Yuening instinctively wanted to hang up.

But when she thought of the text message she had received about the court hearing, Song Yuening hesitated for a while and chose to answer it.

She had a hunch that this matter was definitely related to Cui Fenglan and the others.

As soon as the call was connected, Cui Fenglan's sharp voice came from over there.

"Song, you should have received the notice of the court hearing, right? Let me tell you, you cheating bitch, you can't even get a penny from my son!"

"Since we can't get it, don't even think about getting it first! Let's just go through the legal process and see whose side God is on!"

As soon as Cui Fenglan finished speaking, Lu Qiang took the call.

"Sister-in-law, why are you doing this? After all, we are a family and it is our family affairs. Why should we go to court to resolve it, don't you think? Well, as long as you take my brother's inheritance Give it to us, we will withdraw the lawsuit immediately!"

Song Yuening remained silent, but there was a cold light in her eyes.

One is a bad guy and the other is a good guy. This mother and son really put on a good show.

If she was really after money, after hearing these words now, she should be anxious to sit down and negotiate with them.

Unfortunately, she is not.


Listening to Cui Fenglan's mumbling voice coming from the other side of the phone, Song Yuening interrupted without hesitation.She twitched the corners of her lips and her voice was unusually cold.

"I don't care what you want. If you want to have a court session, fine, I'll accompany you. When the day of court opens, I will be there on time."

"I've said it from the beginning. What I care about is not the money. What I care about is the truth. I just want to know if Lu Sheng is dead."

Mention Lu Sheng.

Song Yuening felt as if something had stabbed her heart deeply, and the sting was severe.

There was a hint of sadness in her eyes, but her tone was firmer than ever.

"Let me say it one last time, I will not give in. If you want to contact me next time, just go through the legal process."

After that, he hung up the phone and added the number to the blacklist.

Listening to the "beep" sound coming from the mobile phone, Cui Fenglan stamped her feet angrily.

"I really don't know why Lu Sheng fell in love with her in the first place. She is as stubborn as a donkey!"

Lu Qiang next to him was also dumbfounded. He looked at Cui Fenglan's wide eyes and spoke incoherently.

"No, Mom, we really have to go to court with him. When the final verdict is made, it will be years and years! It will take several years for us to get the money!"

"Didn't you say that she keeps holding on just for money? Now we are forcing her to file a lawsuit, so why is she still holding on?"

Cui Fenglan didn't expect it to end like this. She gritted her teeth angrily and raised her voice a lot.

"How did I know!"

Tang Wanran clearly told her this, but why didn't it work when she actually used it?
Thank you.

Tang Wanran walked up to Xie Mincheng holding the tea cup and said softly.

"Uncle, would you like some tea to moisten your throat?"

Xie Mincheng looked at the light cyan teacup in front of him, his expression slightly brightened.

He picked up the teacup and took a sip, then sighed heavily.

"It would be great if this kid Zitao could be as sensible and obedient as you. Zitao, have you remembered what grandpa just said? If you dare to sneak out alone next time..."

While Xie Mincheng was teaching Xie Zitao a lesson, Tang Wanran quietly glanced at Xie Mingyuan, who was sitting on the sofa not far away.

He leaned back on the chair, his slender fingertips resting on the armrest, tapping lightly one after another.

Those narrow phoenix eyes were slightly narrowed, and they looked quietly at Xie Zitao, who was standing in front of Xie Mincheng with his head lowered, his whole body exuding laziness.

As Tang Wanran watched, his heart skipped a beat, and his cheeks became hot.

She tried hard to turn her attention away from him and looked at Xie Zitao, who was standing in front of Xie Mincheng. She suddenly stood up and walked to his side. She bent slightly and put her hands on his shoulders, pushing him towards Xie Mincheng. Pushed.

"Uncle, Zitao is still young after all. There are some things he doesn't understand. Let's just explain it clearly to him. Why should we be so angry?"

She first said some soft words to Xie Mincheng, then looked down at Xie Zitao, who had his head lowered, and deliberately called his name in a soft voice.

"Zitao, you too, this time is a lesson, you have to keep it in mind, you know? There won't be another time. Come, apologize to grandpa, aunt will take you to have dessert ,OK?"

There was a gentleness on Tang Wanran's face. His smile towards Xie Zitao and the protective tone in his voice maintained the image of loving and protecting Xie Zitao.

But her peripheral vision kept falling on Xie Mingyuan, expecting him to notice her efforts.

(End of this chapter)

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