Sword of Immortals

Chapter 1 The disaster of destroying the door

Can Autumn!

The wind blows the leaves and leaves, and the scorching sun is in the sky!

Under the fallen leaves of Xiao Xiao, stood a person, a young boy of fifteen or sixteen years old.

On his green and immature face, which was as sharp as a knife, was engraved with an indomitable tenacity; his clear and deep eyes revealed an unyielding determination.

I saw him take a light step with his left foot, which was shoulder-width apart, and the three-foot green peak in his palm suddenly turned, with a flash of cold light, and danced with the falling leaves.The sword comes out like the wind, light and erratic, and the fallen leaves follow the sword, floating up and down, like a shadow.

When the sword skill was exhausted and the momentum was closed, the arm trembled slightly, and there was a soft groan, and the fallen leaves on the sword suddenly split into two halves, and slowly fell to the ground.

There was a gratified smile on the corner of the boy's mouth, looking a little happy.

"Master! The master told you to go to the main hall!" An old man with white hair and blue silk, showing the vicissitudes of life, hurried over.

The young man turned his head and said slowly, "Grandpa Fu, what does my father want from me?"

The old man replied respectfully: "Master, it's the Han family who came!"

"Jiang Xue! It's Jiang Xue!" The young man muttered to himself, with a bright smile on his face, and ran towards the hall quickly.

The old man shook his head helplessly, and quickly chased after him: "Master, wait for me!"

Taoist hall!

The master of the Taoist family has endless ways. At this moment, he is talking with a smile on a middle-aged man with a swallow chin and a tiger beard, sword eyebrows and star eyes.

Beside this middle-aged man, there is also a beautiful cardamom girl in a blue dress, with slender eyebrows and big eyes, delicate and exquisite.

"Father!" The young man practicing sword suddenly appeared in the hall.

Dao Wuwu turned his head when he heard the sound, looked at the young man with a smile and said, "Yi'er! I have something to discuss with your Uncle Han, so you can take Jiang Xue to wander around the garden!"

"Yes, Dad!" Daoyi couldn't hide the joy in his heart, and nodded quickly.He walked quickly to Han Jiangxue and said, "Jiang Xue! Let's go, I'll show you something good."

Han Jiangxue tilted her head slightly, and looked at her father Hanshan Temple in a blink of an eye. Hanshan Temple smiled and nodded: "Xue'er, you can go play with your righteous brother!"

Daoyi smiled happily, grabbed Han Jiangxue's jade hand, and walked towards the back garden: "Jiang Xue, let's go!"

"Hmm!" Han Jiangxue smiled, but there was no joy on her face, instead she was a little cold, and her eyes were even a little cold.

Daoyi brought Han Jiangxue to the lotus pond in the backyard, and said happily, "Jiang Xue, do you see the pretty pink lotus in the middle of the pond?"

Han Jiangxue looked up and smiled, "It's beautiful!"

Daoyi asked, "Do you like it?"

"En!" Han Jiangxue pursed her lips and nodded.

Daoyi smiled "hehe" and said, "You wait, I'll pick it up and give it to you!"

Just as Daoyi was about to leap towards the center of the pond, he suddenly heard a heart-piercing scream.

Daoyi was slightly taken aback, then turned his head to look in the direction from which the scream came from: "What happened?"

Suddenly, Daoyi felt a chill on his neck, and a long silver sword was placed on his neck.

"Jiang Xue, you..." Daoyi's face changed slightly, because he never thought that the owner of this sword was actually Han Jiangxue: "Are you joking?"

Han Jiangxue's tone was cold: "Daoyi! Don't blame me, maybe this is fate!"

Daoyi knew that she was not joking, but was serious, because he had already felt the cold murderous aura on Han Jiangxue's body.

Daoyi smiled, and was about to turn around, Han Jiangxue hurriedly tilted his sword a few times, and stopped coldly: "Don't move! Otherwise your head will move."

Blood dripped down his neck like sweat, staining his collar red in an instant.

Daoyi was angry: "Jiang Xue, what do you mean?"

Han Jiangxue sneered: "Go to the main hall, you will understand! Go!"

Daoyi was very confused, he didn't understand why Han Jiangxue did this to him, what did he do?Even if you did something by yourself, you still use your sword to face each other, right?What's more, I didn't do anything wrong!

With this confusion, Daoyi did not resist, and followed Han Jiangxue to the main hall.In fact, he didn't dare to resist, because the sword was already on his neck, and he felt Han Jiangxue's killing intent. If he made a slight move, he was sure that Han Jiangxue would cut off his body without hesitation. head.Therefore, morality is also very helpless!

When Daoyi returned to the main hall and saw the seriously injured Dao Endless above the main hall, he immediately understood.The scream just now should be from his father, and the person who shot it should be the Hanshan Temple in front of him.

"Father..." Daoyi's heart ached, and tears rolled down his eyes.He wanted to rush over to help his father, but the sword in Han Jiangxue's hand was already pressed against his throat.

Hanshan Temple tilted his head to glance at Daoyi, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said happily: "Xue'er, you did a good job!"

Han Jiangxue said with a playful smile, "Thank you dad for the compliment!"

"Yi'er..." Dao endlessly bled, and he looked up at Daoyi with a hint of sadness and guilt in his eyes.

Daoyi glared at Hanshan Temple angrily, and roared, "Why?"

Hanshan Temple grinned coldly: "Why do you have to ask your father? Originally, I didn't want to take this step, but he forced me to take this step."

Daoyi came back in a blink of an eye, looked at Dao Wuwu, and was puzzled: "Father! Why is this happening? With your innate strength, how could you lose to him?"

Daoyi really can't figure it out, because his father is a master of the late Xiantian stage, and Hanshan Temple only entered the early stage of Xiantian stage a year ago.But my father lost, and he lost so badly and thoroughly, it shouldn't be!This is completely counterintuitive!

But in the next second, Daoyi understood why.Because the blood spit out from Dao endless mouth is jet black.This shows what?It shows that he has been poisoned, and the poisoning has been deep.This can also explain why he failed miserably!

Daoyi was furious, and stared coldly at Hanshan Temple with squinting eyes. The anger and murderous intent in his eyes were undisguised, and he said coldly, "Despicable! To use poisonous methods."

Hanshan Temple said with a "hehe" smile, "Old Fu, come out!"

Old Fu walked in slowly from outside the hall, with a look of guilt on his face.

When Daoyi saw Mr. Fu, his face was ashen in vain, he shook his head and said to himself: "No...impossible!"

Dao Wuwu also showed surprise, and said in disbelief, "Old Fu, it's really you..."

Hanshan Temple sneered "hehe" and said, "Brother, Mr. Fu is my most loyal ally. May I ask, besides him who can poison you without anyone noticing, is there anyone else in Taoism?"

Indeed, what Hanshan Temple said was true, the only one who could poison Tao endlessly in Taoism without letting him find out was his most trusted old housekeeper, Fu Yuan.

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