Sword of Immortals

Chapter 101 The Blade of Warframe

"Isn't your heart on the left chest?" The white-faced old man said in surprise.

Daoyi smiled sarcastically: "You are still a strong person in the late Yuanying period, don't you know how to move the viscera?"

"You...you are only at the early stage of Golden Core, how could you move your organs?" As soon as the white-faced old man said this, he regretted it.Because isn't it obvious?Although Daoyi only has the cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan, his strength is comparable to that of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, so why is it difficult for him to move the viscera?

"Old Bai, what are you talking about with him!" The bearded man said coldly, "Let's go together, don't give him a chance to breathe, and kill him in one fell swoop."

"Yeah!" The white-faced old man nodded, and with a wave of the long sword in his hand, a sharp sword energy radiated out.

Suddenly, with a turn of the sword, a cold light flashed, and several sword qi swept out, one after another, attacking Daoyi like a surge.

On the other side, in front of Brother Li with a bearded long sword, he directed his right hand to hit the sword body, and then cut it to the right. Immediately, the sword light appeared and scattered, forming a sword fan.

"Asura kills!" Daoyi didn't want to play any ostentatious things with them, and the first move was a heavy one.

"When..." The two were a little surprised, and hurriedly waved their swords to resist. For a while, Duantou Ridge was shrouded in sword energy and blood blades. From a distance, it looked like a huge ball of light, non-stop It exudes rays of light and sparks.

Daoyi turned his eyes, raised his gun and swung at the white-faced old man, because the injuries on the white-faced old man were heavier than those of the bearded man, so it was relatively easy to kill him.

The purpose of Daoyi is very simple, that is to kill one with all his strength first, and then deal with the other, so as not to fall into the same predicament as before, being besieged by two people and unable to dodge.

The bearded man saw the moral intention at a glance, and hurriedly reminded: "Old Bai, be careful! He wants to break down one by one, but we can't give him this chance."

The white-faced old man snorted angrily: "Hmph! I really think I'm a soft persimmon! Kill if you want? If you don't use some housekeeping skills, I don't think you will know how many eyes the Lord Ma has."

"Purple Qi comes from the east, and the dragon devours the world!" The white-faced old man pointed his sword at the sky, and then, taking advantage of the trend, Zi Qi flashed.Suddenly, there was a dragon cry, and a long purple dragon appeared in the air. With the fall of the long sword, the purple dragon opened its mouth wide and devoured towards Daoyi.

Daoyi didn't dodge, and he couldn't dodge either, because he was afraid that when he dodged, the bearded man behind would strike him with a sword, which would give him a chill.Therefore, now he can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

In a blink of an eye, he was completely swallowed by Zilong.

"Haha..." The white-faced old man laughed loudly, "You're not dead this time!"

The bearded man was a little worried. Daoyi was devoured by Zilong so easily. Could there be fraud in this?Although he didn't know much about Daoyi, after the battle just now, he could feel that Daoyi was not an easy person to deal with.But he couldn't think of any way for Daoyi to get out of trouble now?

"Explode for me!" The white-faced old man suddenly clenched his right hand, and suddenly, there was a shocking explosion, and the entire Zilong exploded, and the purple light exploded in all directions, just like sunspots erupting, bright and dazzling.

"Be careful!" Han Jiangxue exclaimed suddenly.

I saw a burst of blood burst out of the light, and in an instant, it penetrated the chest of the white-faced old man, and blood gushed out like a spring.

"Pfft!" Almost at the same time, the bearded man flew forward with a sword, piercing Daoyi's left chest from the back impartially.

Daoyi was already covered in wounds, and with the addition of this sword, he was damnably wounded, his face was as pale as purple, obviously he had been seriously injured.However, he was still fighting high, murderous like a cold sword.

"You die!" Daoyi said coldly, and at the same time, with a shake of his right hand, a very strong real energy was poured into the Soul Eater Spear, and it exploded in an instant, intending to shatter the white-faced old man.

The white-faced old man is also a seasoned and experienced master. He naturally knows the intention of Daoyi, and naturally he will not let Daoyi succeed.With his left hand, he hurriedly grabbed the head of the Soul-Eating Spear, lifted the true energy from his body, injected it into the Dao Soul-Eating Spear, resisted it, and counteracted the true energy of morality.

"Today next year will be your memorial day!" The bearded man swung his palm suddenly, and struck Xiang Daoyi's head, intending to deal a fatal blow.

Crap!Now he dug a hole and buried himself.

Daoyi can feel that as long as this palm strikes his head, he will surely burst his brains and die.But right now he can't avoid this palm at all, so this is a dead end.

Daoyi first thought of the move of "Sura's Rage", but this move has already been used once, and it will not have such a good effect if used again, or the two of them have already guarded against this move, so he dare not take the risk.

But other than this move, what other move could he use to break this deadlock?

Daoyi no longer cared about his white face, he hastily drew back his true energy and used it to resist the palm of the bearded man.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a scream came from the bearded man's mouth. His palm did hit Daoyi on the back of the head, but it was pierced by Daoyi's Shura armor blade.

"How could this be?" The bearded man couldn't believe it, a black blade would protrude from the back of Daoyi's head, piercing the sea of ​​energy in his palm.Not only made his blow futile, but also injured himself.

Sure enough, if a person is not in a desperate situation, he cannot force out his potential.I really didn't expect that the Shura battle armor not only has super strong defense, but also can draw any weapon, and the attack power is not weak.This is really a windfall!

But before Daoyi had time to rejoice, he was blown away by the palm of the white-faced old man.

"Pfft!" Daoyi spat out a big mouthful of blood, like a kite with a broken string, it flew down on the rock, and the blood gushed out of his mouth.

"Cough cough..."

All these losses have occurred, all internal organs have been injured, and the true essence has been lost. I am afraid that I will really die on this Duanhun Ridge.

"Old Bai, how are you?" The bearded man didn't take advantage of the situation, but came up to check on the old man's injury.

"I'm fine!" The white-faced old man said, "Kill him first!"

Suddenly, the two came to attack at a very high speed, and the morality was a little bit powerless. Under the fierce offensive of the two, they were a little bit overwhelmed, and they were shot down on the rock again, and the rock burst open.

Daoyi's face was pale, blood gushed out of his mouth continuously, his momentum was also declining, he had multiple sword wounds, some deep and some shallow, his whole body had turned red, even his hair was dyed red, it looked scary of.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed by, and Han Jiangxue suddenly appeared in front of Daoyi. She waved her jade hand down, and the palm reached out. The powerful energy in the palm cut open his skin. The invisible aura of energy has already It completely enveloped him under the palm light.

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