Daoyi suddenly turned his head, pointed at Han Jiangxue with a gun, and said coldly, "It's your turn!"

Han Jiangxue's heart was shocked, and her face became even uglier. She took a deep breath and said, "Daoyi, today, it's time to settle the grievances between you and me."

"It's not ending, it's atonement!" Daoyi shook his head and said coldly, "You have to atone for what you did, do you understand?"

"Hmph!" Han Jiangxue snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, today, either you die or I die. Come on!"

"Fulfill you!" Suddenly, Daoyi rushed up, and the Soul-Eating Spear turned, and stabbed out, sweeping up with gusts of strong wind.

Han Jiangxue did not dodge or dodge, she was unusually calm, and there was an evil sneer at the corner of her mouth, as if she was mocking morality.

"Dang!" Just as the Soul Eater spear pierced Han Jiangxue's heart, a long sword suddenly appeared and intercepted the spear head.

Then, with a flick of the long sword, a powerful force rushed out, knocking Daoyi back.

Daoyi was startled and very surprised that he could be knocked back with just a slight flick of the long sword. This strength is enough for him to be cautious.

In a blink of an eye, he found that the owner of this long sword was the young man who had been standing beside Han Jiangxue, and his posture seemed to be Baoding Han Jiangxue.

At this time, Daoyi understood why Han Jiangxue was so calm and composed. It turned out that with the protection of such a strong person, she could naturally sit back and relax.

It's just that she can really do what she wants, and sit back and relax?

"Who are you?" Daoyi asked.

The young man said coldly: "Listen up! I am Lu Ning of the Feixian sect, and I am Hua Xiong's junior brother. If you kill my senior brother, today I will kill you!"

Daoyi nodded. In fact, he had already guessed that this young man was from Feixianmen.But what he didn't expect was that he turned out to be Hua Xiong's younger brother, and judging by his aura, he was stronger than Hua Xiong. Presumably he was the number one hidden young man of Feixianmen!

Daoyi said coldly: "If you don't want to become Hua Xiong's second, then you should get out of the way. Otherwise, you will definitely have no successor in Feixianmen!"

"You...damn it!" Furious, Lu Ning swung his sword and pointed it out. Immediately, a sword glow came out of the sword, stabbing at Daoyi with lightning speed.

"Touch!" With a bang, Daoyi swung his gun and shattered the sword glow.

But he was surprised to find that Lu Ning had disappeared. Just as he was looking for it, suddenly, he felt a chill behind his back. Suddenly, he was shocked, but before he turned around, the long hair in Lu Ning's hand pierced his. The vest is on.

However, he was blocked by the blood flame armor on Daoyi's body, which made his attack futile.

"Huh!" Lu Ning let out an angry snort, and he clenched his left palm violently. Suddenly, a burst of energy rushed out from his right hand, and Daoyi was sent flying through the long sword.

"Pfft!" Daoyi only felt his viscera tumbling, his Qi and blood kept surging up, and he spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

Daoyi hadn't calmed down yet, Lu Ning appeared in front of him again, and struck out with his left palm, straight for his heart.

"Your mother's!" Daoyi yelled angrily in a low voice, turned his left wrist, and waved his palm to meet the attack.

"Boom!" Around the two of them, the ground continued to explode, dust splashed, smoke rose everywhere, violent energy rushed in all directions, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees were swept away in an instant, turning them into a barren land.

Everyone stared intently at the center of the flying dust, wanting to see who had the upper hand in this blow.

But suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and the dust and smoke were swept away. At the same time, Daoyi flew out, like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily on a rock protruding from the ground about ten meters away. It burst immediately and turned into countless pieces.

"Pfft!" Daoyi spat out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale.

Everyone was surprised by the illusion that Daoyi was domineering and majestic just now.At this moment, how could they be so vulnerable, they were beaten so helplessly that they couldn't accept it.

Bi Kongying was very worried, her hands were constantly grabbing the corners of her clothes, she was burning with anxiety, this feeling was really uncomfortable.

Ji Wuming was a little numb, a little bit overwhelmed, is this still the moral just now?Is this the same as just now?

Qi Tian and the others seemed relatively indifferent, because they understood morality and the strength of morality better than others.Even if this Lu Ning is very powerful, his morality will never be like this, and he will never be powerless to fight back.

The only reason why it is so vulnerable now is to "lure the enemy to go deep, encircle and annihilate them!".

"I'll kill you!" Suddenly, Lu Ning descended from the sky, the long sword in his hand became sharper and fiercer, and his strength exploded, even the air roared, forming a whirlwind, like a giant dragon swooping down, the momentum was so strong, Make the earth tremble.

"What a strong sword!"

"What a domineering sword!"


Everyone was amazed by it, and at the same time, felt sad for morality!Because after Daoyi suffered repeated attacks, the qi and blood in his body were not smooth, and he was unable to condense his true energy for a while. It was impossible for him to avoid this sword. If he could not avoid it, the rest would be There is only one dead end.

"Why are you still watching, why don't you go up to him for a long time!" Chanel said anxiously.

But no one responded to him, and no one went up to help.

Seeing this, Bikongying was also very worried, she asked Xue Langjun for help, "Go and help Daoyi, okay?"

Xue Langjun shook his head and said: "He doesn't need help, if he can't even block this sword, then he is not worthy, do you understand?"

"I..." Bikongying hesitated to speak, because she understood the deep meaning of Xue Langjun's words, which made her not know how to answer, so she could only choose to remain silent.

"Boy, you must hold on!" Ji Wuming cheered for Daoyi in a low voice.

A smile appeared on Pang Yunxiang's face. He turned his head and looked at Ji Wuming with a sneer.

"Hmph!" Ji Wuming snorted coldly: "Don't be complacent, this is just the beginning, and Daoyi hasn't exerted his strength yet!"

Indeed, before Daoyi exerted his strength, just when Lu Ning stabbed him in front of him, there was a sudden change, and a blood-red light curtain suddenly shot out from the ground, forming a circular shape in an instant. The beam of light completely surrounded Lu Ning and the giant dragon.

Seeing this scene, everyone was amazed, because Lu Ning's sword was being disintegrated quickly under the light curtain, and it was impossible to compete with it.

"Haha..." Ji Wuming laughed suddenly and said, "Pang Yunxiang, you are doomed. Daoyi has used his nirvana, and this Lu Ning will die soon! Hehe!"

Pang Yunxiang is not in the mood to pay attention to Ji Wuming now, because he is all focused on the move of Daoyi. He doesn't know how Daoyi is used, but he deeply feels the power of this move, and the horror in the light curtain. Unusual destructive aura.This breath is not something that should exist in the human world at all, but it seems to come from the depths of hell, the evil spirit that dissolves everything.

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