Sword of Immortals

Chapter 20 Bloody Night

The night is deep, everything is quiet!

The autumn wind in the forest is blowing, the fallen leaves are falling, and there are occasional rustling sounds.If you listen carefully, you will find that it is very rhythmic, just like elegant music, pleasant and pleasant to the ear.

Suddenly, a crisp sound woke up Daoyi who was trying his best to adjust his breath.

Daoyi opened his eyes, looked down slightly, and understood where the voice came from.It turned out that the aura in the spirit stone had been absorbed and turned into a fragile stone, which suddenly burst open.

"No way! Is this the end of the game?" Seeing the shattered spirit stone, Daoyi's heart trembled.Because this spirit stone is his last resource, but it has been exhausted now, which means that his last hole card is gone, and everything that follows can only rely on his own strength.

Now my strength has only recovered less than [-]%, and they are still a bit reluctant to want the other party, so let's wait!

Daoyi is not so anxious now, and he is not afraid of being found by them, because now he has the strength to fight, and even if he cannot be defeated, he has the strength to escape and protect himself.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Daoyi was recovering his strength with all his strength in the cave.

When the night was about to pass and the dawn was about to come, Daoyi suddenly walked out of the cave because he was about to act.When he walked out of the cave, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised slightly, and he sneered evilly: "The hunt begins!"

Daoyi concentrated his energy, his heart was like still water, and the Lingtai was like a mirror, reflecting everything within a radius of more than 20 meters, and any disturbance escaped his perception.He walked quickly through the forest, checking out the members of the Qinglian Society.

Suddenly, Daoyi stopped, turned left hastily, and walked forward more than ten meters quickly. He saw two people in an open space. Judging from the equipment, they should be members of the Qinglian Society.At this moment, they were resting. Although their breathing was very low, they still failed to escape the investigation of morality.

Hehe... Thank you so much!If you meet me, you are unlucky!

Daoyi made a bold move, mercilessly, and swiped down the Soul Eater Spear, a bloody light instantly cut the sleeping two people in half.The faces of the two were serene, without the slightest sign of pain.

This shows what?It shows that Daoyi's attack was quick and ruthless, even the nervous system had no time to react, and the two of them had already returned to hell.

Daoyi didn't even look at them, turned around and left, looking for the next target.

It was almost dawn now, and the people from the Qinglian Society had been looking for Daoyi for most of the night. They were already very tired, so most of them were taking a rest at this moment.Therefore, they did not expect that morality would attack them at this time.

In fact, this is exactly what Daoyi is looking for, so he chose to take the initiative at this time.The effect was quite satisfactory, and within a short time, he had already harvested the lives of six people.

"Ah!" Suddenly, a desolate and heart-piercing scream broke the tranquility before dawn, startling the sleeping birds in the forest, chirping and fluttering their wings and flying high.

"What's going on?" Yu Qing was also startled awake.

"I don't know? But I really want to hear a scream!"

Yu Qing's expression changed suddenly, and he said, "Not good..."

"President, what's wrong?"

Yu Qing looked worried, and said anxiously: "We have to find other people quickly, I'm afraid it will be too late after we play."

"President, what happened?"

Yu Qing said affirmatively: "This boy Daoyi must have fought back. Now they are all scattered. Once he finds them, they will definitely die."

"What? This is impossible! Isn't he seriously injured? It's impossible to recover so quickly?"

Yu Qing thought for a while and said: "He has a spirit stone in his hand, and his recovery speed is much faster than we thought. So we can't take risks, we must recruit everyone back as soon as possible."

"I understand the president! Are you going to send a signal flare?"

Yu Qing fell into deep thought, because he was not sure whether to send a signal to call them back.If they were not allowed to join forces as soon as possible, they would most likely be swallowed up by Daoyi little by little; but if the signal flares were sent, Daoyi might be taken advantage of, so he hesitated.

After deliberation, Yu Qing made a final decision and said, "Send the signal and call everyone back to me."

"Yes, President"

The reason why Yu Qing made such a decision was because he believed that even if Daoyi took advantage of the loopholes and intercepted and killed the returning brothers on the way, he would still be able to minimize the loss, and the most important thing was to allow Daoyi to deliver food by himself Come to the door and end this hunting battle as soon as possible.

His idea is very good, but there is one thing he doesn't know, the prey and the hunter have switched positions now.He is no longer hunting, the hunter has become moral.

At this moment, he was suffering from the morality of looking for prey. When he saw the signal flare, he smiled, and his smile was very bright, so bright that it made people feel numb.

Suddenly, Daoyi stepped on the soul-eating gun, dragging a bloody light, and hurried towards the direction of the signal flare.

In the forest, more than a dozen people really rushed towards the signal source at the fastest speed.

"Pfft!" Suddenly, blood spattered, and a spear pierced the chest of one of them.

The other person who was traveling with him was inexplicably surprised when he saw this, with a look of fear on his face, he couldn't help but backed away, but suddenly, he staggered and fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he stared blankly and widened his frightened eyes, as if seeing something terrible: "You..."

Before he could say a word, a figure descended from the sky, and slammed his palm on his forehead. Immediately, blood spattered, his brains burst, his eyes became dizzy, and he died.

Like a ghost, the black shadow disappeared from here in the blink of an eye.

"Ah!" After a while, there was a scream.Immediately afterwards, there was another scream, desolate and tragic.

"Damn it, damn it!" Hearing these screams, Yu Qing was filled with grief and indignation.

"President, what should we do?" The hearts of the two who followed him were trembling, and they were a little worried.Fear that I will die here like everyone else.

Yu Qing suddenly raised his arms and roared angrily: "Daoyi, I will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Then he said: "You come with me!"

Yu Qing was full of murderous intent, and quickly rushed towards one side with the two of them, rushing to meet the people from the Qinglian Society.

At this time, Daoyi is waiting for a rabbit to reap human lives.Human life is worthless to him, killing people is like chopping vegetables, and he doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with it.Because for the enemy, he only believes in one principle, that is to kill.As the saying goes, kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.Therefore, killing the enemy is the most effective and direct solution.

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