At this time, Yu Qing's solemn face has eased, and a smile of secret joy appeared on the corner of his mouth.Because from the point of view of the situation, he already has the chance to win, as long as this sword stabs in, all the price will be worth it.

But at this moment, a bloody light suddenly appeared, Daoyi was surrounded by bloody light, two flashing bloody lights shot out from his eyes, and a strong blood evil spirit surged out, like Shura who came to hell, gloomy Horror, creepy!

"Asura kills!" Suddenly, Daoyi shouted loudly, and the blood-colored Soul Devouring Spear in his palm suddenly plunged into the ground.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang, and countless bloody vitality blades burst out.The sound of cracking, screaming, and tearing continued, and blood flew like rain.

In just an instant, the four people except Yu Qing were cut into dozens of pieces by the vitality blade.The sword energy in Yu Qing's hand was also cut off, and the person was also sent flying, leaving several bloody cuts on his body.

"How is it possible?" Yu Qing looked at Daoyi in disbelief, shook his head and said to himself, "Impossible, this is impossible..."

Yu Qing's mind seemed to have suffered a great blow, unable to explain this fact.However, this is indeed too unbelievable.

Not to mention him, in fact, even Daoyi himself was taken aback.He also didn't expect the power of this move to be so powerful that it far exceeded his expectations.

Shura Tower, how many secrets are you hiding!Daoyi couldn't help sighing in his heart, because this move of Shura Kill was a cruel move he got from the seal when he broke the first layer of taboo seal.He didn't pay much attention to it all the time, he didn't want to suddenly realize it at the moment of crisis just now, so he showed it naturally.

It's just that he never thought that this move would be so wonderful.Why do you say it is wonderful?It is because the real energy used in this move is less than other moves.The power that can be displayed is even stronger.This is simply a nirvana!

"Hehe..." Daoyi let out a chuckle inadvertently.

But to Yu Qing's ears, this laughter made him panic.

Suddenly, Daoyi waved his gun and pointed at Yu Qing who was covered in blood: "Thank you for letting me understand this discovery, and as a reward, I will leave you a whole body."

"You..." Hearing this, Yu Qing, who was already in a panic, gasped for a moment, and vomited blood angrily.

Daoyi sneered: "It's useless to vomit blood. As early as you hit me, your fate was already doomed. There is only one death!"

Before he finished speaking, blood shadows flashed and blood sprayed, Dao Yi suddenly appeared in front of Yu Qing, and the Soul Devouring Spear in his palm had pierced his chest.

At this moment, Yu Qing with a ferocious face suddenly smiled, and said: "You won! But, you will..."

"Hmph!" Before Yu Qing could finish speaking, Daoyi pulled out the Soul Eater.Immediately, Yu Qing's life was lost rapidly, his pupils dilated, his breath disappeared, and his body and dao disappeared.

Daoyi didn't even look at it, so he walked away.

But he hadn't walked a few miles when he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground.Because all the true energy in his body had been consumed, the seriously injured body couldn't support it without the nourishment of the true energy.

Using the Soul Eater as a crutch, Daoyi walked towards a big tree in front of him step by step, and finally he made it down under the big tree.Then, I looked inside and found that my internal organs had been severely injured, and it would be impossible to recover to the peak within a month.

your mother's!What a bunch of desperate lunatics.Daoyi is depressed and unhappy, and the more he thinks about it, the more worthless he feels.Just because of a spirit stone, he was injured so badly, and the spirit energy in the spirit stone was not enough to heal his injury, this business was really a big loss.

"Alas!" Daoyi could only let out a helpless sigh.What he has to do now is to heal his injuries as soon as possible, restore his strength to its peak, and then go on the road to the imperial capital to seek revenge from the Han family.

It's just that it's unknown what else he will encounter on the road of revenge?

Time flies like running water, and in a blink of an eye, more than 20 days have passed.

The injuries on Daoyi's body were mostly healed, and his strength had recovered to [-]% to [-]%. He left the forest and embarked on the road to the imperial capital.

Along the way, he stopped and stopped, rushing on the road without rushing.While advancing the itinerary, he nursed his body.After a few days, his body recovered completely, and everything else was at its peak.

The sky gradually darkened, and the dusk had already passed away.

Daoyi walked alone on the narrow path, and in the grass on both sides, insects were buzzing, making him seem a little lonely.

As the night deepened, the world fell into darkness.In the darkness, Daoyi still walked forward alone, and the speed did not decrease at all.

Suddenly, a few lights flickered on the top of the mountain in front, as if there was a family sitting there.

Daoyi seemed to have discovered a new continent, and quickly rushed towards the mountain ahead.In the past few days, he has been using the ground as his bed and the sky as his quilt, and what he eats is barbecued meat and wild game.To be honest, he was a little bored, and now it is really rare to meet a family in this wilderness.So, he wanted to spend the night there and drink some hot soup and wine to refresh himself.

After half a stick of incense, Daoyi came to this mountain, where he saw a Taoist temple.This Taoist temple is not too big, but it is not too small either. It looks a bit dilapidated, as if it has been standing here for a long time.

"Wuchen Guan!" Daoyi looked up at the plaque, smiled, and stepped up.

"Dong dong dong..."

After a while, a childish voice came from the temple: "Here we come, we come..."

A seven or eight-year-old Taoist boy opened the door and said, "Benefactor, is there something wrong at this late hour?"

Daoyi Zhanyan smiled and said, "Little master, I'm tired from the journey, and I want to spend the night here, is it convenient?"

Xiao Daotong said: "Benefactor, the master said, as long as you don't dislike the rudimentary view, then come in!"

"How could it be?" Daoyi said with a smile: "It's not bad to have such a Taoist temple in a place where there is no village or shop behind."

Xiao Daotong laughed and said, "Just now there were two people who stayed overnight, and he said the same thing."

"Oh! Really?" Daoyi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be someone like him who was still on the road at such a late hour.

"Benefactor, come with me!" Xiao Daotong bouncing forward.

Seeing his innocent and mischievous appearance, Daoyi couldn't help smiling.

Xiao Daotong brought Daoyi to the backyard of the Taoist temple, where Daoyi saw the two guests he just mentioned.One is a gentle and elegant son, and the other is a middle-aged man with a big beard and a big knife.

"Benefactor, you wait here first, I will inform the master and ask him to get an extra meal." Xiaodaotong said.

Daoyi nodded "Yes" and said, "Little master, thank you!"

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