Sword of Immortals

Chapter 25 Disparity in Strength

But can things develop as they wish?

The body of the snake demon suddenly grew bigger rapidly, and with a loud snort, it actually snorted Long Teng out of its nostrils.It taunted: "If you want to cooperate with the outside, you are too naive!"

Daoyi's face froze immediately, he didn't expect this snake demon to be so shrewd, he saw through it all.But after thinking about it, it's relieved, after all, it has become a master, and it has hundreds of thousands of years of practice.If it wasn't smart enough, it probably wouldn't be alive now.

"Boom!" The giant tail of the snake demon suddenly whipped down, and the mountain shook instantly. A crack of more than ten centimeters appeared on the ground, and the trees on both sides were uprooted and rushed out of the ground.

If it weren't for Dao Yi and Long Teng's timely dodge, they might have been shocked to death by its blow.

Just as the two leaped into the air to dodge, the head of the snake demon suddenly turned around, opened its mouth wide, and sprayed two streams of steaming white liquid from it, like two fountains, rushing towards the two of them.

Long Teng turned pale with shock, and said, "Brother Dao, be careful!"

"Your mother, die!" Daoyi didn't dodge or evade, kicking his feet in the void, spinning rapidly and flying upward like an arrow leaving the string.

In an instant, morality was swallowed up by the venom.

"Brother Dao..." Long Teng was a little worried about Daoyi, because the venom was very domineering, and he was afraid that Daoyi would not be able to resist it.

However, with a flash of blood, Daoyi rushed out of the venom, and a bloody spear in his hand stabbed seven inches above the snake demon.

"Aw..." Suddenly, there was a scream of wailing, the snake demon's incomparably resolute skin was pierced by the soul-devouring gun, and the tip of the gun sank three inches in, and blood immediately seeped out, staining the dark skin red. of scales.

Seeing this, Long Teng leaped over quickly, wanting to help Daoyi, he shot through the snake demon with a single shot.

"Damn it!" The snake demon yelled violently, and its huge tail suddenly became slender, like a long whip, and in an instant, it entangled the soaring dragon.

At the same time, his huge head rammed towards Daoyi.

Daoyi didn't want to give up this excellent opportunity, he transported enough of the true energy in his body, and wanted the snake demon to penetrate it.However, he found that no matter how vigorous he was, he could no longer penetrate an inch.

As a last resort, Daoyi had no choice but to give up, and pulled out the Soul Eater Spear, resisting the snake demon's attack.

However, he underestimated the strength of the snake monster's attack. Coupled with the rush of time, he had no time to resist it with all his strength, and was blown away by the impact.

"Ah!" Long Teng suddenly let out a heart-piercing scream. His face was extremely painful and ferocious, and his eyes were bloodshot. It was obvious that he was oppressed by the snake demon.

"Long Teng, hold on!" Dao Yi flew up, stabbing the tail of the Snake Demon with his spear.

"Little brat, don't be so self-righteous. I shouldn't have been careless just now, and I was hurt by you. Now you have no chance, and there is only one way in front of you-death!" The snake demon killed Said monstrously.

The flexible and changeable tail of the snake demon is like a sharp weapon of a magic weapon, constantly slashing and attacking morality.Facing the ghostly attack of the snake tail, Daoyi can only be deceived into counterattacking and defending.But even in defense, he was still a little powerless. It was because the snake demon's attack was too strong and changed too much.

"Pfft!" Long Teng suddenly spat out a big mouthful of blood, his face was flushed red by the stagnant blood, and it was gradually turning dark purple.This shows that he is about to lose his hold. If this continues, he will be oppressed and suffocated to death in a short time.

Daoyi is in a hurry, but what can he do if he is in a hurry?He couldn't get rid of the snake monster's attack at all, let alone the dragon.

"Ah!" Long Teng suddenly let out a shocking roar, and then shouted loudly: "Canglong Po!"

The golden dragon long sword in Long Teng's hand suddenly let out a dragon roar, soared into the sky, and turned into a huge golden dragon.Immediately afterwards, the golden dragon circled and rushed down at extreme speed, swallowing the tail of the snake demon in an instant.

"Ah! Damn it!" The snake demon let out a furious roar, it was obviously caused by Long Teng's blow.

Daoyi took advantage of the snake demon's injury and was unable to take care of him, so he picked up the soul-devouring gun in his palm and stabbed the snake demon's neck.A little blood spilled down, but it only slightly injured the snake demon, because he still couldn't penetrate it.

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion, and the golden light shone in all directions, which was extremely dazzling, like a round of golden sun, illuminating the entire mountain.

This is Long Teng breaking free from the entangled tail of the snake demon.He landed on the top of a big tree beside him, coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, and panted heavily.

Daoyi slammed his legs against the snake monster's jaw, and then bounced back extremely quickly.

"Are you OK?

Long Teng took a deep breath and said, "It's okay!"

Then, Long Teng waved his right finger, and the golden dragon long sword inserted in the snake monster's tail flew back and landed in his palm.

Daoyi showed his face and said, "As long as it's okay! Let's go together and kill it!"

"En!" Long Teng nodded heavily.

Suddenly, a huge momentum soared into the sky.The two of them were startled, and looking in the blink of an eye, they saw wisps of black smoke emanating from the body of the snake monster. all over the body.

At this moment, the snake demon's demonic aura became heavier and stronger, especially his pair of big lantern-like eyes became more gloomy and weird.

"Little brat, if the tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me like a sick cat!" The snake demon said coldly, "Get ready to accept the punishment of death!"

Daoyi and Long Teng had nothing to say. Facing such a ferocious monster, the only way was to kill it quickly.

The two attacked at the same time, and saw two rays of light, one golden and one red in the air, attacking the snake demon alternately.

"Looking for death! Let you two see, what is strength and what is gap?"

The upper body of the snake demon suddenly turned into a human form, and he swung his hands out, blocking the attacks of the two with his bare hands.

Daoyi and Long Teng were startled, but at this moment, the snake monster's tail swept towards them, and the two of them were thrown out by the whip before they could catch it.

"Pfft!" The two hit the trees and didn't stop until they broke three big trees.When they fell to the ground, blood gushed from their mouths.

Before the two could recover, the snake demon struck again, and its huge tail suddenly fell from the sky.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the ground cracked open.Although the two avoided being hit head-on, they were still sent flying by the strong force.The violent air blade slashed the two of them with cuts and bruises.In a moment, the blood stained the whole body red.In a blink of an eye, the two of them became a blood man.

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