Sword of Immortals

Chapter 28 Ghost Town

The two of them crossed the barren mountains and wild ridges, crossed every river, and walked through villages and towns.

The two of them were in a hurry, and within a few days they could cover nearly [-] miles.Now they are less than ten thousand miles away from the imperial capital.

If there is no accident, based on their travel speed, it should take less than half a month to reach the imperial capital.

Daoyi has been very happy these past few days. It can be said that this is the happiest day in the past eight years since his family was destroyed.Because he is no longer alone, he has a relative, a brother who shares life and death, and this person is naturally Long Teng, so he is very happy and very happy!

Although both of them regarded each other as life and death brothers, neither of them told the truth to each other.The two of them knew this very well in their hearts, and no one asked if they knew each other.Because they trust each other very much, the other party does not say that there must be some unavoidable difficulties, or the time has not come, so this does not affect the brotherhood between them.

"There is a town ahead, let's go in and rest!" Daoyi said while playing with a city in front of him.

Long Teng looked around and said, "It's strange, why is there no one?"

Daoyi also took a look and said, "Maybe they are all in the town!"

Long Teng shook his head and said: "No, at this time and at this point, it's time to go to the market. No matter how depressed this city is, there should be a few people coming in and out!"

Daoyi thought about it carefully, and said: "Yes! You are right! In the past, no matter how bad the cities we passed by, people came to buy and sell things, but there is no one in this city. There is indeed a problem."

Long Teng said: "It's not like something happened in the city, so it's blocked!"

The corner of Daoyi's mouth raised slightly: "Let's go! Go in and have a look."

Soon the two arrived at the gate of the city. The plaque on the gate of the city gate was so torn that the words on it were blurred, but the words "ghost town" could be vaguely seen on it.

Looking at these three words, Daoyi was slightly taken aback, and said, "Ghost Town! This name is completely creepy."

"It's strange why there aren't even any soldiers guarding the city?"

When the two entered the city, there was no one on the street, it was a mess, the wind was blowing, and it looked unusually depressed and desolate.

Daoyi joked, "Isn't this really a ghost town?"

Long Teng looked at the houses on both sides of the street, and found that all the doors were closed, but he clearly felt that there were people in the house, but he didn't understand why the doors were closed in broad daylight.

"Is anyone there?" Long Teng roared loudly.

However, no one answered, and no one opened the door.

Daoyi said: "You don't have to call it that way, no one will come out."

With that said, Daoyi walked to the door of an inn, and knocked on the door loudly: "Boss, stay here!"

After a while, an old man opened the door and said, "Young man, let's go! This place is not for people."

After the old man finished speaking, he closed the door.

Daoyi was taken aback, and hurriedly knocked on the door: "Hey! Boss, wait! Can you speak clearly?"

But no matter how he knocked on the door, the old man just didn't open the door and ignored him.

Daoyi retreated helplessly, and Long Teng said, "How is it? Did you ask anything?"

Daoyi shook his head and said, "No!"

Long Teng said thoughtfully: "It seems that there is really something wrong here? Otherwise, they wouldn't be like this, but they don't know what's wrong?"


After that, the two kept knocking on the door to inquire, but there was no result after several visits.

Daoyi was very depressed about this, and said: "What's wrong with the people here, they all look like they've seen a ghost!"

Long Teng thought for a while, then analyzed: "Seeing how frightened they look, something terrible must have happened in this town."

Daoyi said: "I can see this too, but if they don't say anything, what can we do?"

Long Teng said: "Then keep knocking! I don't believe it anymore. Is there no one in a town who dares to tell the truth."

Daoyi nodded and said: "It seems that this is the only way right now! I hope you are right!"

The two continued to knock on the door, knocking on the street all the way down, and finally one family was willing to talk.There is only one person in this family, an old man in his seventies and eighties.

The old man said: "Give up the rudimentary things, and please don't give up and make do with it."

Long Teng said with a smile: "Old man, being able to shelter from the wind and rain is already very good, how could we despise it?"

"Old man, you still tell us, what's wrong with them, how come they see us as if they saw a ghost, and keep blasting out." Long Teng couldn't wait to know why.

The old man said: "You can't blame them for this matter, in fact, they also sent you out for the benefit of both of you."

Long Teng said: "How do you say that?"

The old man was silent for a while, and said: "This matter has to start from a month ago. Although our town is not too big or prosperous, it is still considered lively. But since one night a month ago, our town Here comes the nightmare."

"Nightmare? What happened?" Long Teng asked eagerly.

Daoyi is also a little anxious, he is wondering what is this nightmare?

The old man said: "I don't know what happened, but since that night, there have been strange screams in the town every night, and innocent children disappeared. At first, it was only children who disappeared, and then young adults also disappeared innocently." People started to get scared, saying that the place was haunted and cursed. So, the young people left one after another with their children, and the town became depressed. Now we are the only ones left in the town. Old guy."

Daoyi asked: "Isn't there anyone investigating this matter?"

The old man said: "I checked! But there is no result, even the official people are missing, and this place has now become a dead city. Therefore, I advise you two to leave as soon as possible."

Daoyi looked at Long Teng and said, "What do you mean?"

Long Teng said with a smile: "Since we have encountered this, we naturally want to take a look at it."

Daoyi laughed loudly: "Haha... That's what I mean too, I want to see if this place is really haunted."

"You two lads, this is not a joke, it will cost your life. You better not stay here, go quickly!" the old man dissuaded with concern.

Daoyi grinned and said: "Old man, don't be careful! Even if there is a ghost, we brothers can clean it up for you."

Long Teng agreed and said: "Yes! That's it, we will live here today. There are ghosts to catch ghosts, and monsters to catch monsters."

Although the old man tried his best to dissuade them, he still couldn't persuade them.In the end, he had no choice but to let the two of them stay.

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