After Daoyi disappeared with the bloody light, he was taken to a completely strange world.

The clouds in the sky are blood-red, and the soil on the earth is purple. There is no sun, let alone the moon.

This place is completely a scene of hell, full of bloody aura, killings everywhere, endless killings.The sounds of fighting, wailing, screaming, and moaning were like ears, piercing his heart.

What made him feel even more strange was that he was in a blood pool of more than ten square meters.

"Hell?" Daoyi asked confusedly.

"You are finally here!" Suddenly, a voice sounded from all directions.

"Who?" Daoyi looked around.

"Don't look for it, you can't see me!"

There was a chill in Daoyi's heart, and he asked, "Who the hell are you? Don't play tricks. What else is this place?"

"This place is a corner of Asura Hell, and it is also the training dojo I prepared for you."

Daoyi was inexplicably surprised: "Sura hell, is there really a hell in the world?"

"Naturally there are, the world is full of wonders, and you will know it in the future."

It's too unbelievable that there really is a Shura hell.But he didn't sound like he was lying, and besides, he didn't need to lie to me!Since he Shura Hell, maybe he knows what the Shura Tower is?

Daoyi settled his mind and asked, "You know Shura Hell, so do you know what Shura Tower is?"

"Of course I know! The Shura Tower is one of the weapons I used back then, and it is now in your sea of ​​consciousness."

Daoyi was surprised: "What? In my mind, this is impossible!"

The man smiled and said, "The moment you were born, it has been integrated into your sea of ​​consciousness. The reason why you can't feel his existence is because you are too weak."

Daoyi said with displeasure, "I'm weak? I've already reached the seventh level of martial arts."

"Haha... Do you think that the seventh level of martial arts is strong? Let me tell you that if you don't reach the golden core stage, you are not as good as an ant."

Daoyi was horrified, he had heard his father mention that above the innate Dzogchen realm is the Jindan stage, which is what people call the Shangxian.Its strength is super strong, it can control the flying sword, and take the enemy's head from a hundred meters away; it can break water stones and destroy a mountain with a wave of hands.

But such a strong person is just an ant in his mouth, so how strong is he?Daoyi didn't dare to imagine, and he didn't dare to imagine either.

The man seemed to see the surprise in his heart, and said calmly: "You don't need to be surprised, the golden core stage is only the entry level of cultivation, and there are many higher and stronger levels above this, such as Nascent Soul, Out of Body Wait, when you step into the cultivation world, you will know."

Daoyi was speechless in astonishment, because in his cognition, the golden core realm was already untouchable.Hearing what he said now, he realized that he knew too little, like a frog in a well.At the same time, it also shocked his heart and inspired his fighting spirit.

"I want to become stronger, I want revenge!" Daoyi suddenly roared up to the sky like a sleeping lion.

"Haha... good! This is like my successor, my descendant."

Daoyi asked, "Can you make me stronger?"

"Of course, now I will teach you the heaven-defying technique I created back then, the "Ni Dao Sutra". As long as you practice with all your strength, you will be able to enter the door of cultivation in a short time."

"Where is the "Ni Dao Jing"?" Dao Yi hurriedly asked, because he is eager to become stronger now, because only when he becomes stronger, can he have the strength to take revenge.

"Don't worry, I'll give you the "Ni Dao Sutra" right now."

Suddenly, a golden light burst from the sky and poured into Daoyi's head.

"Ah!" Daoyi screamed suddenly, a huge energy hit his head and the sea of ​​consciousness, making him feel extremely painful.

After the severe pain, a golden sentence suddenly flashed in his mind, ""Ni Dao Jing": Tao is the same in the world, and then it is suitable for use. If there is more than one, then there is not enough, if this is not enough, if there is more than that, neither can be used. .Those who lower the height will damage more than enough; those who raise the lower will make up for the deficiency. The way of heaven is like this, so it can be used endlessly! Those who go against the way will take over the heaven and the earth..."

After reading it, Daoyi was startled and said, "Is this the "Ni Dao Jing"?"

"That's right! This is the "Ni Dao Jing" that I created back then, isn't it very special?"

Daoyi nodded and said: "It's very special! Compared with other exercises, it's completely opposite, but why do I feel that it seems a little incomplete."

"Hehe... Alright! You can see this. It seems that the Shura Pagoda did not choose the wrong successor. That's right, the "Ni Dao Sutra" I gave you is indeed not complete, only the upper part "Slaying the Immortal Art"!"

"What?" Daoyi was very surprised, and hurriedly asked: "What about the second half?"

"Don't worry, listen to me slowly. It is not an easy thing to create your own skills, and it can't be perfected all at once. It needs years of accumulation to complete. Before I ascended to the heaven , I only completed the first part, but it is enough for you to dominate the cultivation world. And you are only suitable for the upper part of cultivation, as for the middle and lower parts, it is useless for you now. Because they are too esoteric and against the sky, you still I can’t understand it. So, I put them in the Heaven Realm and the God Realm respectively. When you have enough cultivation and strength, you will naturally be able to find them.”

Daoyi doubted: "Really, you are not lying to me, are you?"

"Lie to you, do you think it's necessary?"

Daoyi thought about it and thought it was the same.I have a dead life, what is there to lie to: "Okay! I believe you! Now can I practice the "Ni Dao Jing"?"

"No! Your physique is too poor, and the inferior zhenqi you cultivated before must be removed. Later, I will use Shura's blood to transform your physique. It will be very painful during this period. I hope you can hold on."

Daoyi took a deep breath, nodded heavily and said, "Okay! I will definitely hold on."

Now Daoyi's heart is full of hatred and anger, as long as it can make him stronger, let him take revenge, let alone a small pain, he will not care even if he sacrifices his life.

Suddenly, the blood in the blood pool seemed to have life, wrapping towards Daoyi and pouring into his body.

"Ah..." Daoyi couldn't bear the severe pain like a piercing heart, and couldn't help but yelled up to the sky.

I don't know how long it took before Daoyi felt the pain gradually subside, and finally disappeared completely.But at the same time, he felt that his whole body was full of energy, an inexhaustible power.It made him so excited and happy!

"What about blood?"

At this time, all the blood in the blood pool had disappeared.

"You have absorbed all the energy in your blood, and now you have been reborn. You can start practicing the "Ni Dao Jing"." The voice sounded again.

"Thank you!" Daoyi said gratefully, "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, how can I leave this place?"

"I know you are eager to take revenge, but going there with your current strength is death. You should practice hard here! When you can open the first floor of the Shura Tower and get the weapons inside, you will You can get out of here."

"Okay! It's a deal! I will definitely open the Shura Tower." Daoyi was full of ambition and full of confidence in himself.

Then, Daoyi sat down cross-legged, calmed down, exhaled and breathed, and circulated the sky according to the "Ni Dao Jing".

At first, he didn't react at all, but after Daoyi revolved 360 times, he finally felt a trace of true energy, which swam through his meridians.

In the days that followed, Daoyi became more and more proficient and found a way.The speed of gathering spiritual energy is also much faster, but in this world there is only blood evil energy, so he has to remove impurities before it can be transformed into pure true energy.Relatively speaking, it is more cumbersome and complicated, but he obviously felt that this true qi was much stronger than the true qi he had cultivated before.

Daoyi clearly felt that he was getting stronger day by day, which made him very excited.At the same time, his self-confidence is also increasing exponentially.Because he believed that he would not be too far away from the day of revenge!

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