Sword of Immortals

Chapter 30 Ghost Villa

Suddenly, Long Teng roared loudly, golden light flashed all over his body, he let out a dragon cry, and then a golden dragon appeared, opened its dragon's mouth wide, and spewed out a flame that was as red as fresh blood.

Suddenly, the will-o'-the-wisp uttered a creepy cry, and retreated quickly one after another, as if afraid of the masculine fire.

Daoyi was overjoyed, and said: "It seems that the legend is true! This ghost is really afraid of the fire of masculinity. Fortunately, the exercises you practice are extremely masculine and masculine, otherwise you would have to explain it here today."

"I don't know if we can destroy them!"

Suddenly, Long Teng swung out his palm, and as if the Golden Dragon had received an order, he swung his tail and hit one of the will-o'-the-wisps, and the will-o'-the-wisps were instantly torn apart.But in an instant, the scattered will-o'-the-wisps gathered together again.

"Your mother, I really don't believe it."

Daoyi became very angry, and with a turn of his true essence, from the sky, his hands kept bombarding, palm lights continued, and overwhelmingly hit the will-o'-the-wisps.In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen will-o'-the-wisps were beaten to pieces and torn apart.

Long Teng said: "No way! The lives of these ghosts are too strong, it's not an option to go on like this."

"Huhu..." All of a sudden, these scattered will-o'-the-wisps gathered together to form a huge flame, and suddenly, the surrounding temperature dropped below freezing point.

Daoyi couldn't help shivering, and said, "It's so cold!"

"Too bad, they're united and their strength has risen sharply. I'm afraid we are no match for them." Long Teng said with a serious face.

Daoyi also felt it. Now this group of will-o'-the-wisps is more than ten times stronger than before, and what's more terrible is the cold air he exudes, which makes people's blood almost freeze.Let alone fighting, it is not easy to get close to it.

Suddenly, the ghost fire turned into a long dark green dragon, and in an instant, it rushed towards the golden dragon condensed by the soaring dragon.Suddenly, the two giant dragons, one green and one gold, were entangled together.

Daoyi's face was solemn, while Long Teng's expression was a little ugly, because he felt a little powerless, the power of the will-o'-the-wisp was too strong, and he couldn't resist it at all.

"Go!" Long Teng said suddenly.

Daoyi didn't dare to stay, turned around, and jumped out of the city.Although he is very upset and unhappy, but right now he has no way to deal with them, so, for his own safety, he can only choose to avoid their edge, and this is also the most sensible choice.

Suddenly, the green light became overwhelming, and in a blink of an eye, the golden dragon was engulfed.

With a strange roar, the will-o'-the-wisps circled towards the two of them and chased them at such a fast speed that they blocked their way in a split second.

"Break it!" Daoyi, who was full of anger, shouted violently, and bombarded with a palm, a powerful energy impact, and in an instant, Yu Phantom Fire Dragon met.

With a bang and a scream, the energy in Daoyi's palm was immediately neutralized by the ghost fire dragon, and he himself was also injured by the unparalleled coldness.

Daoyi retreated quickly, and found that his palms had been frozen, and the cold air was still invading. If he hadn't used the fire of the cauldron to temper the golden elixir to dispel the cold air in time, he might have turned into an iceman already.

Suddenly, the tail of the ghost fire dragon swept across.Daoyi soared to the sky, the blood in his palm flashed, and the Soul Eater shot out, taking advantage of the opportunity and inserting it into the nothingness of the ghost fire dragon.

But it didn't respond, as if the attack had no effect on it at all, instead, a cold air suddenly surged up along the Soul Eater.

Daoyi was shocked, and hurriedly took the Soul Eater back.Said: "Run quickly!"

Long Teng swung his sword, and a wall of flames shining with golden light appeared, intercepting the ghost fire dragon.Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two increased their speed to the extreme, and Sa Yazi fled away.

With a strange cry, the wall of fire lasted for a while before it was breached.The ghost fire dragon and its extremely fast speed chased after it again.

Looking at the ghostly fire dragon that was chasing after him, Daoyi was extremely depressed, and said: "This has stabbed a hornet's nest!"

Long Teng also felt a little regretful, regretting that he shouldn't have come to this muddy water.

The two escaped unambiguously, as if there was wind on the soles of their feet, and their speed was extremely fast.After a while, they came to the outside of the city.

At this time, the two realized that the ghost fire dragon had not chased after them, and Shang Ting stood on the city gate, looking at them from a distance.

Daoyi stopped, puzzled, "Why didn't it come after me?"

Long Teng said: "Do you want him to come after you?"

Daoyi smiled, shook his head and said, "I'm sick!"

"But it's really strange, why didn't he come after him?" Long Teng couldn't figure it out either.

Daoyi said: "There must be something wrong here, as for what it is, we have to go in and have a look."

"What?" Long Teng asked in surprise, "You still want to go in and investigate?"

Daoyi nodded and said: "Of course! Are you really willing to be kicked out like this? Even if you are willing, I won't pester you endlessly. And I don't want that old man to think that I'm just a big talker, bragging Cowhide swinger."

"Although I'm not reconciled, we have no way to deal with them. We can only die if we go in. If we just lose our lives like this, it's not worth it." Long Teng was a little scared.

Daoyi thought for a while, then suddenly said: "Let's go during the day!"

"During the day!" Long Teng said in amazement, "Do ghosts appear during the day?"

Daoyi said, "Do you think they are really ghosts?"

Long Teng looked at Daoyi and said, "You mean..."

Daoyi nodded and said, "Don't you think so?"

Long Teng nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Yes! Hearing what you said, after thinking about it carefully, there is really a problem."

Daoyi suddenly snorted angrily, "Hmph! How dare you play us, we'll settle the score with him as soon as the sun comes out at dawn."

"Okay! Then let's take a look." Long Teng nodded and agreed.

The night passed quickly, the dawn fell, and the sun slowly rose soon after.

Daoyi and Longteng, who were meditating under the tree to adjust their breathing, suddenly opened their eyes, soared into the sky, and walked with their swords.

In a blink of an eye, the two came to the sky above Ghost Town.

Daoyi said: "You are on the left, I am on the right, let's see where he is hiding?"

The two descended from the sky, released their spiritual senses, and began to carefully inspect every house in the town, not even an inch of land.

It stands to reason that it is not easy for the two to find out.Because they had already scared the snake last night, it is very likely that he is already prepared today.

But the fact is not the case. Daoyi quickly detected a cold air, and he quickly found the source of the cold air.Its source came from a huge manor. This manor was very luxurious and luxurious, but it was shrouded in gloom, and even the flowers, plants and trees inside were withered and dead.There is no doubt that there is a big problem here.

"I found it, here it is!" Daoyi called Long Teng over.

The two landed in front of the manor, and when they looked up, they saw four vigorous and powerful characters "Ghost Villa" engraved on the plaque.

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