Sword of Immortals

Chapter 37 Heroes Save America

Daoyi was a little upset, turned his head and saw a few young men chasing a girl in a blue dress on the street.The girl looked very panicked and frightened, as if she had been greatly hurt.

What surprised him was that with so many people on the street, no one stepped forward to stop them.People's indifference, he couldn't help but sigh, the people's hearts are so old, the world is going downhill!

Although Daoyi sympathized with Gu Nian, he didn't intend to help.It's not that he didn't want to, but he didn't dare.He wasn't afraid of those big men, but he had learned the lesson from last time, so he had to be careful, so as not to end up with good intentions that were not rewarded like last time.

well!As the saying goes!It's none of your business, hang on high!Let's have our tea and our snacks!

Daoyi continued to sip tea and eat snacks, leisurely and leisurely.It wasn't that he was indifferent, but that what he had experienced had covered his scorching heart with a layer of frost.He is no longer as impulsive as before, and gradually he has matured.

"Help! Help..." The woman in blue yelled for help, her voice getting louder and closer.

"Miss, don't run away, come back with us!" A few strong young men shouted from behind.

The woman in blue ignored them and just kept running forward, still calling for help. From her urgent cry for help, it could be heard how desperately she hoped for someone to come out to help her.

Suddenly, a man carrying something came out from the interface.The woman in blue who was running fast collided with her before she could stop quickly.

As soon as the body of the man carrying the things turned, the woman fell to one side, and just bumped into the tea table where Daoyi was drinking tea.

Daoyi raised his head and glanced at the woman in blue. There was a trace of panic in the woman's eyes, and she hurriedly said, "Yes... I'm sorry!"

But at this moment, several big men behind had chased up and surrounded the teahouse.

"Miss, come back with us!"

"You...don't come here, don't..." The woman in blue stepped back in fear.

"Miss, don't make it difficult for us to do well?"

"I won't go with you if I die!" The woman in blue almost went mad.

"Miss, if this is the case, then don't blame us for being rude."

As he spoke, several big men surrounded him and reached out to grab the woman in blue.

Seeing this, the woman in blue panicked. Suddenly, she grabbed Daoyi and asked for help, "Help me, help me..."

Daoyi looked at the woman in blue in a blink of an eye, and he was surprised to find that the woman in blue had a beautiful face, skin like creamy fat, collar like a grub, teeth like a gourd rhinoceros, moth-like eyebrows, beautiful eyes, and hands like catkins.It's really as beautiful as a fairy, like a fairy descending from the mortal world.

At this moment, her tearful eyes and pitiful expression made Daoyi so intoxicated, he wished he could hold her in his arms, and spend his whole life loving and protecting her.

But he soon woke up from his imagination, because he suddenly thought of Han Jiangxue.He once had the same idea about Han Jiangxue, and he thought he would be able to do it too.Unexpectedly, she...

Daoyi didn't dare to think about it anymore, because this was the pain in his heart that he never wanted to bring up.

"Let me go, let me go quickly..." The woman in blue struggled desperately, at the same time, she grabbed Daoyi's sleeve with one hand, and said, "Save me, save me..."

Daoyi was brought back to reality from the painful memories by the woman in blue's cry for help. Seeing her big watery eyes and almost desperate expression again, he couldn't sit still anymore.

He stood up abruptly, and kicked the young man who was grabbing her into the air with one kick. Immediately afterwards, he hugged the woman in blue into his arms.

"What are you doing?" Several other youths asked loudly upon seeing this.

Daoyi said coldly: "What are you doing? I have to ask you this question, right! Don't you feel ashamed for a few big men to bully a weak woman?"

"Hmph! This is mine, what does it have to do with you."

Daoyi said: "At first, he had nothing to do with me, but now that he has met me, then he has something to do with me."

"Let go of our lady, or you will be looking for teeth all over the place!"

"You miss?" Daoyi was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the woman in blue and asked, "Miss, do you know them?"

The woman in blue shook her head and said: "I don't know, how could I know these stinky hooligans, stinky scoundrels."

"Miss, you..."

Daoyi said coldly: "Did you hear that! She said she didn't know you, if you still want to live, you should leave quickly, otherwise..."

"Brothers, what are you talking about with him, you're killing him." One person howled angrily.

Immediately, five people attacked with fists.Daoyi turned around and hurriedly sent the woman in blue aside to avoid accidentally hurting her.Immediately afterwards, he raised the tea table in front of him with one hand and smashed it at several people.

One of them punched through the table, and the speed of the fist did not slow down, hitting Daoyi's chest.

Dao Yidun felt a tight pain in his chest, and it must not be an ordinary person who can hurt him.After careful investigation, he discovered that four of the five were at the seventh or eighth level of martial arts, while the other had reached the innate level.

At this time, he couldn't help feeling suspicious.The five of them are all practitioners, how could they fail to catch a woman who has no strength to restrain her, and even chased her for nearly a street.

Daoyi hastily turned his head to look at the blue-clothed woman beside her. At this moment, she was sitting on the tea table in the corner, she looked less scared, and there was still a trace of calmness in her eyes.

The doubts in Daoyi's heart grew stronger, but when he checked whether she knew martial arts, he was shocked immediately.Because he sensed an extremely powerful energy seal on the woman in blue, this power is not much weaker than the ghosts and old ghosts he has seen.

well!Miserable, trouble again!Or as the old saying goes!Don't meddle in your own business, he's sure something will happen if you take care of it.

At this moment, Daoyi can basically determine that the woman in blue and the five of them are acquaintances, and if there is nothing wrong, she should be the eldest lady of a certain sect or manor family.

Now he is in charge of other people's housework. If his father asks him to settle accounts for this, he will have trouble telling, even if he jumps into the Yellow River, he won't be able to clean up.

So, now he is depressed.For a while, I didn't know what to do, should I manage it?Or should we manage it?Or should we manage it?

After struggling with morality for a while, he finally decided to let it go, because he didn't like to give up halfway.Besides, he couldn't just leave her alone like this, since she escaped from the house, there must be some unavoidable reasons for her.Therefore, he felt that he should help her.

"Boom..." Daoyi kicked several times, sending all five of them flying to the ground.

Daoyi glanced at the five people, and said coldly: "You are not my opponent, be sensible, get out!"

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