Daoyi gritted his teeth and said, "Let me tell you, you'd better kill me, otherwise your Han family will cease to exist when he escapes."

Hanshan Temple smiled and said: "Haha...you still want to get out of trouble, don't you think this is just a dream?"

"Get out!" Daoyi suddenly shouted.

Hanshan Temple said angrily: "Hmph! Let me ask you again, whether or not to pay the Shura Pagoda."

Daoyi ignored Hanshan Temple and turned his head to one side.

Hanshan Temple nodded angrily, and said: "Okay! Since you don't have to drink a toast, don't blame me! Bring him out!"

"What are you going to do?" Long Teng asked worriedly for morality.

Hanshan Temple said: "My Ninth Prince, if you have time to care about others, you should first care about yourself. If you don't tell me what you want, I guarantee that your end will be even more miserable than his!"

"You...you will definitely die badly." Long Teng cursed.

Daoyi was taken out and tied to the prison.Hanshan Temple came over with a bucket of chili water. He stirred it with a spoon, scooped out a spoon, and said with a sneer, "See! If you don't tell me, I'll pour this into your wound."

Daoyi's stern and indifferent face, without any emotional fluctuations, he said calmly: "What are you waiting for? Come on! Do you think I will be afraid?"

"You..." Hanshan Temple was a little out of breath, and he spread this spoonful of chili water on Daoyi's wound.Those wounds that had just stopped bleeding suddenly burst open again, bleeding continuously.Daoyi's face was ferocious, and he was extremely painful, but he didn't cry out, and didn't even say a word.

Although this kind of pain was heart-piercing, it was nothing compared to the pain in his heart!

"Good boy, you really are hard, and you don't even say a word." Hanshan Temple was very upset, and said angrily: "I want to see how hard your bones are."

As he spoke, Hanshan Temple tapped the exposed rib on Daoyi's chest with the iron spoon in his hand, and a section of the rib broke instantly.

Hanshan Temple looked at the broken rib and said with a sneer, "It shatters as soon as you hit it, isn't your bone very hard?"

Enduring the pain of broken bones, Daoyi said: "Is this the only level you have? Come again! If I say anything, I will be raised by you."

Hanshan Temple kicked Daoyi in the abdomen, and said, "What I can't stand the most is such a cheap bone like you!"

"Pfft!" Daoyi spat out a big mouthful of blood, which covered Hanshan Temple's face.Daoyi suddenly laughed and said, "Haha... come on! Come again!"

Daoyi is almost insane, he has forgotten what pain is, or he has become numb to pain.

"You..." Hanshan Temple's face turned green with anger.

Han Jiangxue at the side looked at the mad Daoyi, shook his head, and said, "Father! I don't think he will talk anymore, so let's kill him! I'll save the night from having more dreams!"

Hanshan Temple shook his head and said, "No! We have already reached this point, we can't give up, and I don't believe he can never say anything."

Han Jiangxue agreed, "Father! You can't underestimate a person's willpower. His willpower is stronger than anyone else. No matter how you treat him, he won't say anything. Unless..."

"Unless what?" Hanshan Temple hurriedly asked.

Han Jiangxue said: "Unless we search for his soul, we will never get what we want."

"Soul search! I know this, but our cultivation base is not enough, we can't use this mysterious technique at all!"

"We can hire someone!"

Hanshan Temple shook his head and said, "No! I can't let others know this secret, let alone take this risk."

Han Jiangxue nodded and said, "I know! Then kill him!"

Hanshan Temple pondered for a while, but he was still a little reluctant to build the pagoda, he said: "No! There will always be a way, you can leave this matter alone."

"Father! Stop trying to persuade me! I always feel that keeping him is a disaster, and it's better to kill him as soon as possible."

Han Jiangxue, you are really ruthless!I swear, as long as I don't die this time, I will smash your corpse into thousands of pieces in the future!

Now Daoyi has no love for Han Jiangxue, only hatred, boundless hatred, wishing to have her skin cramped, drink blood and eat flesh.


"Okay! Stop talking, I have my own measure!" Hanshan Temple stopped.

Hanshan Temple looked at Daoyi in a blink of an eye, and said, "Boy, let's stop here today! Let's continue tomorrow!"

Daoyi shouted: "Don't waste your time, I won't say it. You'd better kill me! Kill me..."

"Bring him in for me!"

Daoyi was thrown into the iron prison again. When Hanshan Temple passed by the iron prison, he turned to look at Long Teng, and sneered, "Ninth Prince! You see! If you don't say anything, I will let you know next time." Worse than him!"

Long Teng said angrily: "Hmph! Let's see how long you can be proud, one day you will regret it, one day you will die a miserable death."

"Maybe! But you can't see it! Haha..." Hanshan Temple said, leaving the dungeon.

"How are you?" Long Teng hurried over to check on Daoyi's injuries, but when he saw the flesh and blood eroded and rotted by the hot pepper water, he couldn't help crying, filled with anger, and gritted his teeth: "This beast, scum, he How can you do such a cruel and inhumane thing, it is simply inhuman."

Daoyi said weakly: "It's okay! I can still hold on!"

Long Teng was very worried, and said: "But your injury is too serious, if you don't treat it, you will definitely die if you drag it on."

"Don't worry, he won't let me die."

"Are you so confident?" Long Teng didn't understand why he was still so confident now that he had reached this level.

Daoyi said: "It's not that I'm confident, but that Hanshan Temple is greedy enough. Because of his greed, he won't let me die."

Long Teng secretly said: "But if you are like this now, what is the difference between you and death?"

Daoyi said optimistically and confidently: "Life is hope, believe me! We will turn around!"

"Hey! I can't help you either, you should recover from your injuries!" Long Teng sighed helplessly.

Now Daoyi's cultivation base has been abolished, his meridians have been broken, and his true energy is gone. It is impossible to repair the wounds on his body in a short time.Therefore, what he is looking forward to now is the Shura Tower, he does not think about anything now, concentrates his energy, and begins to exercise it.This mental power is an illusory thing, not as simple as cultivation, and there are traces to follow.Its cultivation is entirely based on the accumulation of chance and perception, and it is really not easy to cultivate.

But fortunately, he has the experience of the last practice, and now he is not so confused, at least he has the direction to move forward again - enlightenment!But comprehension is a very difficult thing, otherwise there would be no such thing as "once enlightened, one becomes immortal".

Daoyi began to look back at his life, those painful responses that he didn't want to touch; and those happy and happy pictures, one by one presented in front of him, stimulating and sharpening his spirit over and over again, and feeling over and over again. Going, practicing spiritual power.

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