Daoyi waved his knife and cut off the iron prison.The two left the iron prison and came to the stone gate of the dungeon.

The stone gate was huge, estimated to weigh several thousand jin, and it was firmly embedded in the stone trough of the dungeon, blocking the way of the two of them.

Daoyi turned his hand and struck the stone gate with a palm. Immediately, with a bang, the stone gate was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, there were two screams, and the guard outside the stone gate was crushed to death by the bursting stone.

Daoyi and Long Teng walked straight towards the main hall, and anyone who stood in the way along the way became the souls of Daoyi's subordinates.

Long Teng looked a little chilled, because he was selfless and emotional when he acted morally, he was like a cold killing machine, killing people was like chopping vegetables, it seemed to be a matter of course.

When the two of them approached the hall, they suddenly heard a scream and a bang, a hole was pierced in the wall of the hall, and a figure flew out.

Daoyi fixed his eyes and was slightly startled, because the person who fell out of the sky turned out to be Fu Xing.And at this moment, suddenly, an ominous feeling flooded his heart.

"You unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, you still want to dig a tunnel to save that trash." Hanshan Temple suddenly rushed out from the hall.

Fu Xing didn't say anything, but with a backhand sword, the sword energy was sharp and cold, and in an instant, across the sky, he attacked Hanshan Temple.

"Hmph!" Hanshan Temple snorted coldly, and struck out with a wave of his finger, shaking off the sword energy.At the same time, with a flash of his figure, he struck Fu Xing's chest with his finger. Fu Xing immediately vomited blood and flew back.

Long Teng hurried up, stopped Fu Xing, and said, "Are you all right?"

When Fu Xing saw Long Teng, he was startled suddenly, very surprised.

When Hanshan Temple saw Daoyi, it was like seeing a ghost, and said in horror: "You...how did you come out?"

Daoyi said coldly: "Do you really think that iron prison can trap me forever?"

"No! This is impossible, your cultivation base has been abolished, you can't recover so quickly, this is absolutely impossible..." Hanshan Temple doesn't believe this is true, because Daoyi is already a cripple, no There may be such a strong momentum.

right!I must be dreaming!Hanshan Temple pinched his thigh, but felt severe pain, telling him that everything before him was true, morality had really come out, and his cultivation base was stronger than before.

"Why did this happen? Why..." Hanshan Temple seemed to have suffered a great blow, and the whole person was wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Daoyi was expressionless, with a cold tone, and said slowly: "I remember I told you that I told you to kill me, otherwise you will regret it. Are you regretting it now!"

"You..." Hanshan Temple was a little frustrated. To be honest, he really regretted it now, regretting that he didn't listen to his daughter Han Jiangxue's words and killed him.Now that the opportunity has been missed, it may not be him who died, but himself.

It's just that he doesn't understand, Daoyi is already a useless person, why can he recover in such a short time?If he didn't know the reason, he might die in peace.

Hanshan Temple collected himself and said, "That's right! I really regret it now, but I don't understand how you recovered."

The corner of Daoyi's mouth raised, and he sneered: "Didn't you always want to get the Shura Tower? Today I will tell you where it is?"

"Where is it?" Hanshan Temple asked hastily, because the desire for Shura Pagoda in his heart has never weakened.

Daoyi paused for a while before replying, "It's in my head!"

"What?" Hanshan Temple was astonished, no wonder he dug the Taoist school three feet, but couldn't find it, it turned out to be in his mind.

Daoyi said coldly: "The Shura Pagoda has already become one with me! You have done so much, but it is all in vain, because you are going to die soon!"

Hanshan Temple suddenly laughed and said, "You want to kill me, can you kill me? Let me tell you, you can't be too naive."

"Really?" Daoyi said coldly, "I don't know who is innocent?"

"Come here!" Hanshan Temple suddenly shouted, "Bring her up to me."

After a while, two big men walked over holding Feng Ling'er.

"Daoyi!" Feng Ling'er shouted.

When Daoyi saw Feng Ling'er, his face changed slightly, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up and said, "What do you mean?"

Hanshan Temple sneered and said: "Don't pretend, I already know that she is your woman, she came here to save you. If you don't care about her, you can kill me now."

Daoyi shook his head and said, "I think you made a mistake, I don't know her at all."

"Really?" Hanshan Temple sneered sinisterly, and said: "Since you don't know her, then she is worthless, so I will give it to you two! You can play whatever you want, and it doesn't matter if you die."

The two looked at Feng Ling'er's supple face, and said with lewd smiles: "Thank you, thank you, owner!"

"Daoyi..." Feng Ling'er was a little scared, looking at him with big watery eyes.

Daoyi glanced at Hanshan Temple, and the murderous look in his eyes was like a sword, which made people shudder.Seeing Hanshan Temple like this, he couldn't help but feel hairy. The eyes are really too cold, as if he came to hell, frightening people's hearts and souls.

Suddenly, Daoyi's body swayed, and a ray of light flashed, two streams of blood spilled out, and the two men who were holding Feng Ling'er fell into a pool of blood.

Hanshan Temple turned pale with shock, now that he lost Feng Linger, it was like losing his life-saving talisman.Although he was very anxious, he didn't panic. He looked at Long Teng in a blink of an eye, rushed over with lightning speed, and knocked Long Teng away with a single palm.Fu Xing, who was seriously injured, was restrained in his hands.

Long Teng was a little angry, and rushed forward, trying to rescue Fu Xing, but his strength was not comparable to Hanshan Temple, and he was knocked into the air again.

Daoyi took Feng Linger and followed Long Teng, saying: "You look at Linger here, I'll kill him!"

"Okay!" Long Teng nodded.

Daoyi walked towards Hanshan Temple step by step, Hanshan Temple looked at Daoyi who was walking, and his spine couldn't help but feel chills, bone-chilling.

"Stop, if you come again, he will die." Hanshan Temple's heart was trembling, he was terrified!

Daoyi said coldly: "You know, this is useless. I advise you to let him go, otherwise you will only die worse."

"Hmph! Don't scare me, I didn't scare you too much." Hanshan Temple suddenly shouted: "You all go to me and kill him."

Suddenly, dozens of people rushed over and surrounded Daoyi and the others.

Daoyi glanced at it in a blink of an eye, and found that these people's cultivation bases are not bad. They all have eight or nine levels of martial arts, and some of them are at the innate level.Added together, it can be regarded as a considerable force, but what is this in the eyes of Daoyi?

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