Sword of Immortals

Chapter 65 Corpse Slave

The screams, the sounds of killing blood, and the groans were getting closer and closer, and the thick murderous aura swept over like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, covering the entire Emperor's Palace.

After a while, Daoyi and Long Teng arrived in front of the Emperor's Palace.

Long Ze in front of the Emperor's Palace was slightly stunned, with a murderous intent in his eyes, and said, "Ninth Brother! Since you are alive, you shouldn't come back."

Long Teng took a step forward and said, "Third Brother, you are too ruthless!"

"Hehe!" Long Ze laughed and said, "Am I ruthless? Those who have been kings and emperors since ancient times did not slaughter millions of people. I just killed a few people who deserved to be killed. Am I ruthless? Compared to them, what am I worth?"

Long Teng was very distressed, and said: "It's come to this point, you still don't know how to repent, do you really want to be forever?"

"Haha..." Long Ze laughed loudly: "I will never recover! Well said, but it's not me, it's you who will never recover!"

"Third Brother, stop!" Long Teng continued to persuade.

Long Ze looked at Long Teng coldly, and said: "You tell me to stop, and I will give you the throne. Do you think this is possible? I really regret that I didn't kill you that day! But it doesn't matter, today , since you have sent it to the door yourself, don't even think about going out again."

After speaking, Long Ze gave an order, and the soldiers in full armor surrounded and killed him.

Long Teng shook his head helplessly, and the golden dragon long sword appeared in his palm. Immediately, the sky was filled with blood, and his head flew across the sky.One soldier after another fell into a pool of blood.

Daoyi was even more ruthless, as soon as he swung his gun, a large piece fell down.

In a short while, corpses were piled up in front of the Emperor's Palace, and the entire front yard was stained red with blood.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, Long Ze didn't have the slightest bit of compassion, because he was an emperor, it was only natural for these little soldiers to die for him, and more importantly, an emperor should be so ruthless.

Long Ze suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, and exclaimed, "Okay! Is this decent? The way of the emperor should be like this, with millions of corpses and blood flowing like rivers!"

Daoyi turned his head and said coldly: "Don't talk nonsense, if you have anything to rely on, just show it!"

When Long Ze saw Daoyi's cold eyes, he was slightly taken aback, and said, "Who are you?"

Long Teng replied: "This is my life and death brother—— Daoyi!"

"Daoyi!" Long Ze was a little surprised, staring at him and said, "You're not dead?"

Daoyi said coldly: "There are too many people who want me to die, but in the end they all died at my hands. Maybe you will be next!"

"This old guy in Hanshan Temple is too unreliable in his work." Long Ze angrily scolded Hanshan Temple.

Daoyi grinned and said: "It's not that he is unreliable, but he is too greedy. People who are too greedy often die because of it! He is the best example, I hope you will not be next!"

Long Ze sneered, and said: "You are too confident! Do you think that the imperial palace is the back garden of your home, and you can pick the flowers you want?"

Daoyi nodded and said, "In my opinion it is so!"

"Hmph!" Long Ze snorted angrily, "Come here! Take these two traitors to me!"

Suddenly, eight figures flashed from around the Emperor's Hall, and in a blink of an eye, they surrounded Dao Yi and Long Teng.

Daoyi took a glance and found that the cultivation bases of the eight people were not bad, and they had all reached the golden core stage.

Long Teng was a little worried, because judging from the aura, the cultivation and strength of these eight people were stronger than him.He was afraid that Daoyi would be able to deal with it. After all, there were eight opponents, and their strength was not bad.

"Are you sure?" Long Teng asked.

Daoyi squinted and said: "In my eyes, they are no different from dead people!"


"I don't know how to live or die!" Obviously, Daoyi's words caused strong dissatisfaction among the eight people.So that in an instant, the anger of the eight people soared, and their momentum also increased a lot.

"Kill!" It was unknown which one of the eight people roared, and four of them swung their knives at Daoyi.

Daoyi frowned slightly, moved his left foot slightly, and suddenly, four figures rushed out of his body, facing the four who came up to besieged.

"When..." There were only a few soft sounds, and the four figures retreated in a blink of an eye, Daoyi still stood on the spot, motionless!

The four of them stopped in front of Daoyi. Suddenly, a stream of blood spurted out from the chests of the four of them, and then they fell straight to the ground, with terrified faces and wide-open eyes in disbelief.This is how the four of them died. They didn't look like they were killed, but more like they were scared to death.

The other four people were startled, and did not back down, but attacked alternately, two fronts and two backs.

Daoyi took a step forward, stepping on the flying cloud step, like a ghost, in a split second, he rushed in front of the four of them.

Several screams came out, one of the four people had their neck cut off, one person's chest was pierced, one person's arm was broken and flew out, and the remaining one was cut in half.

"Hey!" Long Teng suddenly swung his sword horizontally, and the man whose arm had been cut off had half of his head cut off by his sword.

So far, all eight people have died, and the whole process is just the effort of a cup of tea.

At this moment, Long Ze could no longer be calm, and a trace of solemnity appeared on his face.The power of morality has completely exceeded his expectations. At this moment, he knows who destroyed the Han family.

Daoyi pointed his gun at Longze and said, "It's your turn!"

"Hmph!" Long Ze snorted coldly: "You are not qualified enough to compete with me!"

Suddenly, two black figures flashed out, with thick black mist covering their bodies, their faces could not be seen clearly, but the aura was very strange.

"This...is this corpse slave?" Long Teng asked in surprise.

Long Ze sneered and said, "That's right! These are the corpse slaves I fed with blood essence, let them have fun with you!"

Long Teng said indignantly: "Third brother, you...you actually raise a corpse slave, an evil thing that cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth, aren't you afraid of being struck by lightning?"

Long Ze grinned and said, "Thunderstorms from the sky are just rhetoric used to scare the weak. I believe that the way of heaven has its own judgment, and if it can exist naturally, then there is a reason for its existence. As I told you, you too I won't understand."

Long Teng was very disappointed, he was completely disappointed with Long Ze.You must know that to feed corpse slaves, you must feed on the blood of living people.Judging from the current strength of these two corpse slaves, at least the blood of thousands of people is needed to make them successful.Therefore, this corpse slave is the most evil thing that destroys humanity, and it cannot stay in this world at all.

"Third brother, you deserve to die!" Long Teng said bitterly, the murderous look in his eyes became cold, cold, and firm.

"Winners and losers, today, if you don't die, you die, or I die!" Long Ze suddenly ordered, "Drain the blood of both of them!"

"Ah Yi, be careful! Don't get scratched by the corpse slave, otherwise you will be poisoned, and then your body will become stiff, and you will have to be slaughtered in the end." Long Teng reminded hastily.

Daoyi said: "Don't worry about me, just take care of yourself!"

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