"You shouldn't have come back!" said one of them.

Long Teng scolded angrily: "You...you are so confused! Don't you know what this is? Corpse slaves are strictly prohibited by my father, and they will kill us all. If you have any conscience, you should help I, kill this crazy guy."

The two remained indifferent, standing there firmly blocking.

"Help the evildoer, he should be killed!" Long Teng was furious, this time he was really angry, this was the real anger that came from the bottom of his heart.

"Dragon Slash!" Long Teng held the sword in both hands, and suddenly swung the sword down.Accompanied by a dragon chant, an unparalleled sword energy swept out.

"Kaka!" The two hurriedly resisted with the long knife in their hands, but the sword energy was too sharp, and cut it off in an instant.The armor on his body was also cut off, and there was a regular bloody cut on his chest. If the two of them hadn't reacted fast enough and dodged it in time, it might not have been as simple as a bloody cut, but had been cut into It's in two halves.

After repelling the two of them, Long Teng hurriedly came to Daoyi and said, "Ah Yi, how are you doing?"

Although Daoyi didn't make a sound, Long Teng could feel that he was in great pain right now, as evidenced by his somewhat disordered breath.

Enduring the severe pain, Daoyi said, "Don't worry about me, take care of yourself."

Long Teng was slightly taken aback, but he soon realized that since he said this, it meant he was fine.But he still doesn't understand one thing, this corpse slave is very powerful, once invaded by it, he will definitely die.He didn't know what morality could do to protect himself from harm.

"Boy, you have been brazen. When all these corpse spirits invade, you will become my next corpse slave, and I believe you will be my best and strongest so far. A corpse slave. Haha..." When Long Ze thought that Daoyi would become his corpse slave, he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

"Longze, I'll kill you!" Long Teng leaped in the air, and swung his sword towards Longze.

But suddenly, a black shadow appeared and blocked the sword with his body.

"Damn it!" Seeing the black shadow in front of him, Long Teng knew that his true dragon righteousness failed to trap him, and he escaped.

Long Teng picked up the sword and stabbed down obliquely. In an instant, it pierced through the corpse slave's body. A burst of sword energy shot out from the tip of the sword, piercing Long Ze straight away.

Long Ze rolled his eyes coldly, and with a wave of his palm, the sword energy was scattered.

"Ah!" At this moment, Daoyi suddenly raised his head and roared, and the corpse evil spirit covering his whole body poured into his body at an extremely fast speed.

"Haha...it's a success!" Long Ze said happily.

At this time, Daoyi seemed to be a completely different person, exuding a hell-like evil spirit all over his body, his eyes were blood red, his hair was messy, his aura was soaring, extremely evil, and it was chilling and creepy.

"Ah Yi!" Long Teng retreated, he was extremely worried, worried that Daoyi would really become a corpse slave.

Daoyi suddenly shook his arms, raised his head, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He looked at Longze in a blink of an eye, and said, "This feels really good, thank you so much!"

"You..." Long Ze said in astonishment: "How is it possible? How could you be fine?"

Daoyi said: "The evil spirit of the corpse is indeed very powerful, but it is a little bit worse against me. They wanted to control me, but they were absorbed by me, so now it belongs to me and has become my original force." Part of it is to improve some strength."

"Impossible, how could you refine and devour them in such a short period of time." Long Ze didn't believe what Daoyi said, because the Corpse Slave is indestructible and invincible, no one can resist its erosion.

Of course, that's the way it is supposed to be.It's a pity that what they encountered was Daoyi. The "Ni Dao Jing" cultivated by Daoyi has the ability to reverse everything. He can transform any aura and energy into something beneficial to him, and he can quickly absorb it to improve himself Strength.However, he didn't bother to do this in terms of morality, because improving his cultivation in this way made him feel very unreal and not solid.Therefore, he prefers to practice by himself, step by step to improve and become stronger.

Daoyi Leng Jun said: "There is nothing impossible in this world!"

It really is a freak, too perverted!He can even devour corpse slaves, what kind of person is this!Long Teng couldn't help sighing, he felt more and more ignorant of morality.

"I don't believe it anymore, you are really so powerful!" Long Ze was very angry.

Suddenly, another corpse slave flew over, Daoyi glanced at it, and hit the corpse slave's abdomen with a sudden palm, but the corpse slave did not fly out, but stuck to his palm.Then, the corpse evil spirit on the corpse slave gradually weakened, and all of it poured into Daoyi's palm.

"You..." Long Teng was startled, and said, "You also practiced magic skills?"

In a short while, Daoyi absorbed the corpse slave, and the corpse spirit in his body increased a lot, making him look more ghostly and terrifying, more like he came out of hell.

"Go to hell!" Long Ze suddenly raised his hand and swung down, a huge sword light appeared out of nowhere, across the sky, and slashed towards Daoyi.

Daoyi turned the Soul Eater in his right hand and swung it upwards, blocking the blade light.

All of a sudden, Long Ze rushed forward, striking out with both palms.

Daoyi frowned, turned the Soul Devourer Spear again, and shattered the light of the saber, and then pushed it out horizontally, blocking the attack of Longze's palms.

Long Ze grabbed the Soul Devouring Gun with both hands, and kicked towards him with both legs.Daoyi slammed down the Soul Eater for a while, and immediately, Longze fell to the ground.The ground suddenly burst, and a large pit appeared.

"Damn it!" Long Ze turned around abruptly, kicking his legs upwards.

Daoyi turned sideways in a hurry, and kicked Longze on the back. Longze flew out immediately and hit the wall.

"Emperor..." some soldiers exclaimed and rushed over.

Long Ze got up from the ruins, spit out the dust in his mouth, looked at Daoyi coldly, and said, "You are really strong! You deserve to be taken seriously!"

"Ah!" Long Ze suddenly let out a roar, and the soldiers who surrounded him, in an instant, were shocked by the roar and bleed to death from Qikong.Under his powerful aura, the surrounding sand and dust were suspended.His aura is still rising, and more and more sand is suspended.

"How is it possible?" Long Teng couldn't believe what he saw. He didn't believe that Long Ze was so strong, because he knew how difficult it was to practice "Canglong Jue".Even if Long Ze is older than him and has practiced a few years longer than him, it is impossible for him to be so ridiculously strong.

Morality was also moved, Long Ze's aura soared all the way, and his strength had completely exceeded his expectations.

"Hey... what's wrong? Are you scared?" Long Ze sneered, "It's too late to be scared now!"

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