Sword of Immortals

Chapter 70 In trouble

Suddenly, the true essence in Longze's body soared, and his aura rose to a higher level. The powerful coercion exuded made Daoyi a little startled.

Although Daoyi was a little afraid of Longze's unleashed strength after swallowing the elixir, he was very disdainful, because he looked down on people who rely on external forces the most.

Daoyi sneered and said, "Do you think a pill can defeat me? Tell you, in the face of absolute strength, everything will cease to exist."

"Who doesn't know how to talk big, you'll know after you fight." Long Ze's aura is still rising. Obviously, this elixir has stimulated his potential, and its strength is a leap forward. For the strong, they are only strong but not weak.

Daoyi said sternly: "Then let's fight!"

The morality is also unambiguous, and he adjusted himself to the best state, and the soul devouring gun was covered with a bloody light, but it was not pure blood evil spirit like before, but mixed with some corpse evil spirit, It looks even more gloomy and weird.

"Go to hell!" Long Ze yelled angrily, waved his hand and slashed down with a saber light.

Daoyi greeted him with his soul-eating gun, there was a sound of metal impact, some sparks splashed, and the light flickered.

"Die!" Suddenly, Long Ze strengthened his hand a little bit and used it to swing downward.Suddenly, with a bang, Daoyi flew down.

"Boom!" The ground was smashed into a huge hole, flying sand and rocks, dusty.

"This is the end!" Long Ze kept waving his right hand, slashing down with an unmatched blade light, no less than tens of thousands of blades.

In a blink of an eye, everything within a radius of [-] meters was turned into ruins and ashes, and the ground was sunken by more than one meter.

Long Ze grinned and said, "This is the end of the game!"

Indeed, it stands to reason that under such intensive attacks, even a god could not escape being chopped into minced meat.

"Ah Yi..." Long Teng was burning with anxiety, and hurried to the center of the arena to look for morality.

Long Ze sneered and said, "Don't waste your efforts in vain, he has already been cut into meat paste by me, even if he is found, it will be just a puddle of mud."

But before he finished speaking, a bloody light burst out from the ground, stabbing his chest in an instant.

"You... how is it possible?" Long Ze looked at the sudden appearance of Daoyi in front of him, a little unimaginable.

Daoyi said coldly: "I will give you a piece of advice, never underestimate your opponent."

"Hmph!" Long Ze snorted angrily, "Although I don't know how you escaped this catastrophe, your end has already been doomed—death without a place to die!"

With his left hand, Long Ze grabbed the Soul Devouring Spear that pierced through his chest, and with his right hand, he slapped it and struck.

Daoyi turned the Soul Eater gun and shot it out.Then, he took advantage of the situation to meet his palm.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, Daoyi was sent flying, and blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth, splattering all the way.

Immediately afterwards, Long Ze merged his palms and swung them down suddenly.A five-foot-long saber appeared, crossed the sky, and instantly slashed towards Daoyi.

Daoyi hurriedly sacrificed the bleeding shield and the blood sacrifice energy shield, and with the sound of thunder, Daoyi was chopped to the ground by the huge sword light.

"Boom!" A crack suddenly appeared on the ground, and huge stones and soil splashed out from both sides. Gunpowder smoke filled the air and dust flew up, covering the entire Emperor's Palace.

Long Ze walked towards the ground step by step, with a wicked smile on his face, he said, "How is it? Now you know the gap between us!"

"Longze, you deserve to die!" Long Teng was extremely angry, and with a murderous intent, he raised the golden dragon long sword and killed him.

Long Ze glanced at Long Teng lightly in the blink of an eye, shook his head and said, "You can't!"

Then, with a light wave of his right palm, a huge palm light appeared out of thin air, and without giving Long Teng any time to react, he was blown away in an instant.

Soaring Dragon fell to the ground, the ground was sunken, and a human-shaped dent appeared.And the corners of his mouth were constantly bleeding, and the internal organs in his body were in unbearable pain, as if they were about to burst.

As soon as Long Teng opened his eyes, he saw Long Ze was in front of him. He sneered and said, "I'll send you to hell first!"

After speaking, Long Ze raised his palm and swung it down impressively.

Long Teng couldn't dodge at all, and he didn't have the ability to dodge either. This palm was about to knock him out of his wits.But at this moment, a golden picture scroll suddenly appeared, blocking Long Ze's palm, and it also wrapped Long Teng and escaped.

Long Ze was very annoyed, he wanted to catch up and killed Long Teng.

But suddenly, a bloody light flew over.

Long Ze turned around abruptly, and grabbed the bloody light, which was the Soul Devouring Spear.At the same time, he waved his sword and stabbed straight out.

Daoyi hurriedly turned sideways, flew back, and stopped 20 meters away from Longze.

"Your life is really tough, you're not dead yet!" Long Ze mocked.

Daoyi joked: "I want to die, but Lord Yan won't accept me. He also told me that your lifespan has come, so I will send you down to see him."

Although Daoyi said so, with his current strength, it is very difficult for him to defeat Longze.Unless he uses the meridian retrograde again to improve his own strength, there may still be some confidence in this.But this trick cannot be used for a long time, otherwise it will cause great harm to the body and leave indelible sequelae.

Therefore, unless he had to, he would not use this trick this time.

But if he doesn't use this trick, how can he win?

Daoyi thought about it, and found that there was only one other way. If he could succeed, he would definitely be able to kill Long Ze under the gun.

"Haha..." Long Ze laughed loudly and said, "Death is imminent, and you are still in the mood to joke, I really admire you!"

Daoyi revealed a sinister smile and said, "When you die, you will admire me even more."

"Okay! Later I'll see how stubborn you are." Long Ze gritted his teeth and said, his anger escalated!

A blade light was swung out, and Long Ze stepped on the blade light and flew towards Daoyi's chest with a wave of his finger.

Daoyi hurriedly dodged his legs, not to confront him head-on.Because he knew very well in his heart that if he fought against him with his current strength, he must be the one who was injured.Therefore, he chose to dodge, in order to buy himself time, so that he could perform that fatal move.

The kung fu of moral escape is top-notch, you must know that his Feiyunbu is unpredictable and unpredictable.Long Ze's fierce attack didn't even touch the hem of his clothes.

This made Long Ze very angry and extremely depressed, and said: "Coward! You are a coward, you have the ability to fight to the death with me, what is it for you to dodge like this?"

Daoyi smiled and said, "It's ridiculous! Don't you know that dodging is also a kind of strength? If you really have strength, can't you still catch up with me? If you can't catch up, it means your strength is not enough. Understand ?"

"You..." Long Ze was in a panic, a little bit mad, and said, "Damn it, I'm going to tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

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