The next day, early morning!

The bird was still on the tree, chirping and singing, and the four of Daoyi checked out and set off.

"It's so early, where are you taking us!" Feng Ling'er asked.

Daoyi said: "It's a very beautiful place, I believe you will like it."

Feng Ling'er pouted and said coquettishly, "Can't you reveal it first?"

Daoyi shook his head and said, "No! Because I want to give you a surprise, so don't ask. You will know when it arrives!"

"Oh!" Feng Ling'er was a little unhappy, but when she thought it was a surprise, a happy smile filled her face again.

Fu Xing's injury has healed a lot, and his cultivation base has almost recovered, but his face is still cold, and he doesn't speak much, and there is a deadly indifference in his eyes, which makes it hard to understand. Imagine what he went through.

Daoyi didn't ask him why it happened like this.He didn't ask because he knew that his life might not be better than his own these years.

Soon the four of them arrived in front of the imperial palace. When Feng Ling'er saw this huge and resplendent building complex, she was like a child who had discovered a novel toy, and said excitedly: "What kind of place is this? It's really enough!" It's big, and it's really luxurious."

Daoyi said: "You will know when you go in and have a look!"

Feng Ling'er looked at the wrist in front of the palace gate, looked at Daoyi suspiciously, and said, "Can I go in?"

Daoyi replied: "Of course! You don't have to worry, they dare not stop you."

Feng Ling'er was puzzled and asked, "Why?"

Daoyi looked at Long Teng and said, "Because there is a dragon!"

Feng Ling'er also turned to look at Long Teng, and said, "Could this be your home?"

Long Teng nodded and said, "You can say that!"

"This is the imperial palace!" Fu Xing suddenly said, "Could it be that you are the prince?"

"Ah!" Feng Ling'er was startled, looked at Long Teng, then at Daoyi.

Daoyi and Longteng didn't answer, but went inside.

"Emperor! You are back!" The guard in front of the palace gate bowed respectfully.

Feng Ling'er was shocked and said: "Emperor! Are you the emperor?"

Only now did Fu Xing understand why the two of them went there yesterday, and he said to himself, "So that's how it is!"

Long Teng joked: "Is there any need to be so surprised? Don't you think I don't want the emperor?"

Feng Ling'er smiled dryly, shook her head and said, "No! No! I just didn't expect it. I didn't expect you to be a king at such a young age."

Long Teng smiled lightly and said, "It's all thanks to Yi, otherwise I wouldn't be able to be the emperor."

"How to say?" Feng Ling'er didn't understand.

Long Teng said: "You should ask Yiyi!"

Before Feng Ling'er could ask, Daoyi blocked his words and said, "There's nothing to say, it's just a matter of little effort."

Long Teng brought the three of Daoyi to the imperial palace, because he wanted to announce something to the imperial court.

Feng Ling'er looked at the civil and military ministers kneeling all over the court, feeling very novel, and said with a smile: "Is this the court? It's really interesting!"

When the civil and military ministers heard this, they all gritted their teeth, thinking in their hearts, where did the little girl come from, this is too presumptuous!

"You all get up!" Long Teng said while sitting on the dragon chair.

The civil and military ministers stood up. When they saw Daoyi and Daoyi, their expressions were very unhappy, and there was a look of unkindness in their eyes.

Long Teng said: "I hope you will remember that this is my brother Daoyi. From now on, he is the Happy King of our Shenzhou, and he has the same rights as me."

Before the words were finished, there was already a lot of discussion below, and they all disapproved of Long Teng's decree.

"All those who have opinions are reserved for me. This is the first decree since I became emperor. I don't want you to have any objections." General Long Teng's voice was too high, and a king's domineering pressure came out.Immediately, the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty fell silent, all of them were overwhelmed by his aura.

Feng Ling'er giggled and said, " have become king, congratulations!"

There was no strange expression on Daoyi's stern face, because he didn't care at all, the king was just a title to him.

Long Teng said again: "Ling'er, I will make you Princess Wind Chime!"

"Me?" Feng Ling'er was slightly startled, and said, "I'm a princess, really? I'm really a princess?"

Long Teng nodded and said, "Of course it's true."

Feng Ling'er was very excited, very happy, jumping up and down in the hall like a child.Because every girl has a princess dream in her heart, and Feng Ling'er is no exception. Now that her dream has come true, can she not be happy and excited?

The face of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs was almost green, and Daoyi felt that Feng Linger was a bit too much, so he stopped and said: "Okay! Be more reserved, isn't she a princess? Is it worth being so happy?"

"Of course I'm happy! Don't you know that every girl has a dream in her heart? It's the dream of becoming a princess one day." Feng Ling'er looked naturally happy.

Long Teng couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Fu Xing! If you don't dislike it, I would like to ask you to be my commander-in-chief!"

"Me!" Fu Xing was taken aback, then hurriedly shook his head and said, "No! I can't do it! I can't stay here, I want to follow the young master."

Daoyi squinted at Fu Xing and said, "I don't need you, so you can stay and help, Long!"

"But..." Fu Xing was still unwilling, because he had promised his deceased grandfather that he would follow morality, take good care of him, and die for him if necessary.

Daoyi said coldly: "No but, it's settled like this. You stay!"

"Okay!" Seeing that Daoyi was so persistent, Fu Xing could not refute, so he nodded helplessly.

Long Teng said: "Okay! Please tell the world about this as soon as possible."

"Yes! Emperor!"

Long Teng said again: "Okay! If you have nothing to do, you should all leave!"

All the ministers looked at me and I looked at you, but didn't say anything, shook their heads, turned and left.

After all the ministers left, Feng Ling'er teased, "You are so majestic, they are so intimidated by you that they dare not even say a word."

What are you saying, bluff, can they be bluffed?This is the domineering aura of a king, the dragon aura of an emperor, which can deter them.

Long Teng said with a dry smile: "Let's go! I'll show you around for a while!"

"Okay! I heard that the imperial palace is extremely luxurious, the environment is elegant, and extremely beautiful! I've wanted to see it for a long time, but I never had the chance. I can't miss it this time!" Feng Ling'er's attention immediately turned to When it's time to play, she's really like a child, every time she thinks about it, she comes out.

Long Teng took them to visit the Imperial Garden. As soon as Feng Ling'er came in, she was attracted by the elegant environment and the bright and beautiful flowers.She became one with the butterflies and was playing with them.

Daoyi has not been so peaceful for a long time. Amid Feng Linger's laughter, his whole body relaxes, feeling the fragrance of flowers, feeling the tranquility and beauty of nature.

But he knew that the tranquility was only short-lived, just the breath before the storm, because he still wanted to seek revenge from Han Jiangxue, and this road would be thousands of times more difficult than killing Hanshan Temple.

But no matter how difficult it is, he will not give up, because he wants Han Jiangxue to pay her due price.Even if he lost his life for this, he would not hesitate.

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