Sword of Immortals

Chapter 75 Qingfeng Sword Sect

Riding the horse gallops, the wind is easy to rustle!

Accompanied by beautiful women, happy rivers and lakes!

This is the true portrayal of Daoyi at this moment. In fact, this is also his dream since he was a child. He dreams that one day he can sing with his sword and laugh proudly in the world of mortals.

Now he really did it, but he found that the reality was far less beautiful than he imagined.Perhaps this is a common problem of people!What you can't get is always the best. Once you realize a certain dream, you will feel very boring.At the same time, the next dream will appear in my heart.

This is what people often say, people are dissatisfied.It has to be said that dissatisfaction is not only the biggest common problem of human beings, but also the source of human progress.If a person is satisfied with the status quo, then he will also be aggressive.If human beings do not make progress, society will not progress.Only greed can motivate human beings to try their best to obtain them.Therefore, greed is the greatest wealth in a person's life.

Along the way, Daoyi and Fenglinger met many interesting people and things while playing and traveling.

Feng Ling'er was very happy, as if she had completely forgotten how to face his father's sadness when she went back.She is a heartless child who only cares about the things in front of her.No matter how sad and sad things are, as long as they are not in front of her, she will not feel them.But this is exactly her advantage. As she said, it is a day to be happy, and it is also a day to be unhappy.Why be sad?

Good times are always short-lived. After half a month of being happy with Feng Linger, Daoyi finally came.

Today, the two were playing in a small town, when four strong men suddenly appeared, blocking their way.

Feng Ling'er glanced at the four of them and said, "You guys are finally here!"

"Senior sister, the master asked us to come, please go back!"

A trace of displeasure appeared on Feng Ling'er's face, and she said, "I see, let's lead the way!"

Daoyi took a careful look at the four of them, and found that the cultivation bases of the four were not weak, and all of them had cultivation bases of the Golden Core stage.From this, it can be seen that Feng Ling'er's father has spent a lot of money this time, and he must take Feng Ling'er back.

Daoyi followed, but he had only taken two steps when he was stopped by one of them, saying, "Your Excellency, please stop! We don't welcome outsiders, please forgive me."

Before Daoyi said anything, Feng Ling'er was very unhappy, and said angrily: "Are you guys trying to rebel? Do you know who he is? He is my friend, and I want to take him back together, you all get out of the way .”

"Senior sister, the master has ordered that outsiders are not allowed to enter, so please don't make it difficult for us."

Feng Ling'er pursed her lips and said angrily: "What outsider, he is not an outsider, he is my friend, a life-and-death friend! If you don't let him enter the mountain gate, then I won't go back."


Daoyi suddenly said: "We are going to go back, why do we need them to lead the way, as long as you know the way."

Feng Ling'er thought about it quietly, yes!Why should you care about them? Wouldn’t it be enough to go back with morality?

Feng Ling'er smiled sweetly: "Ah Yi! Let's go!"

"Senior Sister!" The four hurriedly stopped Feng Ling'er.

"Get out of the way!" Feng Ling'er shouted.

But the four of them remained motionless, standing around Feng Ling'er, blocking all her escape routes.

Daoyi suddenly flew close to the four of them, and brought Feng Ling'er out from inside.The four of them were taken aback for a moment, because they didn't know how Daoyi took Feng Ling'er out, so they only saw a man in black passing by, and then disappeared.

When they regained their composure, Daoyi was a hundred meters away with Feng Linger.


But can they catch up?Daoyi rode the Soul Eater Spear, took the wind bell with him, and rode away with the wind, and disappeared outside the city in a blink of an eye.

"Damn it, this kid's speed is really amazing, and he can run so fast with his senior sister."

"He should be the person Brother Shao said."

"What do we do now?"

"go back!"

"What? Let's go back like this, aren't you afraid of being punished by the master?"

"Didn't you hear what Senior Sister said? She was going to go back. Judging by her expression, this statement should be true."

"But in case..."

"No chance, otherwise what do you say?"

The four of them knew very well that it would be basically impossible to find Feng Ling'er, what else could they do if they went out now?

"Wow! I didn't expect you to be so fast, and you just wiped them out of sight." Feng Ling'er laughed happily.

Daoyi said: "It's not that I'm fast, but they are slow."

"Praise you, you'll go up to the sky! You really are not humble at all!" Feng Ling'er turned her face and said sarcastically.

"I'm just telling the truth!"

Feng Ling'er laughed, and said: "You are really interesting. Sometimes you are funny, sometimes you are upright, and sometimes you are indifferent. I don't even know which one is the real you!"

Daoyi pondered for a while, and said, "Maybe all three are me, and none of the three are me!"

Feng Ling'er suddenly looked into the distance, and said longingly: "I hope my father will like you!"

"I'm sure! He'll love me!"

Feng Ling'er covered her mouth and said with a smile: "You are really stinky."

Daoyi smiled slightly and said, "Where should we go?"

"Left!" Feng Ling'er waved her finger to the left, and said, "From now on, stop me from commanding. If I tell you to go east, you have to go east, never go south, you understand?"

Daoyi grinned and said, "Understood! Follow orders!"

Under Feng Ling'er's direction, Daoyi quickly led her to a towering mountain peak.

Daoyi looked at the mountain peak and found that there was an astonishing aura at the top of the mountain, surrounded by aura.Said: "This is where you live?"

Feng Ling'er nodded and said, "Yes! Let's go up!"

As soon as Daoyi moved his mind, the Soul Eater suddenly turned around and rushed straight up the mountain.

The two of them had just passed halfway up the mountain, when suddenly, two cold lights shot over.

Daoyi was slightly startled, shook his right hand, and struck out with a sudden palm, and immediately, the two cold lights turned into nothingness.

Then, two people jumped out from the void, and one said: "Who dares to be good at my Qingfeng Sword School, don't you want to live?"

Feng Ling'er said angrily, "I! Don't you know me?"

The two were startled, then ecstatically, and said, "Yes, it's Senior Sister! You're back."

Feng Ling'er pursed her lips and said arrogantly: "You guys get out of the way!"

"Yes! It's Senior Sister, please!"

The two opened the barrier, Feng Ling'er walked inside, followed by Daoyi.

But when Daoyi was about to boast in, the two stopped him, saying: "My fellow Taoist, I'm sorry, our Qingfeng sect doesn't entertain outsiders, please stay!"

Feng Ling'er was furious, and said angrily: "He is my friend, you dare to stop him! You want to die!"

"Senior sister, the master has orders, please don't make things difficult for us."

"You...you..." Feng Ling'er was so angry that everyone used this sentence to oppress her. This is what she hates the most.

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