
Feng Yi said very politely: "Please sit down!"

"Senior, you are being polite!" Daoyi is not a polite person, so he found a seat and sat down.

"Father! What exactly do you want to do?" Feng Ling'er was a little confused, and a little worried, worried that her father would be detrimental to morality.

Feng Yi smiled and said: "Ling'er! You don't have to be so nervous, I won't do anything to Daoyi. You go out first!"

"Father..." Feng Ling'er became even more worried.

Daoyi turned around, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Ling'er, listen to your father, go out first! Wait for me outside!"


Daoyi said with a confident expression, "Go!"

Feng Ling'er was a little helpless, she turned her head to stare at Feng Yi, and said, "Father! If you dare to fight me, I will kill you."

"You..." Feng Yi was a little angry. He never thought that his daughter, whom he had raised for 18 years, would threaten him with death for an outsider.

Feng Yi smiled awkwardly and said, "This kid is really spoiled by me, you'll laugh at me."

Daoyi smiled and said: "How come, Ling'er's frankness is what I like the most."

Feng Yi nodded slightly politely, and he had already seen that Feng Ling'er came back this time to have a showdown with him, and the showdown was naturally Daoyi in front of him.

Feng Yi said: "If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Daoyi nodded, and said: "Okay! Senior! Then I won't beat around the bush. I brought Ling'er back this time, just to ask you to dissolve Ling'er's engagement."

Feng Yi was neither angry nor happy, and said slowly: "Did Ling'er ever tell you who I betrothed her to?"


Feng Yi raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Then let me tell you, I betrothed him to the young master of the Taiyuan Sect—Yuan Yi."

"What's the matter?" Daoyi asked indifferently.

Feng Yi was a little surprised, but he was relieved immediately, and said with a smile: "Young man, I don't know if you are a person with high art and courage? Or do you not know what Taiyuan sect is at all?"

Daoyi replied coldly, "I don't know, I don't want to know, and I don't need to know."

"Hehe..." Feng Yi laughed and said, "It seems that you don't know much about the cultivation world! Well, I'm in a good mood today, so I'm here to teach you. Do you know the four sects in the cultivation world?"

"I don't know!"

Feng Yi paused, and said: "There are many sects in the cultivation world, no less than hundreds of thousands. The sects can be roughly divided into four categories, the first-class sects, such as the strength of the four major sects, the prison demon sect, the Feixian sect, and the Thousand Buddha Cave in the cultivation world. , Wanyao Cave, these four sects are the strongest. The next is the second-rate sect. There are many second-rate sects, but among the many second-rate sects, Zixiao Palace and Taiyuan Sect are the strongest. Further down is the third-rate sect. For example, my Qingfeng Sword Sect, the last ones are some unpopular sects."

Daoyi said: "I understand what you mean! Don't you just want to use the strength of Taiyuanmen to improve the status of your Qingfeng Sword Sect? Do you need to sacrifice Ling'er? Ling'er is your daughter, can you bear it? "

Feng Yi said with a helpless expression, "This is her life, and there is nothing I can do about it."

"What a helpless one!" Daoyi said with contempt: "The daughter is yours, as long as you don't nod, no one will dare to snatch it. You are irresponsible when you talk, and you are not worthy of being a father at all."

Feng Yi shook his head slightly, looked at Daoyi, and said meaningfully: "Young man, you are a fledgling and don't understand anything, I don't blame you! But you have to know that things in the world are not something you can do just by thinking. It’s not that if you don’t want to, you don’t have to do it.”

"Don't tell me these big truths, I don't understand, and I don't want to understand. I only know what's mine, and no one can take it away from me, and neither can God." Daoyi said domineeringly.

"You are young and energetic, I can understand! But you can't be too much, or you will become conceited, and conceited young people don't live long." Feng Yi threatened calmly.

Although morality is good in Feng Yi's eyes, he also appreciates it.But if compared with Taiyuanmen Taiyi, it is far worse.Because Daoyi is just one person, but behind Yuanyi there is a powerful Taiyuanmen.How to choose between the two is self-evident.Therefore, no matter how much he appreciates morality, he has to signal a warning to let him retreat.

Daoyi didn't understand the implication of Feng Yi's words, but he was not a person who retreated in spite of difficulties. As long as it was someone or something he wanted to protect, he would protect it to the end, even if it meant sacrificing his life.

Daoyi said: "Emotional matters can't be forced, you have to be happy with each other. You should know this better than me. If Ling'er marries, you should imagine what the consequences will be."

Feng Yi was silent, which he did not expect, if Feng Ling'er would rather die than obey, then this matter would be difficult.Not only would he not be able to form a family with Taiyuanmen, but he might also offend Taiyuanmen because of this, which is not worth the candle.

Feng Yi sighed helplessly, and said: "The words have been spoken, and we can never take them back. Everything is a foregone conclusion."

"It's a foregone conclusion, maybe!" Daoyi said with a grin, "As long as you want, I can make them have nothing to say."

Feng Yi shook his head and said, "You are not his opponent!"

"How can I see that!"

"I tried you and I tried him, so I know."

Daoyi shook his head and said, "This doesn't explain anything!"

"Oh!" Feng Yi was a little surprised.

Daoyi said indifferently: "How do you know, I didn't hide my strength just now."

"Haha..." Feng Yi laughed suddenly, and said, "Interesting! You really are a very confident person, and your confidence is scary."

Daoyi said with a smile: "If a person doesn't even have the minimum self-confidence, then his life in this world is just a waste of food."

"Well said!" Feng Yi admired: "I can tell that Ling'er likes you very much. I'm not unreasonable either. If you can really defeat Yuan Yi, I can change my original intention and fulfill your wish." You and Linger."

Daoyi showed his face and said, "Okay! I'll just wait for your words."

"But I have to remind you that Yuan Yi's cultivation is much stronger than yours. Although you are strong enough, your mental power is much worse than him. In comparison, you are at an absolute disadvantage." In the wind In Yi's heart, he still doubts that morality can win.

"Thank you!" Daoyi thanked, and said, "However, it is still unknown who is at a disadvantage?"

"Okay! That's it!" Feng Yi said, "I'm afraid Ling'er won't be able to wait outside!"

Daoyi nodded and said, "Then I'll take my leave first!"

Feng Ling'er, who was waiting anxiously outside, saw Daoyi walking out, and greeted him, hugging him: "My father didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Daoyi smiled and said: "No! I have good news for you, I have settled your matter."

"Ah!" Feng Ling'er was very surprised, and said, "Really?"

"Of course, when did I lie to you?"

Feng Ling'er smiled happily, and hurriedly asked: "Quick! Tell me yes, how did you do it?"

Daoyi looked around in a blink of an eye, and said, "Find a place with beautiful scenery, and I will tell you slowly."

Feng Ling'er showed a charming smile, took Daoyi's hand, and said, "Come! Come with me!"

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