One month is a bit long for morality.Because he doesn't know what to do or what to do in this month?

"What are you thinking?" Feng Ling'er suddenly jumped in front of Daoyi.

Daoyi grinned and said, "I'm thinking about this month, how should I spend it?"

Feng Ling'er was slightly stunned, and said, "Aren't you practicing in closed doors?"

Daoyi shook his head and said: "There is no need for closed-door cultivation, and it will not improve much in one month's time. It is better to find a place to have fun."

Feng Ling'er originally thought that Daoyi would use this month's time to practice hard and prepare.But she didn't expect that he still wanted to play, which made her a little angry and a little angry.

Feng Ling'er snorted angrily: "Hmph! Do you have me in your heart?"

Daoyi was a little baffled, and said, "How do you say that?"

Feng Ling'er pursed her lips and said angrily: "You don't have me in your heart at all, you don't care about the competition a month later, I really misjudged you."

Daoyi looked aggrieved and said, "Whoever said it, I don't care anymore."

"I said, otherwise why do you still want to play now instead of thinking about how to deal with Bidou." Feng Ling'er muttered and turned her head to one side.

Daoyi smiled, walked over, and said, "Ling'er, you're thinking too much. It's not that I don't care about the fight, but that I'm sure in my heart that I will win. So, you don't need to worry at all, just do it happily." You can do it yourself."

A trace of doubt flashed in Feng Ling'er's eyes, and said, "Are you always so confident?"

Daoyi nodded and said, "Well! Self-confidence is based on strength, and I happen to be the one who has the foundation of self-confidence."

Feng Ling'er rolled her eyes and said: "You are not ugly, you will die!"

In fact, it is not the case, Daoyi is practicing all the time, so he does not need to retreat at all, all he needs is experience and fighting, only in this way can he grow rapidly, and his cultivation base and strength can become stronger.

Daoyi raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Give me a note, how are we going to spend this month?"

"Hmm! Let me think about it and see what's interesting." Feng Ling'er fell into deep thought.

Feng Ling'er suddenly smiled and said: "I thought of it, let's go to the back mountain!"

"The back mountain? Is the back mountain fun?" Daoyi was a little surprised. After thinking for so long, Feng Ling'er came up with such a bad place, and he was a little disappointed.

Feng Ling'er nodded hastily and said, "Yeah! It's fun, there are flowers and grass, birds, and bunnies inside. It's a paradise on earth."

"Isn't it just a broken forest? Is it as good as you said?" Daoyi couldn't believe it. It's just a forest, how can it be a paradise.

Feng Ling'er saw the doubts of morality and said, "Why, you don't believe what I said."

Daoyi smiled lightly and said: "Believe it! How could I not believe you! As long as you like, we will go wherever you want."

"Okay! Then go to the back mountain, I'll take you to see my friends!" Feng Ling'er showed a childlike innocent smile.

The two walked with their swords, and soon came to the back mountain of the Qingfeng Sword Sect.The scenery of the back mountain is indeed unique, but there is nothing special about it.He didn't understand why Feng Ling'er liked to come to this place so much.

But soon he found out why, because as soon as Feng Linger came here, he mingled with the little rabbits, butterflies, birds and so on here, and the warblers and swallows were talking happily.

"Look at them?" Feng Ling'er pointed to a branch.

Daoyi turned his head to look, and saw two little birds on the branch, whispering to each other, singing happily, happily pecking at the insects on the branch, a happy and warm picture.

"Look at them?" Feng Ling'er pointed to a place again.

Daoyi turned his head to look again, and saw two little white rabbits bouncing around, playing and laughing happily from time to time.

Daoyi couldn't help showing a smile on his face, because everything here is so harmonious, so beautiful, and so warm.

Feng Ling'er smiled and said, "Well, this place is not bad!"

Daoyi nodded and said with a smile, "Not bad! This is indeed a good place."

Daoyi naturally knew Feng Linger's intention in bringing him here.Of course he was willing to do this in his heart, but he didn't know if he could do this in the future.Because there are many helpless things in the world, he has to do it, and he has to do it.Therefore, he doesn't know what will happen to himself tomorrow, so he can't make any promises to Feng Ling'er, all he can do is to use his life to do everything to protect her, otherwise she will suffer a little bit of harm.

Suddenly, two butterflies flew over, one landed on the back of Dao Yi's hand, and the other landed on Feng Ling'er's palm.The two butterflies looked at each other, slowly swayed their wings, stretched their tentacles and legs, and seemed to be saying something in their mouths?As for what, no one knows.

Daoyi and Fengling'er looked at each other, they both smiled, and raised their hands to send the butterfly out.

Looking at the fluttering butterflies, Feng Ling'er sighed, "You said it would be great if we could fly freely between the sky and the earth like them!"

Daoyi stood up suddenly, picked up Fengling'er with his right hand, stepped up the tree, and flew into the air with his sword.

Daoyi looked at Feng Linger with a happy smile on his face, and said, "One day, we will be able to fly freely and roam the world like them!"

Feng Ling'er said: "I look forward to this day coming soon."

"As long as we believe, it will come true." Daoyi firmly believes that there is nothing impossible in the world, as long as you work hard, all dreams will become reality.

The two chased butterflies for a while, chased bunnies up and down for a while, and imitated the singing of birds for a while.They are having so much fun here, they are having a great time!

Time passed quickly, and night fell quickly.

The two of them still had more to say, they set up a bonfire in the forest, and cooked wild vegetables around the bonfire.

Under the boiling water, the faint fragrance of wild vegetables overflows.It floated with the wind, and in a short while, the whole area of ​​a mile was filled with this faint fragrance.

The faint fragrance gives people a refreshing feeling, as if they have been integrated with nature, making people feel relaxed and happy!

"It's out of the pot! Come on, try my handiwork and see how it is?" Feng Ling'er filled a bowl of clear soup and wild vegetables and handed it to Daoyi.

Daoyi took it and blew it twice, took a sip, and said, "Yes! It's very fragrant and delicious. I really didn't expect that a few small wild vegetables can have such a wonderful taste."

Feng Ling'er was very happy to receive moral appreciation, and said, "As long as you like it! Come on, drink more, it's good for your health."

"Yeah!" Daoyi nodded and said, "Drink some too, it's much better than tea."

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