Sword of Immortals

Chapter 83 The Spiritual Vessel

Xiaoguai suddenly let out a scream, spread his wings and flew, and in an instant, he came to Daoyi, lifted the eggshell with his sharp claws, and hurriedly stepped aside, fearing that Daoyi would snatch it from him.

Daoyi smiled and said, "Little guy, don't be afraid, I won't snatch it from you."

Little Guai didn't care about morality at all, and gnawed on his own, pecking at the eggshells bit by bit, as if he was eating.

Seeing this, Feng Ling'er hurried over and stopped, "Little boy, this thing is not edible, spit it out quickly."

But Xiaoguai ignored her at all, and kept pecking at her.

"Is this edible? You will have a stomachache." Feng Ling'er was a little worried, the egg shell is so hard, will its stomach be unbearable if it is eaten?

Daoyi said: "Don't worry, this eggshell is its food. Haven't you heard of it? Some animals will eat the eggshell after hatching to replenish their strength. I think it should be this A kind of animal, and don't you feel that there is a very strong aura in the eggshell?"

Hearing what Daoyi said, Feng Ling'er hurriedly checked and found that it was really the case, and Xiaoguai was also eating with relish, with an expression of joy and demeanor.

Feng Ling'er couldn't help laughing and said: "Little boy, slow down, no one will snatch it from you."

At this time, morality has been basically determined, and there really is a spiritual vein deep underground in this mountain range.But at the same time, problems also came.Who is this egg here anyway?Is it its parents?

If it's its parents, then it's in big trouble.Its parents were able to find the spirit veins and lay eggs on the mouth of the spirit veins, which shows that they are already quite intelligent. A wise monster must not be weaker than the golden core period, and it has a If the cultivation base is close to the golden core stage, then the strength of their parents can be imagined.

If they knew that their children had been abducted, they would be forced to find themselves desperately.

If not its parents, then who?Is it human?If it is a human being, the trouble is even greater.

At this moment, Daoyi suddenly felt that it was not cute at all, but more like a hot potato that would hurt himself if he was not careful.

In order to make sure there was no trouble, Daoyi looked around carefully. Through his careful observation, he found that there were no signs of monsters or human activities here, and there was a deep dent on the ground where the egg was.This shows that this egg has been placed here for a long time, and it was hatched by the spiritual energy that burst out from the spiritual veins.

This can also explain why it flew to Fenglinger as soon as it was born. Obviously, it instinctively regarded Fenglinger as its mother.

Daoyi was slightly relieved, but he was still a little worried. After all, the origin of this egg is unknown, so it might cause some trouble.

"Ah Yi, look at how cute it is!" Feng Ling'er was overjoyed.

Xiaoguai is indeed very cute. After it was full, it patted its stomach with its wings, then took off, and handed the remaining uneaten eggshells to Feng Linger.

Daoyi said: "Let's go!"


"Of course I'm going back!"

"It's so late, it's not good to go back! Why don't we just spend the night here, anyway, this place is very good, the rich spiritual energy is very good for our body and cultivation."

It's not that Daoyi doesn't want to stay here, he naturally knows that staying at the outflow of the spirit vein can gain great benefits.But he was very worried, worried that the owner here would come back, and it would be a disaster.

Moral persuasion: "I don't know what else will happen in this place? We'd better leave."

Feng Ling'er looked around for a while, and said: "It's clear here, what can happen? You think too much!"

Daoyi fell into deep thought, did I really think too much?If this egg really has an owner, then he must at least set up a formation restriction at the entrance of the cave, but when he came down just now, his journey went smoothly, and he didn't encounter any formation at all, let alone a restriction.

What does this show?It shows that it is very likely that this egg is an unowned thing, and this spiritual vein was only rushed out tonight, or the spiritual energy overflowing from the qi was absorbed by this egg.

Is this really the case?

The more you think about morality, the more you don't understand it, the more you get confused.

"Could it be that I'm thinking too much and being too sensitive!" Daoyi muttered to himself.

Feng Ling'er stared at Daoyi and nodded, and said: "Yes! You are too sensitive. Xiaoguai, you say yes!"

Nestling in Feng Ling'er's arms, Xiaoguai nodded and closed her eyes again.

"Okay!" Daoyi struggled for a while, then made up his mind, and said, "Tonight, we will rest here."

snort!I'd like to see if this is really a land of ownership.

Daoyi took Xiao Guai's resting place and slept on the Lingmai spring.As soon as he lay down, he felt a strong aura rushing straight into his body, and he would not refuse it. As his body turned around, the pores all over his body opened, and the aura penetrated through his pores and the skin of his whole body, little by little. Seep in.

It feels so good, better than ever!Soon, Daoyi fell asleep.

Feng Ling'er leaned against the grass beside her and fell asleep quietly.

The shadows pass, and there is light!

Daoyi and Fenglinger are in the cave, but they don't know the sun, the moon, let alone the stars.

"Bang!" Daoyi was suddenly aroused by the aura in Lingquan's eyes, he was extremely surprised, the aura of this spirit vein was too strong, it actually really gushed out like a fountain.

Daoyi soared up, and after a while, he rushed out of the spiritual cave.The moment he got out of the cave, a ray of light pierced his eyes, which made his eyes that had adapted to the darkness a little bit hard to open.

But soon he got used to the sun's brightness, and only then did he realize that the sun had already risen very high.

Daoyi smiled, it seems that I really think too much, there is nothing else in this place.But it's right to think about it, this is the backyard of the Qingfeng Sword Sect, if there are people, wouldn't the Qingfeng Sword Sect not notice it at all?

Daoyi entered the spiritual cave again and woke up Fenglinger.

"Xiaoguai, let me take you out to play, okay!" Feng Ling'er stroked Xiaoguai's head and beat.

Xiaoguai nodded, babbling, not knowing what she was talking about.

Feng Ling'er smiled and said, "Okay! Since you agree, let's go!"

Daoyi and Fengling'er took Xiaoguai out of the spiritual cave and flew towards the Qingfeng Sword Sect.

Not long after, the two returned to the Qingfeng Sword Sect.

Xiaoguai, when he saw the houses and the tall trees and flowers, he was extremely interested, just like a child full of curiosity.Fly here for a while, fiddle with the paw twice, then fly to another place, fiddle with it twice.

"It's really interesting!" Feng Ling'er laughed.

Daoyi said: "Children, they are all like this!"

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