Sword of Immortals

Chapter 9 Helenburg

The next day!

It's noon!

Daoyi and He Lianfei entered Liancheng, and there was a lot of traffic in Liancheng, both sides of the street were hawking endlessly, and there was a constant flow of people, it was very lively.

"Brother Dao! How about it, we are connected to the city, right?"

Daoyi nodded and said: "Yes! It's not bad, it's very prosperous and lively."

"Of course! We are not very far from Beizhou. Many Beizhou people come here to sell goods in order to resell the difference. That's why Liancheng is so prosperous."

Daoyi nodded and said: "I can see it! By the way, how long will it take to arrive?"

"Not far away, the corner of the street ahead is our Helen Fort!"

Not long after, the two came to a corner.There is a majestic and magnificent palace-style building here, with high and strong walls like a fortress like a city wall.There are three big characters "Helian Castle" engraved on the top of the gate, and these three characters seem to be written by the sword energy, not only in one go, but also seem to contain the sword force between the strokes.

When the two came to the gate, the two guards outside hurriedly greeted them, saying: "Second Master, you are back, the master is dying of anxiety."

He Lianfei said: "Go and tell my elder brother that I will visit him later."

"Yes! Second Master!"

"Brother Dao, please!"


He Lianfei brought Daoyi to the main hall, and then said: "Brother Dao, please wait here for a while. I'm going to see my elder brother, and I'll be back in a while. I'm really sorry!"

"You don't have to do this, it's because I'm causing you trouble." Seeing Helian Fei being so polite, Daoyi felt embarrassed.

He Lianfei smiled, and went out of the hall and shouted loudly: "The one inside is my brother, you guys can't be negligent, understand?"

He Lianfei will "understand?" These three words have a particularly strong accent, what kind of meaning does this have?

The guard was taken aback for a moment, nodded quickly and said, "Understood!"

He Lianfei came to the practice room, and in the practice room sat a middle-aged man with sword-like brows and star-eyed eyes, with a strong sword aura.This is his eldest brother, who is also the Lord of Helen Castle - Helen Ba!

"Brother! I'm back!"

Helian Ba ​​anxiously asked: "How is it, did you get the things back?"

He Lianfei said: "I got it back, brother, here it is!"

Helian Ba's eyes lit up, he took the spar and looked it over carefully, excitedly said: "What a strong aura! Is this the legendary spirit stone used in cultivation?"

He Lianfei nodded and said: "Yes, big brother! According to Chen'er, this is a middle-grade spirit stone, and he spent a lot of effort to get it. It is said that he has this middle-grade spirit stone, brother Then you can break through the innate Dzogchen realm and enter the immortal realm, which is what is called the "Golden Core Stage" in the cultivation world."

Helian Ba ​​was extremely excited, and said: "Okay! That's great! As long as I break through the innate Dzogchen realm, Qinglian will be able to catch them at that time. Let me see who dares to be rampant!"

"Brother..." He Lianfei stammered, as if he had something to hide.

Helen Ba glanced and said, "Speak up if you have something to say, don't hesitate."

"Third brother, he..."

It was only then that Helian Ba ​​remembered why the third brother didn't come, and an ominous feeling suddenly surged in his heart, and said: "Third brother, what's wrong with him?"

"Third brother...he's dead!" He Lianfei choked up.

"What?" Helian Ba ​​was terrified and said in disbelief, "How did this happen? How did he die, what happened?"

He Lianfei looked sad and said: "Third brother, he was killed by people from the Qinglian Society, and everyone else was also killed, and I was the only one who escaped back."

"Damn it!" Helian Ba ​​was extremely angry, and shattered the chair with one palm, his eyes were full of killing intent, and said: "Qinglianhui, if I don't kill you, I swear I won't be human!"

"Brother, it won't be long before Qinglian meets them. As long as you use the spirit stone to break through to the Golden Core realm, it will be their death!" He Lianfei cheered.

"Yes! You are right! Just let them live for two more days." Helian Ba's anger calmed down a little, because he knew that people cannot be resurrected after death, and now is not the time to be sad.

He Lianfei put away his sadness and said, "Brother, I have one more thing to tell you."

"what's up?"

He Lianfei said: "I can come back alive, thanks to the help of one person, if it wasn't for him, I might have been killed by the Qinglian Society."

"Oh!" Helian Ba ​​was slightly taken aback, and said, "Who is he?"

He Lianfei shook his head and said, "I don't know! But judging from his age and strength, he should be a disciple of a certain sect of cultivation."

"What?" Helian Ba ​​was surprised: "A disciple of the cultivation sect? Are you sure?"

He Lianfei shook his head again and said, "No! But his strength is really strong, he may not be worse than your elder brother!"

Helian Ba ​​rolled his eyes, frowned and said: "Then does he know about Lingshi?"

He Lianfei thought for a while, nodded and said: "I should know!"

Suddenly, Helian Ba's face sank, and he scolded: "How do you do things? Once the Lingshi matter is exposed, we will suffer disaster. How can you let him leave alive?"

He Lianfei hastily explained: "Brother, of course I know that things about Lingshi cannot be exposed, so I didn't let him go, but brought him back."

"Where is he now?"

"Wait in the lobby!" He Lianfei asked. "Brother, what are you going to do?"

Murderous intent flashed in Helian Ba's eyes, and he said coldly: "Kill him!"

He Lianfei was startled, and he couldn't agree with him: "This...isn't that good! After all, he is my savior! Besides, he doesn't seem to have much interest in Lingshi. There are opportunities, but he does not, I think he should not be a threat to us."

Helian Ba ​​snorted angrily: "No! We can't take risks, how do you know that he is not pretending. Besides, even if he is not interested in Lingshi, once this matter is spread by him, then we will A catastrophe. Therefore, he must die, because only the dead can keep secrets."

"Brother, is this too cruel!" He Lianfei still couldn't bear it, and couldn't bear to kill himself for saving his life.

Helian Ba ​​said coldly: "I'd rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go! You should understand this truth!"

He Lianfei pondered for a while, sighed, nodded and said: "Okay, brother! Since we want to kill him, then we have to make a good plan."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Helian Ba's mouth, and he said: "I have a plan in mind, do as I say, and take care of it."

Then, what did the two of them whisper to each other?During this process, He Lianfei's dignified face gradually relaxed, and then turned into a sneer, and he kept nodding his head.

"Okay! Brother, then I'll go first." He Lianfei walked towards the hall with a sneer.

Helen Ba nodded and said, "Yes! I'll be there in a while!"

At this time, Daoyi was looking at the calligraphy, painting and ink treasures on the wall in the main hall, feeling the soul and artistic conception of painting from it, so as to condense his own spiritual artistic conception.This is the special feature of the Sutra of Reversing Taoism. Using other people's Taoism to condense one's own Taoism can be called an act against the heavens!

He Lianfei came to the main hall, smiled and said: "Brother Dao, I'm so sorry for keeping you waiting for so long!"

Daoyi regained his senses from the artistic conception, smiled and said: "Where! Brother Helian is too polite. By the way, brother Helian, I don't know who made this painting on the wall?"

A strangeness flashed in He Lianfei's eyes, and he said, "Oh! Brother Dao, do you also study calligraphy and painting?"

Daoyi shook his head and said, "I don't dare to do research, I just know a little bit."

"Hehe... These paintings are all made by my elder brother. By the way, my elder brother will come over in a while. I believe you two will become good friends."

Daoyi glanced at He Lianfei, and also smiled: "I hope!"

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