Yuan Yi touched the blood on his chest with his hand, moved to his mouth and licked the blood on his fingers, stared at Daoyi coldly, the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more piercing, as cold as ice and snow, like a handful of ice thorns, stabbing at Daoyi heart.

Daoyi smiled lightly, and said, "Hmm! The eyes are really cold! It's a pity, eyes can't kill people."

"Tianyuan Yijian!" Yuan Yi suddenly yelled violently, swung his right finger down suddenly, and a six-foot-long sword light appeared in the air.Sparks flickered on the sword light, like lightning, and the surrounding spiritual energy was gathering at a very high speed, all pouring into the sword light, and the momentum of the sword light suddenly increased, becoming more and more fierce.

Feng Yi's face changed slightly, because he could see that this move was the ultimate move in "Taiyuan Returning to One Jue" practiced by all the Taiyuanmen. Instantly increase your attack power.

Daoyi's face was as usual, calm and composed, even though the sword fell, he didn't care at all.Because he didn't regard Yuan Yi as an evenly matched opponent at all.In his eyes, Yuan Yi is just a guinea pig to test his moves and strength.

When the sword light cut to the top of the head, Daoyi waved his finger and popped out.With a crisp sound, some sparks of light splashed out, and the peerless sword light suddenly split and broke into two pieces.

Daoyi was overbearing and said: "Too weak! Is there a stronger move?"

Yuan Yi's face was very ugly, and he couldn't help roaring: "Boy, you look down on people too much! Originally, I just wanted to compete with you, but now you are looking for death, so don't blame me for being vicious."

Daoyi sneered and said, "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Let's make a move!"

"Hmph! Looking for death!" Suddenly, Yuan Yi waved his arms, and a sword sounded, and a silver long sword shot out suddenly.

"Dang!" Daoyi resisted the sword with one finger, but he took two steps back, and blood oozed from his finger.

Daoyi's face was covered with a layer of dignified color. The attack power of this sword far exceeded his expectations.It's not that Yuan Yi's strength has increased, but that this sword is not ordinary.Because he sensed an extremely fierce sword energy in the sword, combined with the power of true energy, it was extremely powerful.

"Good sword!" Daoyi couldn't help exclaiming.

The corner of Yuan Yi's mouth raised, and he said coldly, "I'll kill you!"

Yuan Yi waved his right finger, and the long sword turned suddenly, slanting across Dao Yi's neck.

Daoyi hurriedly retreated, but the long sword kept chasing after him.Suddenly, the sword energy on the long sword soared, Daoyi was shocked, and suddenly increased his speed, but it was still a bit late, and he failed to avoid the sword energy, and a cut was made on his neck, and blood immediately stained his neck.

"Boy, your time of death has arrived!" Yuan Yi sneered.

Suddenly, with a wave of the long sword, an arc of sword energy swept out.

"Dang!" A bloody shield appeared in front of Daoyi, blocking the sword energy.At the same time, he flew back to the edge of the square.

Daoyi looked at Yuan Yi, nodded and said, "Well! This is a bit decent!"

"Block my sword first, then brag!" Yuan Yi laughed evilly.

Daoyi smiled sarcastically, and said, "Then widen your dog eyes and see clearly!"

"Hoo!" Suddenly, a bloody light shot out from Daoyi's hand, and a dark spear pierced the long sword.

With a sound of "Dang!", the long sword was sent flying.

Daoyi sneered, and said: "Are you the only one who has the magic weapon? I have it too! This gun is called the Soul Devourer Spear. It can drink countless blood and eat countless souls. It is your great honor that you can die under this gun."

Yuan Yi took back the silver long sword, and said coldly: "This sword is called Yinyue, a top-grade spiritual weapon, with eight times the amplitude. Do you know what eight times the amplitude is? It is the sword energy attack, which can be strengthened eight times. Huh! Just your broken gun, how can it compare with mine."

Daoyi looked coldly and said: "Don't belittle my gun, it will get angry. Once it gets angry, I can't stop it!"

"Hmph!" Yuan Yi snorted angrily, and rushed up, swinging the long sword, flashing cold light, and sword energy.

Morality is also not humble, and he swung his gun at him, blood flashed, and evil spirit spread.

For a moment, two beams of light, one silver and one red, were indistinguishable in the air. The sky was dark and the sky was dark. Under the impact of the sword and air gun lights, the huge square became ruins in a short while, a mess.

Feng Yi and the others were also forced to retreat. If they hadn't tried their best to protect the hall, the hall might have been destroyed by the confrontation between the two.

The streamer flew to the left for a while, then to the right for a while, twisting and erratic, and there were crashing and explosion sounds from time to time, and blood flew down from the air.

Feng Ling'er looked worried, and looked very nervous, because he was afraid that the blood would be moral.

Feng Yi and the others looked shocked, because the speed and fighting power of the two were too strong, far exceeding their expectations.The strength shown by the two of them is not as simple as the strong in the early stage of Nascent Soul, even compared to the strong in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

"Are we all getting old? Why are the younger generations all so powerful, how can we mess around in the cultivation world in the future!" A Dharma protector sighed.

The Great Elder nodded and said: "Yes! These two boys are indeed a little perverted, especially Daoyi. He has a cultivation base of the early stage of Jindan, and Yuan Yi, who holds the best aura in his hand, is not weak at all. On the contrary, they are gradually gaining control of the situation.”

Feng Yi couldn't imagine that this was true, and said, "Ah Yi, is he hiding his true cultivation?"

The Great Elder shook his head and said: "It's possible! But we can't see it anyway. If he really hides his cultivation and we can't see it, then his cultivation..."

Feng Yi shook his head and said: "Impossible, his cultivation level cannot be higher than ours, his cultivation base should be at the Golden Core stage, but this is too..."

The Great Elder sighed: "Don't think about it, this kid is a mystery! Only he knows the answer to the mystery."

"That's right!" Feng Yi said: "It's really amazing talent, given time, it will surely win the top spot in the cultivation world!"

Afterimages piled on top of each other, sword shadows were heavy, and the sky was filled with blood. The battle was still going on, and three hundred rounds had passed.The two are still hard to distinguish between the winners and losers!

On one side, Shao Hong's face was extremely gloomy. The strength shown by the two of them surpassed him too much. Now he can only pray that the two of them will lose both, so that he can have a chance to win, otherwise everything will be in vain.

"Bang!" Suddenly, there was a bang, and a white light shot directly at the square on the ground, and a huge deep pit suddenly appeared in the square. In an instant, the square no longer existed, and what was left was just a mess of ruins.

"Hoo!" Suddenly, the blood-red Soul Devourer shot down through the wind, as fast as lightning, and shot straight into the deep pit on the ground.

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