Sword of Immortals

Chapter 95 Unruly

After this battle, some people are happy and some are sad.

But fortunately, everyone didn't have any major losses. What made Feng Yi a little depressed was that the square had been destroyed and it was impossible to repair it in less than ten days and half a month.

After this battle, Shao Hong also let go of his knots. It shouldn't be like this. Through this battle, he has learned a lot, his mood has risen to a higher level, his control of Yuanli has also improved a lot, and his strength has naturally increased.

He felt that the whole person was suddenly enlightened, that there was a bright future ahead, and he was full of longing and expectation for the future.

Daoyi is naturally the happiest one. He gained a lot in the battle, learned a lot, and gained a lot.Now he is with Feng Ling'er every day, and the relationship between the two is heating up extremely fast, and it has reached the point where they are like glue.

Feng Yi and the Great Elder are always striking while the iron is hot, urging them to get married.The reason why they are so anxious is that they know their purpose morally, don't they just want to tie themselves up?As long as I get married with Feng Ling'er, then I will be a member of the Qingfeng Sword Sect, and then my fairy stone and everything will belong to the Qingfeng Sword Sect.

For them, it was like getting a huge treasure.They didn't want to watch this treasure slip away from their hands, that's why they were so anxious and urged.

But Daoyi doesn't want to get married so early, not because he doesn't love Feng Linger enough, but because he doesn't want to hurt Feng Linger.After all, he still has blood feuds, and his life and death are still in his own hands. For a person who doesn't know tomorrow, starting a family is a luxury for him.

Daoyi is not a luxury person, so he will not expect extravagance.Of course, more importantly, he didn't want Feng Ling'er to be hurt.

Although Feng Ling'er is sometimes heartless like a child, she still has her own unique views on right and wrong, she knows the mind of Daoyi, she will not blame him, she will just wait until Daoyi agrees her day.

With such beauty, what more could a husband ask for!

Daoyi did not marry Feng Linger, but he did not leave either.He plans to practice hard first, and by the way, raise the blood-eyed white eagle so that it can protect Feng Linger for him, so that when he seeks revenge from Han Jiangxue, he will feel more at ease.

Xiaoguai's appetite is really big, and he needs several quick fairy stones to make rations every day.Of course, the more it eats, the faster it will grow, and its strength will naturally be gradually improved.

Daoyi found a secluded place to meditate and digest everything he had learned.

After more than a month, although Daoyi's cultivation base is still at the third rank of Jindan and has not broken through to the fourth rank, it is not much worse.His strength has improved a lot, his spiritual cultivation has also improved a lot, and all aspects of him have been adjusted to the best peak state.

"It's almost there!" Daoyi opened his eyes and said to himself, "Han Jiangxue, it's time to settle the score between us."

Daoyi got up and left the place of retreat, came to the Qingfeng Sword Sect, and found Fengling'er.

At this time, Feng Ling'er was riding on Xiaoguai's back, happily flying over the Qingfeng Sword Sect.

Daoyi was a little surprised, he didn't expect Xiao Guai to grow at such an astonishing speed, it has only been two months since it was born, and it has already grown into a giant eagle.When the wings are spread out, they are more than two meters long, and the claws are even more powerful and extremely sharp.And the extremely hard beak, as sharp as an awl.

Suddenly, Xiaoguai swooped down, attacking Daoyi with sharp claws.

Daoyi was stunned, then sneered, and slammed out with his right hand. Immediately, a blood-colored energy ray shield appeared, covering Xiaoguai and Fenglinger.And Xiaoguai was also forced to stop, as if imprisoned, no matter how hard it struggled, it was useless.

Feng Ling'er was surprised: "What did you do?"

Daoyi smiled and said, "It's just a trick!"

Xiaoguai let out an angry scream, obviously it was very upset, dissatisfied with the morality to block it and imprison it.

Daoyi stared at Xiaoguai and said: "Little guy, don't think that you can bully people if you are big. Tell you, you have to crawl honestly in front of me, otherwise you will feel better."

Xiaoguai turned her head to one side in a very humane manner, showing no morals at all.

Daoyi knew that this guy had an arrogance in his bones, and he was even more rebellious in his blood.But he is tyrannical to all kinds of disobedience. Any person or animal in front of him, no matter how arrogant, rebellious, or domineering, must lie on his stomach.Because, in his bones, there is a domineering temperament that no one or anything can resist.

"Don't scare Xiaoguai. During your retreat, if Xiaoguai hadn't played with me, I would have been suffocated to death." Feng Ling'er defended.

Daoyi released the restraint, and said: "Little guy, protect Ling'er well, if something goes wrong with Ling'er, be careful of your bird's life."

The little boy was babbling, not knowing what he was talking about?Whether it is protesting or agreeing, only it knows.

Daoyi shook his head, he couldn't understand the birdsong.Said: "I'll go say hello to Uncle Feng, and then we'll go down the mountain to play."

"Okay!" Feng Ling'er said happily: "Hurry up, I'll wait for you!"

Daoyi found Feng Yi, Feng Yi saw that Daoyi was in high spirits, and his energy was more abundant than before, he smiled happily: "Your strength is growing too fast! This makes us old guys still How are you messing around!"

"Uncle Feng, you're joking!" Daoyi said with a smile, "My cultivation has not improved at all, it's just that I have adjusted my Yuanli."

Feng Yi smiled and said: "How is it? Are you on good terms? When did you get married to Ling'er?"

Daoyi smiled dryly: "This... let's wait for this! Let's talk about it after I settle the matter!"

"I warn you, don't let my Ling'er down, otherwise I don't care who you are, I will take your life." Feng Yi threatened.

Daoyi nodded and said: "Uncle Feng, don't worry! I'm not a person who wants to change things, I will treat Ling'er well, but now is really not the time to get married."

"Okay! Since you two are not in a hurry, I won't force you either." Feng Yi said helplessly.

Daoyi said: "That's right! Uncle Feng, I'm here to tell you that I will take Ling'er out to play later, and it may take a while to come back."

Feng Yi nodded and said: "Got it! Go! Have fun!"

Daoyi nodded and left.

Seeing Daoyi approaching, Feng Ling'er asked, "How is it? Did my father agree?"

"Of course!" Daoyi nodded.

"Then let's go!" Feng Ling'er said happily.

Daoyi leaped into the air and onto Xiaoguai's quilt.

"Xiaoguai, let's go!" Feng Ling'er patted Xiaoguai's neck.

Xiaoguai let out a scream, flapped his wings, a gust of wind blew past, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

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