Sword of Immortals

Chapter 99 Purple Element Sword Formation

With a flash of their figures, they appeared in front of Daoyi.Suddenly, the two shot at the same time, each striking out with one palm.

Daoyi backed up extremely quickly, and then he inserted one side of his body through the gap between his two palms, avoiding the attack of the two.

"You guys go deal with those two boys!" one of them said.

"Yes!" The remaining seven people hurriedly turned and rushed towards Long Teng and Fu Xing.

Daoyi was a little worried, because he knew that although these seven people were all injured, they were all skin traumas. With the strength of Long Teng and Fu Xing, they couldn't compete with the seven of them.

"Let's go!" Daoyi hurriedly said via voice transmission.

Long Teng and Fu Xing looked at each other and nodded.

They are also smart people, knowing what the situation is now, if they don't leave, staying here will only impair morality and become his burden.

The two rushed down the mountain with one stride.

But would they let the two of them leave so easily?The answer is yes!The seven people flew up at a high speed, intending to go up and stop the two of them.

Suddenly, a bloody light swept across.Daoyi suddenly appeared, stopped them, and swung his gun to draw a spear light, forcing them back.

"Damn kid, how dare you ignore us!" This annoyed the two strong men.

"Go to hell!" One of them soared up into the air, and swung his sword down. A sword glow about nine feet long crossed the sky in an instant, and fell down.

"Dang!" Daoyi turned his right hand back, and the Soul Eater shot out from behind, hitting the blade.Immediately, sparks splashed out, the light flickered, and the blades and guns froze in the air.

"You all go after those two boys, and you must bring them back to me." Lu Yu ordered.

At this moment, another late Nascent Soul strongman, like a flowing light, turned into a purple light, like lightning, swung his sword and stabbed Daoyi's chest.

Daoyi was shocked, and wanted to get out and avoid the sword, but he was firmly suppressed by the huge sword light, and he couldn't get out at all.

"Dang!" The long sword pierced Daoyi's chest impartially, but was blocked by his Shura armor that could be summoned freely.

"How is it possible?" the bearded man asked in surprise.

The white-faced old man was also quite surprised, and he couldn't believe that Daoyi could block this sword.But the fact is that he really blocked the sword.

"Damn it!" The bearded man was very angry, and suddenly circulated the true energy in his body, injecting all of it into his hand and the long sword, and with a shake of his right hand, the long sword pierced forward a point.

"Ka..." The Shura battle armor was punctured, and cracks appeared, and it couldn't last long.

Daoyi was a little anxious, because if he didn't get out of this predicament, then he would be miserable.

"Sura's anger!" Daoyi suddenly let out a roar, and behind him appeared a huge phantom, flashing for a moment.

The powerful energy impact and sound wave impact caught the two of them off guard, and they were pushed back.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Daoyi flew around and retreated to a place 20 meters away.

Lu Yu covered his ears and said, "Damn it, my ears are almost deafened."

Han Jiangxue's face became more and more solemn, and the strength and growth of morality far exceeded his expectations.She regretted it a little now. She regretted that she should not only bring two strong people from the late Nascent Soul stage, but should have brought a few more, or should have brought a person who was in the out-of-body stage or stronger.

"Boy, your strength is not bad!" the white-faced old man said in a low voice.

Daoyi said coldly: "It is enough to deal with you two!"

"Ha!" The bearded man couldn't help laughing, and said: "If you give you three points of color, you can open a dyeing workshop, which is really shameless!"

Daoyi looked up at Lu Yu and Han Jiangxue, an astonishing fighting spirit spread out, and said, "You four go up together!"

"Boy, don't be too arrogant! Arrogant people often don't live long!" The white-faced old man was very angry, did he obviously not take them seriously?

Lu Yu sneered and said, "You really know your self-confidence, you should beat them first before talking big!"

"Boy, you really pissed me off, accept the baptism of death!" The bearded man was furious. Suddenly, he swung his long sword, drew a circle on his chest, and then drew a circle in the circle. A few times, suddenly, purple light flashed, and an energy array appeared, somewhat similar to a Tai Chi pattern.

Then, with a wave of the long sword in his hand, he hit it into the energy array with one palm, and the energy array immediately spun.

Suddenly, streaks of purple sword lights shot out from the energy array, piercing the wind and attacking Daoyi.

The corners of Daoyi's mouth raised slightly, with a trace of disdain in his eyes, he said mockingly: "The silver-like pewter tip is useless, and it's a waste of energy!"

Daoyi placed the Soul-Eating Spear horizontally in front of his chest, and then, he flicked his head with his right finger. Immediately, the Soul-Eating Spear spun out at a high speed, forming an impenetrable circular shield in a short while.

"When..." The sword light was completely blocked, as if setting off firecrackers, with a sound, sparks flew, and then collapsed, turning into a wisp of green smoke and dissipating.

"Can you block my Ziyuan sword array because of this?" The bearded man suddenly turned his fingers, and the sword lights seemed to be controlled, and they bypassed the spear shield. From the side and back, three The local blockade-like flying spurs came.

"What I've been waiting for is your move!" A creepy sneer appeared on the corner of Daoyi's mouth, he swung his right hand violently, and with a push of his palm, he shot the Soul Eater.

"Hoo!" The Soul Devouring Spear turned into a stream of purple light, and in an instant, pierced through the wind and stabbed at the bearded man.

The bearded man didn't panic or panic, and said calmly: "You opened the door wide because of my stupidity, waiting for you to attack me?"

Suddenly, the bearded man struck out with his finger, and the long sword in the center of the Ziyuan sword array spun and shot out with a sound of sword cry.

"Dang!" The long sword and the Soul Eater gun met in the middle, and the two completely different energies in the gun and sword exploded in an instant.The rocks on the ground that were impacted by the powerful energy were blown away, the strong heat wave swept all directions, the ground was swept away, and the flowers, plants and trees were all reduced to ashes and sawdust.

"Hoo!" Suddenly, both of them rushed towards each other, almost at the same time, each of them held their guns and swords.

Once again, there was no dazzling light, no strong energy impact, but only a strong dark force, shocking the opponent.

But the strength of the two is not much different, once again stalemate.

Daoyi was quite depressed about this, but he was also very helpless, who said that his strength was inferior to others!

But what made Daoyi most depressed was that another white-faced old man suddenly appeared behind him and slashed down with a sword.

"Pinch back and forth, come back with this move! Will it work?" Daoyi shook his head.

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