Chapter 101

The private room was booked on the top floor, and at the end of the corridor was the door leading to the top terrace. Fang Zishu chased out and looked at the vague black figure on the terrace behind the cold glass door.

There is wind on the terrace, blowing waves of chill. The cold air reminds people of snow-covered green pines. There is no specific smell, but it makes people feel inexplicably comfortable.

Chen Linyuan turned his back and used his body to block the wind that blew from time to time. He tried to light a cigarette in his arms. The flame ignited and then quickly extinguished. He shook the useless lighter impatiently. The next second, the cigarette held lightly in his mouth was pulled away by a white hand.

Fang Zishu threw the cigarette on the ground. Although he didn't light it at all, he frowned and pushed it away a few times, muttering, "Why should I learn to smoke at such a young age?"

Chen Linyuan was surprised that she had also come here. The surprise in his eyes was extinguished by a basin of cold water after hearing her words, and he suddenly felt unwilling and angry.

"How older are you than me? It doesn't matter so much."

"A big day is also a big day! How about it?"

Fang Zishu was naturally unwilling to be outdone, but the person next to him just snorted lightly, stopped replying, and turned to look at the vast night in the distance.

Christmas night is very lively, and you can still vaguely hear the music accompanied by camel bells in the distance. The music of "last Christmas" seems to be engraved in the bone marrow. As soon as the prelude is played, the strong festive atmosphere makes people hum along involuntarily. stand up.

The joy and enthusiasm seemed to have an invisible barrier with the terrace at the moment.

The night air seemed to be able to form a thin layer of frost on the clothes, but Chen Linyuan's breath at the moment was a bit colder than frost. Fang Zishu was silent for a while, moved closer to the cold air, and whispered softly.

"The wind has picked up, don't you plan to go back?" After a pause, he looked at the boy's handsome side face stained with melancholy, "Don't be jealous of them, I've also given you a red envelope."

"Oh, I'm not short of money." The wealthy and wealthy Mr. Chen finally spoke, changing his position and leaning on the armrest of the observation deck, his expression was a little more relaxed than before.

"Here, let's see if there are any." His hands, which were slightly red from the cold fingertips, took out a palm-sized box from the pocket of his down jacket and handed it over. Chen Linyuan lowered his head and looked at it for a long time. It was a small box in red and green colors, with a ribbon on it. There was a small card with a gingerbread man hanging on it, which had a Christmas atmosphere today. After thinking to himself, he still took it with some anticipation.

The box was opened, and a bright black remote control key lay quietly inside. Chen Linyuan's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate. He swallowed, then picked up the key, turned it over and looked at it carefully.

The golden wings logo still shines luxuriously, and there is an imperceptible scratch on the lower right side of the logo.

Chen Linyuan raised his head suddenly, Fang Zishu's expression did not change, but there was a little bit of pride in his eyes, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised as if he was relieved.

"Where did you get this?" Chen Linyuan felt a slight soreness in his throat, and a feeling similar to that of something lost came to him. It was indescribable, but he almost choked when he realized that he was worthless.

"It was redeemed. Fortunately, your motorcycle is too expensive. It has been sitting with the boss for so long without being sold. It is just gathering dust!"

"17, you're spending this much money?" Even though the high wall in his heart was about to collapse, Chen Linyuan still had a cold face and the words on his lips were also thorny.

"Who are you looking down on!" Fang Zishu gestured to slap this outspoken kid on the back of the head. However, today he was wearing a pair of flat shoes and could not reach it even though he stood on tiptoes. He lowered his hand and patted Chen Linyuan on the shoulder.

"I call this investment! If you film well and become a front-line actor in the future, this little money won't even be enough to pay taxes!"

"Tsk", Chen Linyuan couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud. Fang Zishu, who had been pretending to be relaxed, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.He didn't want to ask her where she got the story about this motorcycle, and how she found the exact same car. The cool breeze at this moment seemed to instantly blow away the layer of dust that had been covering his heart, and he put his emotions aside. She was placed in that dark room, and because she took the initiative to open the door, she was able to be released properly and decently.

Holding the key in his hand, the cold touch gradually turned warm. Chen Linyuan naturally put it into his pocket, lowered his head and raised his eyebrows, looking at the person in front of him.

"Is this an apology?"

"It's either an apology or an apology." Fang Zishu's eyes were as calm as water, completely different from his normal sassy appearance, but his eyes still shone with a sincere and warm light, which made Chen Linyuan afraid to look at him.

"I did something wrong before."

"But!" Fang Zishu added hurriedly, "You can't make fun of your own safety and career for anything! Do you know how anxious we are to find you?"

Fortunately, Chen Jiangyuan took action, otherwise she would not have been able to cope with this situation alone, and she might have been severely dealt with by the company.

Chen Linyuan rarely lowered his head, "Well, I won't do it again."

"Well... Anyway, I shouldn't have said ugly words without understanding the situation, so please forgive me."

Fang Zishu was not used to apologies after cooling down for a long time. In interpersonal communication, she was more used to heat treatment. As soon as the apology came out, she was a little nervous waiting for Chen Linyuan's answer.

"Okay, you can forgive me." Chen Linyuan looked relaxed, narrowed his eyes and smiled like a harmless big cat, and even stretched out, "But there is one condition."


Although he was still pretending to be deep in thought, Chen Linyuan already had a definite answer in his mind.

"When I get back to the capital city, come ride a motorcycle with me."

Fang Zishu muttered a little, "Can your car carry people..."

But Chen Linyuan seemed to have installed a shielding device, so these words didn't even reach his ears. He took out the cigarette lighter from his pocket, handed the "contraband" to Fang Zishu, and said while walking towards the box, " Also, don’t always try to be my sister.”

The cigarettes in his hand are still full. Counting the one on the bottom of his foot, it is a complete and brand-new pack of cigarettes.

Chen Linyuan did not have the habit of smoking, but those days were boring and unbearable. Thinking of someone, the sadness in his heart surged like a floodgate. He took the cigarettes prepared by the prop teacher and wanted to try this mature man's way of relieving his worries, but he always felt that he was worried about someone. Sensitive to the smell of cigarette smoke.

She wanted to laugh at her inexplicable naivety, trying to achieve maturity in a way that was close to being cool, as if she would treat herself the same way she would look at a man.

Whether it was because he had the remote control key in his pocket or because he was taking long and brisk steps, there was a faint sound of metal colliding on Chen Linyuan's body, cheerful and careful.

"You have two conditions!" Fang Zishu shouted from behind, looking at the man's back, but there was nothing he could do.

(End of this chapter)

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