Chapter 105 Returning to Beijing City

Between the invisible barrier between father and son, the exhausted person walking through it is probably the mother.

The outsiders present did not seem to realize the quiet change in the atmosphere, but for Hu Mei, who did not know the inside story of the business, but knew her family well enough, she was already feeling uneasy.

The sentence just now undoubtedly conveys two pieces of information. The first is that Gu Yuan independently founded Langyue Entertainment and relied on his father's handiwork. The second is that Gu Yucheng also participated in this bidding.

In this way, Gu Yuan has probably guessed who the investor who has never been found out is.

Gu Qidan smiled and continued to speak. There was gratitude in his words, and Gu Yuan could only hear the inexplicable profound meaning.

"If dad hadn't given me this test opportunity, I probably wouldn't have been able to seize such a good project." As soon as these words came out, the eldest and second uncle were the first to ask what a test opportunity was, paving the way for Gu Qi.

"Then I would like to solemnly announce to everyone here that I am now not only the CEO of Excellence Group, but also the chairman of the board of directors of the group."

The voice in the whole living room suddenly dropped and fell into a strange silence. Everyone looked uniformly with astonished eyes, as if expressing their surprise. They had never heard of any news. When did Gu Yucheng transfer Zhuo Zhuo to Is Gu Qi's name on it?
Gu Yucheng didn't seem to want to say much. When asked, Gu Qi answered with a normal expression.

"Excellence slowly developed into what it is today in my hands. I also experienced some setbacks caused by people with good intentions at the beginning. However, in order to survive, my father and I signed a gambling agreement at that time, using my achievements and experience to develop Excellence. The exchange of shares in his hands, now that I think about it, my father must have made me successful just to motivate me."

The gambling agreement and share exchange were clearly stated word for word. The shares were swapped to some shareholders who were willing to invest, but it did not pose a threat to Gu Qi's identity as the largest shareholder. It is no wonder that Lin Hetao failed to find out the internal flow of funds at that time. .

Tang Mofan, who had always been eloquent and eloquent, also fell silent. He looked around at the reaction of the crowd, and finally fixed his gaze on Gu Yuan on the right.

The man leaned against the back of his chair, arms folded loosely, and took time to look at the person opposite who seemed to be standing in the center of the stage. He didn't seem surprised.

There was silence for two seconds, but unexpectedly it was Gu Yuan who broke the silence.

"Congratulations, brother, you got what you wanted."

Tang Mofan quietly pushed Gu Yuan and his wine glass in. He always felt that this guy's evil aura was threatening to throw these valuable goblets on the table at Gu Qi's head.

The discord between the two brothers of the Gu family was no longer a rumor, but a fact that had been accepted by everyone. Everyone did not dare to say anything, but secretly pondered the meaning of every word between the two of them.

Gu Qi smiled and followed Gu Yuan's words and also sent "blessings", "Congratulations in advance and wish you all the best for your future listing."

Yaoyao raised his wine glass, but Gu Yuan didn't want to play out the scene anymore. He stood up directly, straightened the clothes at his arms with an indifferent expression, waved to the servant standing aside, and hurriedly sent the servant over. Putting his coat on his arms, he announced calmly, "Everyone, eat slowly, I'm leaving first."

These words did not sound like they were addressed to anyone present, but like an understatement to the head of the family, Gu Yucheng. Gu Yucheng’s expression remained unchanged and he did not seem to intend to stop or respond. Hu Mei on the side wanted to smooth things over. , but was patted on the shoulder in a comforting manner by Tang Mofan, who was following Gu Yuan.

"Brother Gu, celebrate slowly. If you have nothing to do, you can go to my little brother's bar to cheer you up." He said this to Gu Qi with a playful smile, and Tang Mofan followed Gu Yuan out of the Gu family's old house.

On the first day of the new year, the city of Beijing is noisy and lively. The black Cullinan is like an out-of-place cyber casing, passing through all kinds of lights and people. Gu Yuan, who is sitting in the back row, has a wooden face. , looking out the window at the lights of thousands of houses, wondering what he was thinking.On the great day of New Year's Day, Gu Yuan was not an unkind capitalist. The driver, Secretary Zhou and others all had a rare day off. In order to avoid the banquet held in his old house, Tang Mofan volunteered to come to Gu Yuan's side. By the way, he acted as a driver.

For an unknown number of times, after Tang Mofan peeked at Gu Yuan through the rearview mirror, the man sitting in the back row lazily said, "Have you seen enough?"

"Tch, I didn't want to look at you!" Tang Mofan denied with a curled lip.

"I mean, have you seen enough of this show today?"

For Tang Mofan, the only thing worth pursuing in life, apart from money, is fun. He has long heard about the grievances and resentments of wealthy families like the Gu family, but for a person who has fun, gossip is not as good as hearing about it. one sight.

It's just that Tang Mofan was a little different today. He just looked ahead and said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "It's nothing to see. When you, Gu Yuan, finish off that sanctimonious Brother Gu, I'll just cheer him up by eating melon seeds." ”

The music man turned the steering wheel in his hand and drove towards Max. Gu Yuan listened to Tang Mofan humming a tune and rarely refused.


It was already eleven o'clock in the night when the plane arrived in Beijing.

Due to the weather, it was delayed for a while, and fearing that Gu Yuan would be impatient, Chi Yu walked through the VIP channel that is said to be used by celebrities for the first time.

There were not many people in the pick-up hall. Gu Yuan stood behind the crowd, but his temperament was still eye-catching. Chi Yu's big eyes hidden behind her sunglasses stared at him unscrupulously for a long time, until she stood still in front of him, and then she was generous Focus on his handsome face that is coated with white light and looks like a sculpture.

Although Fang Zishu was as sleepy as a pig or a dog, his sharpness as a manager was not lost. He led his team behind the boss's best friend and his wife, safely put the person and the few luggage into the car, disbanded the team on the spot, and went back to their respective places. Each family looked for their mother, and everyone dispersed happily.

Chen Linyuan hadn't organized a team and assistants yet, so she just stood there alone, waiting pitifully for Fang Zishu to say a soft word to send him home, but when she got in the car, she changed her mind and he insisted on sending her home.

There were a few lights on in Mingyuan Villa, as if to welcome the hostess back.

Aunt Qiong had already changed the bedding in the room, and it was soft and fluffy in the center of the room, like an extremely soft and dense bubble under the warm light.

Chi Yu had long thought about rolling around on the big bed, took a quick shower, packed away the simple luggage she had brought back, and was about to get under the covers when there was a knock on the door.

The knocking on the door was dull but rhythmic, and for some reason it disturbed Chi Yu's heartbeat. Almost subconsciously, she tiptoed to the dressing table and smoothed the long hair on her shoulders, and then hurriedly opened the door.

Naturally, there was no other person besides Gu Yuan at the door.

At this moment, the man also changed into a dark pajamas suit. After taking a shower, his whole body exuded the refreshing scent of chamomile. His hair naturally hung down to cover his eyebrows. His deep eyes were a little wet at the moment. What people couldn't ignore was the hug on his hand. with a pillow.

(End of this chapter)

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