Chapter 116

"And then?"

Fang Zishu's story was fascinating, and Chi Yu's chronicity was aroused by her, and she asked her questions again and again.

Three or five days after the new year, the church brand held an event. As the brand ambassador, Chi Yu naturally had to attend. She flew to Shanghai, which also announced the end of the wonderful holiday.

She was back in Beijing to catch up with a magazine interview. Her makeup was fresh and elegant. Chi Yu didn't take off her makeup at all. She changed into an exquisite black knitted skirt and put on her coat before getting into the car.

As for the only joy in these busy lives these days, it is listening to Fang Zishu and Xiaoya telling stories.

Xiaoya and Xiaofei fell in love on campus, and worked together under Chi Yu after graduation. This time they went home to meet their parents during the Chinese New Year, and their wedding date was set for September in the vibrant golden autumn.

"We have to be together anyway. It doesn't matter to me whether it's early or late. But what does that guy who can't spit out ivory from his dog's mouth say? Get married early to prevent long nights and dreams!"

The relationship between Xiaoya and Xiaofei has long been better than that of family members. They are happy that their enemies never openly express their love, but more of their true feelings revealed in the fight. It is obviously a long-planned proposal. When it comes to Xiaoya, it is completely romantic. Can't get involved.

"I'm going to hold a wedding and bachelor's night party tonight. No one without eight-pack abs will be allowed in. Let him know what 'Long Nights and Dreams' means!"

Usually when it came to talking about eight-pack abs, Fang Zishu's strong support was indispensable, but now he was rarely quiet, which made Chi Yu raise her eyebrows and cast a sidelong glance at the abnormal person.

"What? After the new year, are you ready to become a good person?"

"Shit! When did you become a bad girl?" Fang Zishu was furious, but this anger was not pure. There was a bit of... shyness that had never flowed in this woman's blood.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and the demon's aura is not small. Chi Yu smelled the smell of a conspiracy, and lured the enemy deeper step by step. After several questionings, Fang Zishu was very tight-lipped this time, and it took several back and forth before he surrendered.

He said with some pride, "Why didn't he express it?!", and finally he was questioned about where he expressed it and how he expressed it.

That's why Chi Yu opened her almond-shaped eyes at first and asked eagerly.

"Nothing more." Fang Zishu waved his hand.

Chi Yu didn't give up, "Don't make trouble, just call it real!"

But Fang Zishu didn't lie. What followed was that Fang's mother woke up from a dream. When she got up, she unexpectedly found that her daughter had disappeared without turning off the TV. She thought she had been abducted by aliens, so she made n calls in a row. Fang Zishu was summoned directly.

Chi Yu was mentally prepared to eat a big melon, but she never expected such a tragic ending. She wanted to complain, but looking at the person's face that was more bitter than a melon, she held it back and swallowed her words.

"I thought it was just a matter of words between the two of us, but I didn't expect that this man has quit drugs! The secret agents are not even stricter than him!"

Fang Zishu cursed fiercely, exuding a feeling of hatred for iron, which made Chi Yu break the smile she had been holding back for a long time.

I haven't returned to the company for half a year, and today I finished work early. The female star Ms. Chi Yu also wanted to experience a visit, so she drove the car to Lang Yue's building without notifying Gu Yuan.

As soon as I turned into the side road, the mobile phone in my bag rang at an inappropriate time, displaying an unfamiliar number.

Work calls would be made directly to Fang Zishu or Xiaoya. Not many people knew Chi Yu's personal number. As for unknown calls that were not saved, they rarely came. After hesitating for a moment, Chi Yu still picked up.

After saying a few words briefly, Fang Zishu watched Chi Yu's expression gradually darken, and finally said, "Okay, I'll be there in a moment."

"Who is it?" Although the situation is not clear yet, it seems that the person coming is not malicious.Chi Yu didn't explain much. She patted the back of Fang Zishu's hand comfortingly, and then changed her destination, "Now go to Fuyan Road."

Fuyan Road is mostly filled with high-end office buildings. When they stopped in front of an inconspicuous Japanese-style building, Chi Yu put on her sunglasses and scarf and got out of the car.

Xiaoya and the others were supposed to accompany them, but Chi Yu refused because they said it was a private trip.

"I will pay attention to it myself, there will be no problem!" After saying this, Chi Yu waved her hand and walked in, her back looking thin and stubborn. Fang Zishu was silent for a moment, silently picked up her phone and took a picture, then turned around and ordered.

"Thank you for working overtime, please wait around here for now."

Although I trust Chi Yu 100%, I still have to at least be wary of anyone other than her.

When you walk into a Japanese-style building, you will find a Japanese restaurant with a unique decoration style. Whether it is the valuable flowing stone landscape deck in front of the door or the grand cypress bark roof inside, they all reflect the passion of the restaurant's manager. Good taste.

And, the ability to make money far beyond the scope of running a restaurant.

The sound of running water was accompanied by the sound of strumming the strings. Chi Yu didn't like this euphemistic and feminine pentatonic mode. She followed the waiter around and was led to a private room by the girl in kimono.

A pair of black leather shoes had been neatly placed at the door. Chi Yu took off her sunglasses and woolen scarf covering half of her face, put on her high heels and opened the door.

"Big brother."

The warm orange logs and wind did not make people feel relaxed. Chi Yu called out somewhat awkwardly to Gu Qi, who was sitting across from her. She looked at each other for a moment with her almond-shaped eyes and then quickly moved away. She stared at the black porcelain cup in front of her without leaving a trace. After getting up, he took a sip.

Gu Qi still looked as cool as the moon, smiled and ordered the food to be served, and then said casually, "Let's call him senior. The title of eldest brother does sound unfamiliar."

The door of the compartment was opened again, and the kimono waiter sitting outside brought exquisite dishes to the table. Chi Yu did not shy away from it and smiled politely, "I'm getting used to it gradually. I am Gu Yuan's wife. Call me eldest brother." It’s as it should be.”

"Besides, this is etiquette and has nothing to do with whether you are used to it or not."

After a brief moment of silence, Gu Qi looked at the person in front of him with some surprise. Even though he had black hair and red lips, his beautiful appearance still made it easy to recall the unforgettable innocence he had in high school.

Nothing seemed to have changed, but the calmness in his eyes was a little different.

"Okay, as you like."

An authentic kaiseki meal was served in appetizer bowls. Chi Yu put down her chopsticks after taking a few bites.

If she hadn't been polite, she really wouldn't have the slightest interest in the so-called cuisine that brings out Zen feelings and artistic conception. After working all day, it would be nice to have a barbecue with Fang Zishu on her back.

After the so-called meditation interval, the waiter brought the sashimi dish. There were a few pieces of sea bream meat on the stone plate. They were bright and fresh, as thin as cicada wings, but they did not arouse any appetite in Chi Yu. Gu Qi took care of himself. He picked up a piece and put it into his mouth, chewing it for a long time, as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Has he told you about the matter between Gu Yuan and me?"

After finishing speaking, Chi Yu looked at the man sitting opposite and pursed her red lips.

She seemed to understand that the previous half hour was just a waste. Gu Qi's real intention of coming to her today was just about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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