Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 119 Absolutely Believe

Chapter 119 Absolutely Believe
Chi Yu searched in her memory and finally met the little girl who played the blind rabbit demon in "The Bride of the Rabbit Demon".

It's just that the other party played a blind rabbit at that time, and her eyes were closed during the entire filming. Now when I look at her normally, I can't recognize her for a while.

Now she looked into Xu Na's eyes and said sincerely: "I remembered. Thank you for the hand warmer you gave me. Also, your eyes are very beautiful."

The period of The Black Rabbit Bride was in the twelfth lunar month of winter, when the weather was several degrees below zero, and the heating in the studio was cut off, so the entire crew had no choice but to film.

As the lead actor in "The Rabbit Bride", she had the heaviest role, and she developed frostbite on her hands within a few days of filming.

The shooting location was in a remote mountainous area, and the canteens in several surrounding villages did not necessarily have warm items to buy. At that time, a little girl gave her a hand warmer.

I didn't expect that after a few years, I would see that little girl here again.

It's just that it's different now.

Xu Meng can sit next to her, which shows that her current status is not low.

The chairs at live events are arranged according to the status of the guests.

Seeing her remembering it, Xu Meng smiled faintly: "I didn't expect you to still remember."

Ordinary people may have long forgotten about a hand warmer.

"Sister, it turns out you are here."

Following the sound, Chi Yu saw Xu Yuna.

In "I Am an Actor", the two collaborated in one episode.

Because Seo Yoon Na was a few years younger, she kept calling her sister.

It's just that Chi Yu didn't have a good impression of her, even a very bad impression. During the cooperation, the other party kept making small moves and deliberately targeted her.

After the show aired, the other party even bought a wave of trolls online to try to gain her popularity and even hacked her.

However, that misunderstanding was quickly solved by the behind-the-scenes footage released by the program team.

I didn't expect that now that I met her here, she would have the nerve to call her sister.

On the surface, Chi Yu didn't even pretend, she pretended not to hear, got up and left.

This event attracted a lot of attention as a brand ambassador.

When the host saw her, he immediately pulled her to the counter where they were placed to take pictures. The purpose of this was to better promote the product.

As a brand ambassador, Chi Yu definitely has no reason to refuse.

From a distance, Chi Yu saw Xu Yuna who had been ignored by her just now.

Xu Yuna stared at her, with a smile in her eyes, her eyes lingering on her.

Chi Yu didn't understand the purpose of her gaze. After taking the photo, she went straight to her direction and planned to find Gu Yuan.

Unexpectedly, the other party followed him reluctantly.

When Chi Yu walked up the steps, she stepped directly on her skirt. Behind her were rows of tables, blocking the cameras behind her.

The other party quickly retracted his foot, only to be slightly tripped. Chi Yu felt angry and glared at her.

Before she could reply, Xu Yuna suddenly shouted: "Sister, your clothes are torn, what should I do?"

As she looked around, Chi Yu discovered that there was a white line cracking on the front of the blue fishtail skirt.

The cracked place was obviously out of line, and a slight trip just now prevented it from breaking directly.

Xiaoya was not there, and the staff on site neglected to check and did not find it.

Upon realizing this, Chi Yu's eyes flashed with obvious panic.

Probably because she was afraid that the people around her wouldn't hear her, Xu Yuna deliberately shouted to the crowd.

She pretended to be nervous and anxious, and turned to look at Chi Yu, her eye muscles twitching. She was smiling, smiling proudly.

The smile disappeared fleetingly, and she could only be heard laughing softly: "Sister, you have a good figure, but it's a pity that it might not be good if it is photographed."

Chi Yu's heart trembled, this was not an accident.

The sound attracted everyone's attention, and everyone's eyes followed one after another.

Facing so many eyes, Chi Yu subconsciously looked in the direction of Gu Yuan.

At that moment, she only thought of one person.Gu Yuan!

Sensing something was wrong, Gu Yuan pushed through the crowd and came in.

Pushing aside the crowd, she saw Chi Yu standing upright. She was holding her clothes in one hand, but she didn't deliberately cover her chest with her hands.

The clothes were partially torn, exposing her fair skin, and underneath, there was a glimpse of the scenery that one couldn't help but peek into.

And there was a little girl standing in front of her.

Xu Meng held a needle and thread in his hand and made repairs on the spot under the astonished eyes of everyone.

After a while, the blue fishtail skirt returned to its original state.

Chi Yu breathed a sigh of relief and cast a grateful look at Xu Meng.

"Thank you so much for just now. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known how serious the situation was."

After discovering the problem with his clothes, Chi Yu planned to rush to the backstage of the event, but the tears in his clothes were more serious than he expected.

The clothes fell apart with every step he took.

Just when she was helpless, Xu Meng rushed over. Seeing the situation, he immediately ran to the assistant to ask for needle and thread.

Looking at the mended clothes, Chi Yu was a little surprised. Xu Meng's needlework skills were so good that she couldn't even see any stitches.

The storm passed, and the people around looked at him with pity.

Many of them wanted to see Chi Yu's jokes.

There are also many people discussing
"It was too thrilling just now. It's a pity that Xu Meng is smart."

"Yes, but Chi Yu is too calm. If I had been scared just now, I would have cried."

"Look what's going on? Why does this happen to taller clothes?"


Under the eyes of everyone talking, Xu Meng handed the needle and thread in his hand to the assistant not far away.

Gu Yuan had already taken off his clothes at that time, and the suit he was wearing was draped over Chi Yu.

His hands were clasped tightly on Chi Yu's shoulders, and his fists were clenched.

Chi Yu, however, acted like a normal person, holding his hand and whispering coquettishly: "Someone is deliberately trying to trouble me, will you stand up for me?"

"Tell me, who is it?" The voice was almost gritted.

Xu Yunna's figure had long since disappeared, but she said: "I said Ye Zhen, believe it or not."

"it is good!"

The other party only has one word.

Chi Yu looked surprised: "She's not here, don't you ask why? And what's her relationship with you?"

The voice was interrupted: "I have nothing to do with her. Also, you don't need to ask why, I believe it unconditionally."

In response to his words, Chi Yu blushed.

Because of this farce, Chi Yu and Gu Yuan left the event early.

Backstage, Chi Yu changed into a tight long skirt, looking relaxed.

Beside her, Gu Yuan was holding a phone in his hand, and his voice was cold: "Uncle Ye, it's not that I don't give you face, it's that Ye Zhenzhen doesn't give me this face. I don't think so about Luoshui's tender. If we continue to talk, the cooperation between me and the Ye Group for next year will be cancelled."

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone, and Gu Yuan seemed to be hesitant.

Chi Yu held the script in her hand, but her mind was not on it. She was very curious about what Gu Yuan was going to say next.

After all, he and Ye Zhenzhen grew up together.

You can't really break up with the Ye family because of him, right?

Moreover, the person talking to him now is an elder of the Ye family.

If this is the case, then the sponsor on her list has really made money.

(End of this chapter)

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