Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 133 Are they in love?

Chapter 133 Are they in love?

Yan Jun picked up and spoke first: "I'll be home in two days, so don't rush me? You told your father that I'm not interested in the company's affairs."

The voice on the other end of the phone was a little helpless: "Ah Jun, your father and I are the only son. If you don't go home and inherit the company, then who will the company be given to in the future? I know you only want to be in the entertainment industry now, so If your parents give you a chance, you can come back after playing for a few years."

"Let's talk about it later." After finishing his words, he hung up without giving any chance. Yan Jun was so restless that he almost didn't notice the stray cat at the door of the company.

When it ran over, he was so frightened that he quickly stepped on the brakes.

Early the next morning, Gu Yuan received a video from the security room of Langyue Entertainment Company Building.

In the video, Yan Jun hugged Chi Yu and the two behaved intimately.

After seeing the video, Gu Yuan was furious, and his hand holding the phone was shaking.

In order to ensure Chi Yu's safety, Gu Yuan specifically asked the security guards of the entertainment building to ensure that Chi Yu left safely every day.

Therefore, this video was sent.

In the empty office, Gu Yuan looked at the video that was still playing on his phone, filled with anger.

With a clang, the phone fell to the table.

He called Lin Hetao.

Lin Hetao was processing documents in the office. After receiving the call, he did not realize the storm he was about to face.

He asked as usual: "Mr. Gu, do you have anything going on over there? Do you want coffee or..."

The words were interrupted, and Gu Yuan's voice sounded like a furious lion: "You die here."

Upon hearing this tone, Lin Hetao sighed helplessly, probably guessing what happened.

Gu Yuan was afraid that he had seen the video of Chi Yu and Yan Jun.

He entered the office with coffee, and as soon as he entered, he heard Gu Yuan's roaring voice.

"Who brought this person into the company? Who signed the company's artists? Don't you even want to bring him in for a look? Are you allowed to let such a thing into the company?"

Lin Hetao said: "This is someone that the company's scouts have spotted before. We have been communicating with him before and we just signed the contract some time ago."

Gu Yuan was extremely dissatisfied: "Where did you find this guy with such a lack of taste? Is he handsome? I didn't see it. His singing is okay, but there are so many singers, so it doesn't mean he is so good."

Lin Hetao nodded, a little against his will: "That's true, but he has been very popular recently. If he signs with us, the company will not lose money."

Upon hearing this, Gu Yuan was unhappy.

"What does it mean to be very popular? How can someone like him be popular online? I can't see what's good about him."

Lin Hetao secretly slandered him in his heart. Gu Yuan was clearly not happy about his contact with Chi Yu.

To be honest, Yan Jun is still quite capable, and his singing skills are as good as those of some famous singers.

In terms of image, although it is not as good as some top stars, it can still be compared with some male artists.

Moreover, this image and temperament are also popular among girls in the circle. The main theme is the most popular naughty dog ​​style.

The company has begun to plan to push Yan Jun in two directions, one as a singer, the other as an actor, and there are even arrangements for variety shows.

Gu Yuan was angry, and Lin Hetao could only persuade him: "If you don't like this person, Mr. Gu, I can contact the agency later to arrange for him to fly to City A tonight. There will be new work arrangements here. He will not be allowed to return to Beijing in the short term."

Gu Yuan was quite satisfied with this arrangement.

"Okay, then you hurry up and make arrangements. Don't let me see him in the company for a few months."

Lin Hetao thought that he was really stingy and couldn't help but chuckle after going out.

It turns out that this is why our Mr. Gu is jealous.Chi Yu had been stuck with Yan Jun for a few days, but suddenly he disappeared one day. She was still a little puzzled. When she asked, she found out that the company had arranged for Yan Jun to go to City A to shoot a variety show.

The puppy suddenly died, and Chi Yu was a little uncomfortable at first.

Later, she was happy that no one was bothering her. She felt much more relaxed reading the scripts these days.

She will join a new crew in a few days. The costume drama she has taken on this time is not similar to some of the romantic costume dramas she has taken on in the past. It is a plot drama, not a heroine in the lead role, and is on par with the male lead.

Moreover, this is her first transformation drama, so she has very high requirements for herself. She has been studying the role while reading the script these days.

While she was concentrating on polishing the character, Fang Zishu rushed in, her emotions were high, and she said excitedly: "Ah, do you know what I just saw?"

Chi Yu stared at the script and replied casually: "What did you see? What a fuss."

"I guarantee you will be excited when you see this news."

When she said this, Chi Yu became interested.

She raised her hand and took the mobile phone handed over by Fang Zishu.

What comes into view is a photo.

Seeing the photo, Chi Yu's face was full of disbelief: "How is it possible for the two of them?"

In the photo, Ye Zhenzhen and Gu Qi were kissing. The photo was secretly taken by paparazzi, but their faces could still be seen clearly from the angle.

The identities of the two people can be basically determined from the photos.

"Really!" Fang Zishu was surprised before, but now he accepted it.

Open the social platform account and click on the updates.

"No kidding, the two of them are really together, and Gu Qi even posted a message."

In the news is a clarification statement from Gu Qifa.

[Regarding my relationship with Ms. Ye, I think everyone has seen the photos. I hereby declare that Ms. Ye and I are in a normal relationship. I hope that the paparazzi will not take our private videos and photos for publicity in the future. If there is another time, .]

Chi Yu did not read the next content in detail because it was not important anymore. What was important was that Gu Qi admitted that he and Ye Zhenzhen were dating.

Looking at that post, I felt mixed emotions.

Gu Qi, does he really like Ye Zhenzhen?
He did not reciprocate the love between men and women towards Gu Qi, but the friendship between high school students was still there.

Ye Zhenzhen clearly likes Gu Yuan. If Gu Qizhen likes her, isn't he asking for trouble?

And if he publicly admits to dating, will Ye Zhenzhen admit it?

Fang Zishu looked at the phone and watched the fun like an ordinary bystander: "How do you think the two of them got together? Is it a relationship that they can't get along with? Ye Zhenzhen, doesn't he like Mr. Gu? Why did he turn around and talk to Gu again? They are together, it’s weird.”

Chi Yu also felt strange, always feeling that there was something fishy in this.

Since the last negotiation between her and Ye Zhenzhen, the other party has not looked for her.

Gu Yuan has not given up suppressing the Ye family. Chi Yu has spoken out these days. The other party's obvious intention is that the Ye family is indeed not helpful to Lang Yue's current development trend, so he is determined to give up the Ye family.

Chi Yu couldn't find any reason to persuade him to cooperate with the Ye family again.

This matter has been stuck, neither up nor down. She has not forgotten it and has nothing to do.

She didn't try to contact Ye Zhenzhen, but she didn't expect to receive news that he was dating Gu Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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