Chapter 136 Lottery quota
The first prize is a BMW series worth 200 million.

Second prize, cash reward of RMB 20.

The third prize is a cash reward of RMB 10, and so on.

There are thousands of employees under Langyue, so if you want to win the first prize, you still have to rely on a certain amount of luck.

All employees in the company can only win the lottery once based on their work number, without exception.

Gu Yuan said casually: "What's so good about this car? I'll take you to pick it out tomorrow."

Pointing at the turntable with her slender fingers, Chi Yu stared nervously at the phone screen: "It's different. What you get in this lottery is of a different nature than what you gave away."

After a few turns, the turntable stopped at the third prize position.

Gu Yuan put his hand on the pillow and looked at the reward page that popped up: "You're lucky, there seem to be only ten third prizes."

Chi Yu looked at the lottery ticket that popped up and was quite satisfied: "The third prize is pretty good, 10 yuan is not a lot."

"How about I give you that opportunity?" Gu Yuan gently rubbed his ankle, reached out to take the ten thousand flower oil from the side and massaged her, "Don't run around these days, look at you My legs are starting to get a little swollen.”

After spraining her foot in the garage a few days ago, Chi Yu rarely goes out these days.

Most of them were sitting in the company's lounge reading scripts. These days, Gu Yuan would give her a massage whenever he had time when he came back.

Gu Yuan didn't ask how his foot was injured. He had already watched the video of the underground garage.

When he came back that night, he was full of heartache. He did feel a little jealous after seeing the video, but he also knew that Chi Yu had no such thoughts towards Yan Jun.

As he rubbed her legs, Chi Yu replied that it didn't hurt, and then asked: "Employees in the company have to enter their employee numbers to get the chance to win the lottery. Do you, the president, have a public number?"

Gu Yuan thought for a while, "I'll get one."

After saying that, he sent a message to Lin Hetao: [What is your job number? 】

【? 】

[Send me, my wife wants to draw a lottery. I don’t have an employee ID, so I can’t participate in the company event. 】

Lin Hetao on the other end of the phone? ? ?

Chi Yu wanted to draw a lottery, but Gu Yuan was thinking about his brother?
【then what do I do?As an employee of the company, I have the right to exercise my right to draw prizes. 】

Gu Yuan replied: [Starting next month, your monthly salary will increase by 20%. 】

Lin Hetao: [OKOK!My job number: 000367, login password:]

After getting the job number, Gu Yuan asked Chi Yu to take the job.

In the new account lottery, her luck was no better than before. Chi Yu only got a sixth prize, a classic thermos cup set.

"I'm so unlucky. I should have known I would let you draw." Chi Yu was a little disappointed. When the turntable was spinning just now, it almost stopped at the first prize position, just a little bit short.

Gu Yuan was still busy massaging and didn't say much, but he already had a plan in mind.

Seeing that the condition of his leg had not subsided, he couldn't help but ask: "Does your leg hurt? If it hurts, why don't you rest for a week and then join the set later."

After the Lantern Festival, Chi Yu plans to fly directly to the beauty crew.

The filming studio has been prepared in advance, and they are just waiting for the actors to go over and conduct a opening ceremony.

Chi Yu plans to go there in advance to adapt to the situation there. This is her first time filming in City C. The filming schedule is not short, it will take at least three months.

Upon hearing Gu Yuan's suggestion to delay joining the crew, Chi Yu refused without thinking:!No, if I go later, don’t they have to wait for me?Is it fair to say that the whole crew is waiting for me? "

Gu Yuan disagreed: "I invested in the crew, and the losses will be on me."

"Beauty" is a movie invested by Langyue Entertainment and directed by Xu Muyang.However, this book was not given by Chi Yu from Langyue Entertainment. She got it from the audition in person with the director.

She didn't know it was a project of Langyue Entertainment at the time, and she didn't find out until after signing the contract.

Chi Yu was speechless: "Even if it's Lang Yue's project, I feel bad if I lose money to Lang Yue. I want to go there anyway."

Seeing Chi Yu's insistence, Gu Yuan surrendered, "Then you go over there and find a masseur to give you a massage. I'm afraid it will take half a month for your leg to heal. I don't want you to go there because I'm worried about your leg injury. .”

Chi Yu was also a little worried when she saw her legs. She originally thought that it would be gone in a week at most, but in the past few days, her legs had not healed but had become even more swollen.

Thinking about it, it might be because she didn't lie down these days. She felt uncomfortable at home. When her legs hurt, she went to the company to read the script.

Think about it, it's your own fault.

Seeing that she didn't get the car she wanted in these two draws, Chi Yu simply quit the company system and went to check the status.

On the way, Gu Yuan kept massaging him until she fell asleep unconsciously. Then he gently covered her with the quilt, then got on the bed and hugged Chi Yu in a kiss.

The movements were very gentle, for fear of waking Chi Yu.

When they woke up the next day, they simply packed up and went to the Gu family mansion together.

On normal days, they don't have to worry about it, but today is the Lantern Festival, so they have to look back at home anyway.

The two planned to go to Gu's house in the morning and meet Ye Xianghua later, with both parents visiting.

As soon as she drove into Gu's house, Chi Yu saw two very familiar figures in the distance.

Chi Yu was not surprised to see Ye Zhenzhen and Gu Qi at Gu's house. What was surprising was that the two people came in holding hands.

It looks like they are indeed a couple.

Chi Yu stared at the two of them in surprise. Although she had seen relevant news on the Internet, she still felt weird when she actually saw the two holding hands.

Gu Yuan was also surprised, but his expression didn't change much, he just frowned slightly.

He only felt that it was inappropriate for Gu Qi and Ye Zhenzhen to be together, but he was just a bystander and didn't say much.

He didn't like Ye Zhenzhen, and Gu Qi had no friendship with him, so he didn't need to be so concerned about their affairs.

Looking down and seeing that Chi Yu couldn't come to her senses for a long time, Gu Yuan smiled: "Stop being stunned and get out of the car quickly."

The car was parked in the Gu family compound, next to Gu Qi's car.

Chi Yu looked at him with a blank look on her face, puzzled: "Aren't you surprised? People who are so incomparable are actually together."

Chi Yu couldn't figure out how these two people got together?

Why didn't she see that there was something interesting between the two of them before?
Hearing the sound of the car door closing, Gu Qi and Ye Zhenzhen looked over.

Seeing the two of them, Gu Qi and Chi Yu frowned almost subconsciously, with displeasure written in their eyes.

But it was only fleeting, and Gu Qi took the initiative to say hello.

"Brother, younger brothers and sisters, you came here so early."

"Aren't you early too?" Gu Yuan looked at the gift in his hand, "But you are too out of the ordinary to go home now."

"Meeting outside?" Gu Qi smiled sarcastically: "When did I come back without bringing anything?"

Gu Qi has never regarded the Gu family's old house as his own home. After returning from abroad, he would come over with gifts every time he came to the Gu family's old house. They were all relatives visiting.

Hearing the implication, Gu Yuan's eyes turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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