Chapter 140
On the third day after the Lantern Festival, Chi Yu took an early morning flight with Fang Zishu and the others to City C.

After getting off the plane, they took a taxi to a small county town.

But this small county town is not their destination.

They were going to a village in this county.

Just after getting off the taxi, Fang Zishu stepped on the ground and almost slipped.

She reached out and held the car door to steady it.

"What kind of crappy place is this? How many months has it been and it's still snowing so heavily?"

What caught Fang Zishu's eyes was the heavy snow covering the ground.

Snowflakes are falling overhead, and you can see the foggy sky when you look up.

Their shooting location this time was very far north. Looking at the map, you can reach the neighboring country by crossing a river.

After the beginning of spring in Beijing, the weather gradually warmed up, with occasional light snowfall, but now the sky where they belonged was covered with heavy snow and it was bitingly cold.

There were traces of shoveling on the pavement underfoot, but the newly falling snow quickly covered it in small patches.

Several people dragged their luggage out of the car, and the strong wind made them shiver.

"What place did the director choose? Hiss, it's colder than Beijing."

The four of them had checked the local weather before setting off and had wrapped themselves into rice dumplings in advance.

The cold wind blowing against their faces shattered their previous expectations.

Chi Yu shuddered and rubbed her hands: "The director said there is a station nearby with a bus that goes into the village. Let's go there quickly."

The crew had just moved in and the transportation in and out had not yet been coordinated.

If they come in advance, they can only find a bus to get in.

The village is thirty kilometers away from the county seat, and people can only go to the station shown on the map.

As soon as they entered the station, several people saw the bus entering the station from a distance.

The bus bus is green and looks like a city bus, but the body is a bit old and it can be seen that it has some age.

The vehicle entered the station, and guests got off the vehicle one after another. They were all farmers in simple clothes.

They were wrapped in three layers of coats, hats on their heads, and scarves to wrap their entire bodies in warmth, leaving only their cold and red faces exposed.

Fang Zishu took the initiative and asked an old man who had just got off the bus in the morning: "Uncle, is this the bus that Shakeng Village takes?"

The uncle was stopped. He first looked up and down Fang Zishu's clothes. He saw that they were from outside, so he said enthusiastically: "Yes, these two cars are ninety."

Mandarin is a little different, but Fang Zishu still heard it, "Thank you, uncle."

The uncle waved his hand: "No thank you, are you coming to our village to film?"

"Master, how do you know?"

"A lot of people have come to the village recently. You are all dressed the same, and you all look so handsome, just like that little girl."

The uncle raised his head and signaled to Chi Yu.

Chi Yusheng is good-looking, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that.

Fang Zishu knew that the uncle should be talking about the other actors in the crew. They were all actors. How could they be bad-looking?

Fang Zishu thanked the uncle and took Chi Yu and three others to the bus.

As soon as I got in the car, I was hit by a strong smell of gasoline. The smell in the car was very strong, and I could also smell the smoke of the driver in the front seat.

Fang Zishu looked at it for a week and pointed to the seat at the back: "Let's sit at the back."

Their luggage was put in the trunk of the bus, and the four of them filled the back row.

But the car didn't start, and the driver was waiting for the guests to get on.

Within a few minutes of sitting on the bus, villagers began to get on the bus one after another.

Most of the villagers were carrying a sack, and it was unclear what was inside.

But an aunt sitting not far from them was holding a sack in her hand.

After several people stared curiously, they saw a chicken inside the head.After the driver stuck his head out, he raised his head and shouted twice.

The sound is harsh.

But the driver had become accustomed to it. The hand holding the cigarette shook out the window, and he lowered his head and continued to look at his mobile phone.

The aunt seemed to realize that her voice affected the others and slapped the chicken directly. She was also cursing. She was speaking in the local dialect, which several people could not understand.

The chicken was afraid of being beaten and stopped crowing.

Chi Yu leaned out of the window and happened to see another bus coming in from outside, and the bus stopped next to them.

In that car, a young man poked his head out from the rearmost position.

The moment the vehicle stopped, the young man's eyes lit up and he stared at Chi Yu in shock until an old man with white hair next to him slapped him on the head.

Chi Yu didn't know what she said, but she probably reminded the boy to get out of the car.

Chi Yu smiled at him and said silently: "Bye."

The young man was stunned, not expecting Chi Yu to talk to him.

He nodded shyly to Chi Yu and followed the old man out of the car.

After waiting for more than 20 minutes, the bus was filled with more than ten people.

At this time, a woman carrying a cross-body bag walked up. The woman was fatter and shorter, and her black hair was raised high by him and tied into a ponytail.

She has a lot of hair, but it is slightly curly, naturally curly.

After getting on the bus, the woman said a few words to the driver. The driver wiped away the half-smoked cigarette in his hand and responded impatiently.

The smell of smoke lingering in the car disappeared, replaced by the roaring sound of the engine and the strong smell of gasoline.

The car exhaust sprayed out, the vehicle started and slowly retreated.

Chi Yu untied the car window and tried not to let the snow falling outside blow into the car.

The howling north wind outside hit the car windows, causing them to shake and rumble.

In the closed carriage, warmth gradually rose.

Fang Zishu took out his cell phone and replied to the message. Xiaoya rested her head on Xiao Fei and seemed to be whispering in a low voice.

Chi Yu leaned against the window and looked at the snowy scene flying by outside.

Didi, the sound of a message, she looked down and saw the message Gu Yuan had sent him.

[This time I will be away for three months. You have to take good care of yourself. I will make time to find you at the beginning of next month. 】

The corners of Chi Yu's eyes and eyebrows curved.

[Okay, I'll rest first, I'm a little tired. 】

After sending the message, she took a picture of the snowy scene outside and sent it to share with Gu Yuan.

White snow covers the fields, the rivers are covered with thick ice, and a few black crows are occasionally seen on the white treetops.

Such scenes are rare to see in Beijing.

After sharing the pictures, Chi Yu planned to take a rest.

He looked up and saw the woman's smiling eyes staring at him.

"Are the four of you together? Where are you!"

Chi Yu saw the QR code in her hand and immediately guessed her identity after thinking about her attitude when talking to the driver.

"The four of us are going to Sandpit Village together."

"Four people, 60."

Chi Yu swept the money over, expecting the woman to leave, but she didn't expect the woman to talk to her while resting her head on the pillow on the seat in front of her.

"You are from a big city, you are so dressed in fashion."

(End of this chapter)

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