Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 148 Is this a divine dog?

Chapter 148 Is this a divine dog?

"It seems that Oreo should have found this thing based on its smell. Does that mean it can also find the thief based on its smell?" Xu Meng suddenly understood.

Lin Chen showed disdain and said: "How can this stupid dog be so smart?"

Hearing Oreo being called a silly dog ​​by her, Chi Yu glanced at him, led Oreo towards the hotel, and said, "Oreo, let's go back. Anyway, it's not me who lost the thing."

Oreo seemed to understand, and he followed him obediently. Seeing that the man and the dog were about to leave, Lin Chen became anxious: "Don't leave, do me a favor. If the thief can be found, I won't let the boss pay." .”

Seeing how anxious he was, Chi Yu thought of Hu Yi and couldn't help but sneered: "It's only four to five million yuan if this thing is lost. You don't still feel sorry for this little money, do you?"

For these celebrities, the salary for one movie can exceed one million.

Four and a half million is not a small amount for them, but it is definitely not something that will lead to death if it is less.

Lin Chen said: "That watch is very important to me."

Chi Yu remembered that he had just said that the watch was a gift.

"Very important?"

Lin Chen was a little decadent: "Yes, Hu Yi gave it to me as a second anniversary gift. She would be angry if she knew she had lost it."

Hearing what she said, Chi Yu suddenly became interested: "Didn't you and Hu Yi break up? Why are you still keeping the things she gave you?"

Lin Chen looked surprised. He probably didn't expect Hu Yi to break up their previous relationship with Chi Yu so quickly.

He was a little decadent and whispered: "She and I are quarreling, and we haven't completely broken up yet."

Chi Yu remembered Hu Yi saying that they were completely separated.But she didn't ask at this time, she just led Oreo in the direction just now.

Oreo understood what Chi Yu meant and started sniffing along the streets and alleys.

Seeing Chi Yu's intention to continue, Lin Chen happily followed behind.

The dog was searching in front of him, so Chi Yu asked Lin Chen, "Are you planning to reconcile?"

What it refers to is self-evident.

Lin Chen nodded helplessly: "I want to, but she doesn't want to."

Remembering that little girl Hu Yi was still shedding tears two days ago, Chi Yu reminded: "It may not be that she doesn't want to, but you still have to learn how to coax girls."

"Am I not good to her?"

Chi Yu was silent and thought for a while. Hu Yi and Lin Chen didn't have much interaction on the set.

When it comes to being nice to her girlfriend, Chi Yu only thinks of one person.

Gu Yuan, he is truly kind to himself.

Thinking like this, she nodded and said to Lin Chen, "Not good enough."

Lin Chen sighed and seemed to agree with Chi Yu's statement.

Oreo looked for the smell and took them to a house in the village alley.

The windows are covered with tiles and the walls are made of blue bricks.

There is a pomegranate tree planted outside the door. Under the tree is a faucet, and various messy daily necessities are piled next to it.

As she got closer, Chi Yu could smell the smell that came from the scale nearby.

The dog stopped at the door of this house, squatted down suddenly, and looked back at Chi Yu.

"That's it?" Lin Chen was a little skeptical and didn't believe in Oreo's ability.

"Knock on the door and take a look." Chi Yu signaled.

Lin Chen was a little hesitant, hesitation and fear flashed in the corners of his eyes.

Chi Yu said again: "Didn't you say that watch is very important to you?"

Lin Chen took a deep breath and actually walked to the door of that house in a few steps and knocked on the door.

The paint on the door had peeled off, exposing the rotten wood.

"Is anyone here?"

Lin Chen shouted inside, but received no response for a long time.

"Don't open the door." Lin Chen complained.

"Then wait." Chi Yu stood and looked around, finding the well sitting on the cover of the well.

Didi didi! !Lin Chen's phone rang. It was the hotel owner calling.

"Mr. Lin, the police are here. Where are you now?"

Feeling dizzy while walking, Lin Chen could only describe the situation around where he was.

The hotel owner was a local. After hearing what he said, he suddenly asked: "Is there a pomegranate tree in front of the house you mentioned?"

"Yes." Lin Chen stared at the tree next to him and nodded.

Not long after the hotel owner called, he came with two policemen.

The hotel owner was also brought with him. Upon arrival, he identified this family.

"This is Wang Ergou's house. His hands and feet were not clean before. He must have stolen it."

The hotel owner pointed to the door and said.

"Then let's go to the door and ask about the situation first."

Two policemen knocked on the door, but there was still no movement.

"There's no one inside," Xu Meng said.

Just when everyone thought so, Oreo, who was squatting on the ground, suddenly rushed out.

Chi Yu pulled the traction rope and was pulled hard by it, almost staggering and falling.

"Where are you going?"

Chi Yu shouted and was dragged away by Oreo.

But the dog was too strong, and before he could run two steps, Oreo broke away from the leash and ran toward the back of the house.

Several people quickly chased after him.

I ran to the backyard and saw a figure running in the snow in the distance.

He was in a panic and looked back from time to time.

When the hotel owner saw the figure, he shouted: "That's Wang Ergou, he's the pickpocket."

The puppy has changed his clothes and is completely different from the figure that haunts the hotel.

Oreo chased after him, walking as fast as the wind. Looking from a distance, he saw the small shadow rushing towards Wang Ergou.

Dog barks and screams were heard in the distance.

Chi Yu hurried over and the police stepped forward to stop him. Chi Yu pulled the traction rope and pulled Oreo away.

Lin Ergou was arrested, and the watch was unexpectedly found on him. At the same time, he also discovered that the bag he was holding contained Lin Chen's clothes.

When the police took it out, Chi Yu saw the purple and gold Rolex.

As soon as he got the watch, Lin Chen felt like he had found a treasure and carefully checked whether there were any scratches on the watch.

"How about it? Who said this was a silly dog's before?" Xu Meng curled his lips and patted Oreo's head proudly.

Lin Chen smiled awkwardly and apologized: "Yes, yes, first of all, I was blind to Mount Tai, so I didn't realize that this was a magical dog."

He held the watch in his hand, pleased with himself, and didn't care at all about the clothes on the table.

Seeing that he was about to walk out with his watch, Chi Yu reminded: "If you don't take these clothes back, it's so cold. You don't need to change them?"

"I don't want those clothes anymore. I'll go buy some random ones nearby."

The clothes were stolen by the thief, and Lin Chen felt that they were dirty.

Chi Yu reminded: "This is in the village!"

"I borrowed two pieces from the actors in the same crew and asked my assistant to deliver them to me in two days."

The news that Lin Chen had been stolen quickly disappeared. Several actors from the crew who were relatively close came to ask about the situation, but Lin Chen dismissed them with a few words.

Mainly because these people like to ask him what was stolen.

He can't say that his ex-girlfriend's watch was stolen.

If they knew that he still kept his ex-girlfriend's things, it would be a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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