Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 157 My wife has a sudden heart attack

Chapter 157 My wife has a sudden heart attack
The old lady wanted to refuse, but Chi Yu said: "It's hard for you too, and I still want you to do me one more favor. You have to wait here. I'll call my friend and ask him to come here to get it."

The apples in the basket weighed more than 60 kilograms. It would definitely be impossible for her to carry them back to the set alone.

Of course I let Fei Lai do this kind of physical work.

The old lady agreed, and Chi Yu called A Fei and gave him her address.

Chi Yu asked the old lady to wait and planned to go to the hospital first.

But she had just taken two steps when she heard someone shouting.

"Sister Ma, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me."

Hearing the sound, Chi Yu turned around and saw a 50- to [-]-year-old woman looking at the old lady who fell to the ground in panic.

The old lady was still holding a basket full of apples in her hand.

Seeing this, Chi Yu ran back quickly and asked what was going on.

The lady on the side shook her head and said, "I don't know, she collapsed suddenly."

As Chi Yu came closer, the old lady's hand suddenly grabbed her trouser leg and held it tightly.

The old lady was shaking, her face was ashen, her skinny cheeks were taut, and she looked at Chi Yu asking for help.

She had planned to save the person, but seeing that the person was about to die, Chi Yu panicked.

Don't fail to save people and end up being wrongly accused and killed.

She panicked and took out her mobile phone to call the ambulance. At this time, someone had gathered around her and someone reminded her.

"This old lady is having a heart attack. Please give him CPR quickly. His condition won't allow the ambulance to arrive."

Chi Yu explained the situation and address neatly.

But when the nurse on the other end of the phone heard the address, she said anxiously: "But the road into Sand Keng Village is blocked by heavy snow, and the ambulance may not be able to get in."

Only then did Chi Yu remember the report she had seen in the hospital a few days ago. The road was closed and cars outside could not enter the village.

Chi Yu suddenly became anxious: "What should we do? Now is the time when people's lives are at stake."

The nurse reminded at this time: "Isn't there a small health center near Shakeng Village? Take the patient there first and check the situation. If the road is open, we will send a car there as soon as possible."

This is the only way at the moment.

Putting his cell phone in his pocket, he quickly called the villagers to call for help at a nearby health center.

Then he squatted down without saying a word, his mind kept spinning, remembering the rescue drill during the military training in college.

But at that time, the person he was rescuing was a rescuer who didn't even have a face. But from this angle, it was not an exaggeration to say that the old man and his wife were mummies.

In order to save people, Chi Yu did not hesitate at all and clumsily used unskilled rescue methods to give the old man a glimmer of life.

The people watching the excitement gathered around and watched anxiously.

"What happened? Isn't this too serious? It's not going to kill anyone. The girl is also very powerful. How dare you save such a person?"

"When you say this, it reminds me that Lao Zhang from the next village died a few years ago. A young man helped him out at that time. Later I heard that he was compensated 10 yuan."

"So we can't rescue this person randomly. There was no one around just now. I'm afraid this girl won't be able to explain it by then."

"Stop making sarcastic remarks. Saving people is more important. It would be such a shame if such a good person died like this."

The people nearby could not help but be afraid when they saw the old lady lying on the ground, twitching all over and foaming at the mouth. They were all of this age, and they couldn't help but think of themselves when they saw this life die.

Chi Yu could only think about saving people at the moment. She didn't know how long it had passed, but Chi Yu felt that her hands were about to break from fatigue.

But she didn't dare to stop the movements in her hands, still trying desperately to give the old lady hope of life.

Not long after, nurses and doctors from the nearby health center rushed over.

After seeing the situation, the two doctors held a stretcher in their hands and assisted the two nurses on the side to move the old lady up.The old lady was taken to a local health center.

After seeing the situation, the doctor looked at Chi Yu with a serious face and said, "This old lady's condition is very serious. Our local health center does not have the conditions to perform an operation on her. We still have to go to the county town."

Seeing this news, Chi Yu fell silent.

The road is closed. When it can be unsealed depends on the local situation.

She felt sour in her heart.

After walking out of the infirmary, she sat in the corridor and took out her mobile phone to call Gu Yuan.

The call was answered immediately. She endured the discomfort and asked Gu Yuan what he was doing.

When the voice came out, she didn't even notice the uneasiness in her words.

Gu Yuan realized it, and his heart was shaken nervously: "What happened to you over there?"

For the first time, he realized that Chi Yu would be so sad, as if the depression accumulated in his heart exploded at that moment.

Chi Yu didn't expect that she would reveal her emotions as soon as she opened her mouth. Mainly because of the old lady's matter, coupled with the scandal on the Internet, her inner defenses collapsed after hearing Gu Yuan's voice.

She told Gu Yuan what happened, and Gu Yuan suddenly fell silent.

Knowing that there was nothing Gu Yuan could do over the phone, Chi Yu comforted him and said, "It's okay, it depends on God's will. Since fate is like this, there is nothing we can do. After all, the road is blocked, right?"

Whether the old lady can undergo surgery or not is not something she and Gu Yuan can decide.

"Just wait, I'll find a way for you."

"What are you going to do?"

Gu Yuan didn't say anything, just reassured her and hung up the phone.

Three hours later, several large machines set off from City C and rushed to Shakeng Village.

More than twenty excavators appeared on the road at the same time. The scene stunned the drivers on the side. It was the first time for them to see so many excavators dispatched together.

More than 20 excavators discharged a [-]-meter-long discharge with great momentum.

After three or four hours, more than 20 excavators finally arrived at the entrance of Wushan Village.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and Chi Yu was standing outside the ward. The doctor was still using medicine to help the old lady stay alive.

When the excavator arrived at the blocked road, a construction team was seen shoveling snow.

However, this construction team only has three excavators, but the avalanche section is almost 10 kilometers.

For such a big project, three or four excavators are too slow.

Seeing twenty excavators arriving at the scene, the people in the construction team who were busy were all confused.

Especially the captain of the construction team. He didn't remember that his superiors sent someone here. He called his superiors to report the situation, but what he got was that he didn't know what was going on.

When the members of the construction team saw the excavator drivers getting out of the car, the captain of the construction team took the initiative to step forward.

"We were sent here to clean up the snow paths together. How is the situation here?" someone asked.

The captain was stunned for a moment, "Who are you here for?"

The superiors clearly said that no other vehicles would be sent, but suddenly there were twenty more excavators.

You know, if you hire so many excavators at once, it may cost more than 20 yuan a day.

Seeing that the people in the construction team still didn't understand the situation, someone explained: "We are from several construction teams. We were not invited by your superiors, but by another lover who asked us to come over."

(End of this chapter)

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