Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 164 Lin Hetao comes running

Chapter 164 Lin Hetao comes running

It was as if he really believed Lin Yingyuan like a fool who was easy to deceive.

From the beginning to this point, Li Muyang shouted "Ka".

Then he shouted in the direction of the staff with satisfaction: "This is a good shot, but the photographer and lighting should be careful and try not to get too close when taking the picture."

Li Muyang reminded several photographers and lighting engineers to adjust quickly.

However, there was no reshoot. Li Muyang took advantage of the break to watch the clip over and over again and discussed it with the directors on the side with satisfaction.

He was talking to the assistant director as if he had found a treasure.

"Not to mention that this part was shot really well, just by looking at the micro-expressions, I could detect the sarcasm and playfulness in the heroine's eyes."

The assistant director agreed: "Yes, that's good. It's just that the lighting aspect suffered a bit, but it will be fine in post-production."

You can use photoshop to change the lighting later, but reshooting may not have the same effect, so Li Muyang would rather spend more time doing post-production.

Watching from the sidelines, Gu Yuan could also notice the two actors' affirmation of Chi Yu, and he felt a hint of pride in his heart.

This is his wife, the one who got the certificate.

Fang Zishu was also very proud. She had heard countless directors praise Chi Yu on the set, but when she thought that Chi Yu was her best friend, she felt proud.

Seeing Chi Yu sit next to Gu Yuan after taking the photo, Fang Zishu stopped moving forward. She looked at the thermos cup in her hand that was empty, and also noticed a text message that popped up on the bright screen of her phone.

[Zishu, do you have time?I asked for leave to come to your set. I'm in the lounge. 】

Lin Hetao wanted to come to the set with Gu Yuan yesterday, but Gu Yuan asked him to stay in the company.

But after tossing and turning all night, he asked for leave and hurriedly took the earliest flight here.

Fang Zishu didn't reply to his message for three or four days. He always felt uneasy. The relationship between the two was not confirmed. He was afraid that Fang Zishu didn't like him.

He was worried on the way and did not tell Fang Zishu in advance. He only sent a message to Fang Zishu when he arrived.

The moment he saw the message, Fang Zishu was filled with surprise, his eyes brightened, and he ran towards the lounge without thinking too much.

When he arrived at the lounge, Fang Zishu saw Lin Hetao standing there. He looked a little lonely and decadent.

His originally tall stature now shrank, as if he had become much shorter.

In the cold winter, he was only wearing a slim-fitting suit, and he was shivering a little from the cold.

Fang Zishu couldn't help laughing when he saw what a fool he was.

It seems that he didn't check the local weather and came in a hurry, so he didn't even bring a thick coat.

Fang Zishu couldn't imagine how he managed to get here.

He saw Fang Zishu from a distance, and Lin Hetao ran over in a hurry.

As soon as she got closer to Fang Zishu, she noticed that her lips were purple and her face was a little pale.

Fang Zishu couldn't bear it and called his friends aside to ask him to get a spare coat from his place.

"Fang Zishu, I've been waiting here for a long time, and you finally remembered to come see me."

Fang Zishu glanced at her: "Why did you come here without saying hello to me in advance? Remember, Mr. Gu didn't come here alone yesterday? Why did you follow me here?"

She was busy watching Chi Yu's acting on the set just now, and she couldn't get away when she received the news at the last minute.

Besides, Chi Yu and Xiao Gu were still there, so it was even harder for her to sneak away.

"I came to see you for something. Mr. Gu doesn't know. I came here on leave. I've been waiting here for a long time. What did you do?"

Fang Zishu nodded: "I was filming on the set with Chi Yu just now."

"How come you are together, aren't you an agent? You have to be there even when filming." Lin Hetao looked a little surprised. "Why not together?"

"Don't I want you to accompany me?" Lin Hetao's face felt lonely, "She should be with Mr. Gu now, what are you doing here to join in the fun?"

Fang Zishu was a little surprised when she remembered that her free and unrestrained face had a look of loneliness on her face at this moment.

She looked nothing like how she looked when he first met her.

"I'm not just an agent, I'm Chi Yu's best friend who grew up together. It's so cold today. Isn't it normal for me to follow her around when she's filming?"

Afraid that Chi Yu would get cold due to filming, Fang Zishu's test assistant Xiaoya has been doing her job these days and has been staying by the crew.

As soon as Chi Yu finished filming, she came forward to bring hot water and warm the baby. She was meticulous and considerate.

"Then why didn't you call me for a few days?"

The two have not contacted each other for three or four days.

Fang Zishu looked surprised: "I still need to take the initiative for this kind of thing, and what is my relationship with you now?"

Lin Hetao hasn't confessed to her yet, and their current relationship is unclear.

Seeing the absurdity on Fang Zishu's face, Lin Hetao was a little at a loss. He was very nervous and had been holding something back for a long time and didn't know whether to say it or not.

Seeing that he hesitated to speak, Fang Zishu was impatient with him.

"What on earth do you want to say? If you don't want to say it, then I'll get busy first."

She raised her feet and was about to leave, but Lin Hetao stopped her in front of her.

"My grandma is a good person. It's a pity that my grandma's family was so blind that they let her marry a fool."

Hearing this, Fang Zishu also showed a puzzled look: "Fool? But why are you telling me this?"

This is obviously off topic.

Lin Hetao nodded: "The fool is my grandfather. No one knows this secret, but my uncle also became a fool at the age of 30."

Seeing that he wanted to continue talking, Chi Yu interrupted him: "So, what do you mean?"

Lin Hetao shut up and asked, "Then when can you talk in another place?"

Fang Zishu also realized that there were many people around him.

Everyone in the lounge looked in their direction, some curious, some appraising, some scrutinizing, some disdainful.

They were discussing quietly.

Fang Zishu could guess what they were talking about just by looking at their mouth patterns.

Unless they are discussing Lin Hetao's identity, or doubting their relationship.

Although Lin Hetao is not as outstanding as Gu Yuan, he is still a shining treasure among the crowd.

Fang Zishu looked back at him. He had beautiful eyes and clear eyebrows, and a long body. The close-fitting suit on his body really looked like that.

Even if they don't know each other, according to Fang Zishu's taste, he will look back twice when he sees this kind of stuff on the street.

I don't understand why I can't say anything here, but Fang Zishu is also willing to respect Lin Hetao.

"Okay, you make an appointment, then I'll go and get busy first?" Fang Zishu shook the empty thermos cup in his hand, "Chi Yu is filming a scene, and I need to drink hot water later, so I have to go get it."

When we met just now, Fang Zishu was busy with other things. Lin Hetao was naturally a little disappointed, but he still agreed: "Okay, then I will make an appointment with you later."

Seeing that he seemed to have been greatly wronged, Fang Zishu smiled and said, "Okay, I really have something to be busy with."

(End of this chapter)

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