Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 181 The old lady’s unique reward

Chapter 181 The old lady’s unique reward
The old lady didn't know how to play at first, so she insisted. Then he got the old lady to play a few games with him, and she gave in every time.

Seeing the old lady standing up suddenly from the bed, Chi Yu quickly helped her sit down, fearing that his wound would burst.

"Don't move. If your wound opens, it will cost you more."

As soon as she heard that she needed to spend money, the old lady became honest.

The nurse came in with water at this time and took the initiative to say hello to Chi Yu and Gu Yuan.

"Girl, your grandma's condition is fine these days. As long as I'm here, don't worry, I won't let her be wronged."

The nurse obviously mistook the old lady for Chi Yu's grandmother.

He carefully explained the grandmother’s food, clothing, housing, transportation and condition in the past few days.

The caregiver is a woman in her 40s with curly hair on top of her head and rough skin on her face. Under her cotton-padded jacket is a black sweater with pilling.

But the woman's eyes were soft, and her simplicity made her kind.

The caregiver was introduced by a nurse at the hospital. The information showed that she had three children, all of whom were attending college in different places.

After hearing what she said about the old lady's condition, Chi Yu thanked her.

The nurse was a little flattered and quickly said that this was what she should do.

It was a bit embarrassing, so the nurse didn't stay in the ward any longer and found an excuse to go out.

There were only four people left in the room. Seeing that the old lady didn't want to play chess with him, Old Liu simply played chess with one person as two parties and started playing chess by himself.

The old lady looked at Gu Yuan, smiled and asked, "This is your husband. He looks much better than on TV."

When his name was called, Gu Yuan said politely: "Yes, she is my wife."

"Okay, both babies are handsome." The old lady sighed as she looked at their faces.

Gu Yuan was not an actor and rarely appeared in public. When the old lady said that she had seen him on TV, Chi Yu was confused: "Have you seen him on TV?"

The wife nodded and turned to look at Old Liu: "I saw it on his small TV."

Chi Yu noticed that Lao Liu had put down the tablet on the bedside table. The small TV the old lady was talking about must be the tablet.

Chi Yu sneered: "Haha, little TV, have you seen me on the little TV?"

The old lady shook her head: "Old Liu is quite stingy. He didn't let me touch him and only showed me photos of this handsome guy. However, there are very few photos of him and the photos he took are not good-looking."

It would be normal if he found information about Gu Yuan on the Internet.

Gu Yuan does not record any variety shows or TV shows, but just because of his identity, he is often photographed when attending events there.

Old Liu was playing chess, and after hearing the old lady mention his name several times, he suddenly thought of something and raised his head: "Young handsome boy, can you play chess?"

"I know a little bit, but I don't do it often."

"It's okay, it's okay, let's learn from each other." Old Liu was a little proud and smiled happily.

Gu Yuan couldn't resist the kindness, so he could only sit down and play chess with her.

Chi Yu sat beside the hospital bed with the old lady and talked about her and Gu Yuan.

The old lady seemed to be very interested in this topic and talked endlessly.

Afraid that her mouth would be dry, Chi Yu was afraid that her words would hurt her lungs, so she followed that excuse and went out to fetch water.

Fetching water requires walking down a long corridor and passing dozens of wards.

The journey was short, so Chi Yu didn't make any excuses and held a kettle in her hand.

Halfway through, a doctor stopped her: "Are you here to see the old lady?"

Chi Yu paused and nodded blankly.The doctor smiled and gave her a thumbs up: "Haha, that's good. Good people and good things."

Seeing the doctor turning around and entering the ward for rounds, Chi Yu kept searching for information about the doctor in her mind.

But she was sure that there was no such person among the doctors who performed the surgery and those who assisted in the surgery.

And it was only the second time she came to the hospital today, and what did the doctor mean when he gave her a thumbs up?Are you talking about good people and good deeds?

Her second-in-law couldn't find his head, so he came to the tea room to get water with his head full of doubts.

As soon as I entered, I saw that the tea room was full of people.

There is a sticker on the wall next to it: "Water pipe repair in the hospital, time period is from 10 am to 16 pm."

Water pipes are being repaired. There is only one water tank in the pantry, and everyone is queuing up to receive water.

There is only one faucet on the water tank, and the water is discharged very slowly.

The water bottles held by the people in front of Tiejian were all large, and it would take at least 10 minutes to fill them up. Seeing that the queue was still long, Chi Yu simply picked up her phone to check the status.

She turned the volume down and looked down at her phone.

Suddenly I came across a video, and just as I was about to swipe it, I saw a familiar face in the video.

Isn't this the old lady in the video who was still rescued by him in the ward?

Chi Yu was stunned, unable to believe that the person on the screen was the old lady she had rescued.

The old lady was lying on the hospital bed, her face pale, and she pretended to smile when facing the camera.

The reporter on the side held an interview microphone and asked the old lady: "For local reporting, we came to the Third Hospital of County A today. The person we want to interview this time is our old lady Wang. The old lady's real name is Wang Chunzhen."

"We are here today because the old lady wants to thank someone. Our old lady Wang fell to the ground due to a heart attack a few days ago and almost died. Fortunately, a kind-hearted girl took him to the hospital."

"And he paid a high operating fee for her and hired a nurse to keep him in the hospital."

After the introduction, the reporter handed the microphone to the old lady and asked, "Does our old lady Wang have anything to say to that girl?"

Looking at the video, the old lady must have just been transferred from the ICU to the general ward a few days ago. Her face turned a little pale and her breathing was not smooth.

But she insisted on talking into the microphone: "The girl who saved me was a very beautiful and kind-hearted girl. I only met her once. She paid nearly 50 yuan for my surgery, so I must let her go." Everyone knows the good things she does.”

"I'm alive because of her, and I'm really grateful to her."

After the old lady said that, she started to cough because of her emotion.

The reporter on the side suddenly became nervous and quickly called the nurse over.

The doctor came in to check on the situation and told the old lady not to be emotional these days.

At this point in the picture, the reporter did not let the old lady speak, but took the initiative to cut a video introduction.

"The kind person left our old lady after paying the medical bills and hiring a nurse. She didn't know where she was, let alone her name, so we extracted the information about the person's appearance from the hospital's surveillance system. If someone with good intentions sees the picture, they can provide information."

After watching the video, Chi Yuqi's scalp felt numb.

It was nothing else, but a fan actually saw from that surveillance video that the person was her.

There are already comments from fans under the video.

[This is Chi Yu in the video. I am his loyal fan and there is absolutely no way I can admit my mistake. 】

[Yes, I checked Chi Yu’s itinerary and found that she has been on the crew recently, and that crew is located in City C. Doesn’t this all match up? 】

[Sister, you are doing good deeds without leaving your name. 】

(End of this chapter)

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